
Afterglow of the West Wind: Yongli and His Path to Exile

author:Southern Weekly

The closer Kunming gets, the stronger the shadow of death.

When the towering mountain peaks and rushing rivers gradually turn into flat basins and clear lakes, the city of Kunming is near. In the heavily guarded ranks, the critically guarded criminal, perhaps, he will look back on his unbearable life.

It's all coming to an end. More than ten years of exile and frustration, more than ten years of humiliation and pain, and more than ten years of struggle and ups and downs are all just a lonely back that drags the old elder under the remnants of the west wind......


In Kunming in April, the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers. A small street that runs diagonally, lined with jacarandas one after another, purple flowers floating all over the branches, is so hot that people are caught off guard. My destination is an avenue that intersects with the diagonal street. Turn a corner, and the jacaranda disappears. On the side of the avenue where cars come and go, there is a small bamboo forest. In the bamboo forest, there is a pavilion hidden. At that moment, I suddenly remembered that more than 350 years ago, when the exile who was 38 years old but had spent 18 years in the drift returned to Kunming, which he was familiar with, it was also spring. Presumably, just like Li Yu lamented when the spring flowers and autumn moon were, the spring of thousands of purples and reds also brought him endless troubles and sorrows.

Afterglow of the West Wind: Yongli and His Path to Exile

April Kunming jacaranda visual china picture

Walking through the bamboo forest, I walked to the pavilion, which was guarded by a stele with a big book on the stele: Emperor Yongli of the Ming Dynasty was martyred.

Yes, the one who was the same as Li Yu was the king of the dead country was the last Han emperor in Chinese history: Yongli.

In 1644, Li Zicheng marched into Beijing, and Chongzhen hanged himself. In the south, the Zhu Ming clan, with the support of local officials, successively established five partial security regimes collectively known as the Southern Ming Dynasty - Hongguang, Longwu, Lu Jianguo, Shaowu and Yongli. Among them, the Yongli regime lasted the longest. As the core figure of the Yongli regime, Yongli's life is full of twists and turns, and it is full of sadness.

1662 was the first year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, and it had been 18 years since the Qing army entered the customs. In the first month, Yongli, who fled to Myanmar, was handed over to Wu Sangui, who was pressing step by step, by the Burmese side. Three months later, Yongli was escorted to Kunming. For the people of Kunming, although this important town in the west was included in the territory of the Qing Dynasty three years ago, the remnants of the Yongli Dynasty, which represents the Ming Dynasty, are still alive, and the remnants have a little hope and comfort. And when Yongli returned as a captive, they finally understood: Da Ming is really dead. In the crowd of thousands of onlookers, the people "couldn't help but cry".

Kunming and Beijing are a long way away, and Wu Sangui is worried that if Yongli is sent to Beijing, something is likely to happen. So, he proposed to the Qing court that Yongli and his son be corrected on the spot - this former high-ranking general of the Ming Dynasty believed that the more vicious he was to the old master, the more the new master appreciated his loyalty.

More than 300 years is enough to change the streets and alleys of the city, but it can't change the flowers that will bloom when spring comes. Therefore, that bloody day must also be a day when flowers bloom. Now located in the center of the city of Yongli martyrdom, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, it is located on the outskirts of the city, named Casthill. Nearby, there is a Golden Toad Temple. Yongli and his small entourage, including his mother, the empress, the crown prince, and "fourteen palace maids, seven lieutenant officials, and more than a hundred ministers and women," were detained in the temple.

In April, Beijing issued a decree approving Wu Sangui's request.

In the beautiful season of the dark incense floating city, outside the city of Kunming, Wu Sangui ordered to strangle the Yongli father and son to death with two long silk silks (a bowstring).

Today, the Temple of Jin Chan has long since disappeared, replaced by a wide avenue and countless buildings, and the name of Caste Slope, since the death of Yongli father and son, the folk changed the name to Forced Death Slope - here, Wu Sangui forced to death the last son of the Ming Dynasty whom he had sworn eternal allegiance to.

About two kilometers northwest from the Berry Slope is the Lotus Pond Park. There is a sculpture in the garden: a man dressed in Ming Dynasty costume falls to the ground, as if struggling. The sculpture is called "The Tragedy of Eternal History". It reproduces the past when Yongli was killed by Wu Sangui.

Afterglow of the West Wind: Yongli and His Path to Exile

The "Eternal Tragedy" sculpture in Kunming Lotus Pond Park Photo by Nie Zuoping

After Yongli's death, the body was transported to Lotus Pond Park for cremation and hastily buried. Later, Wu Sangui rebelled, played the banner of opposing the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty, in order to win the hearts of the people, once rebuilt the tomb and the hall for Yongli, and sacrificed to the "Mausoleum of the Old King".

Today's Kunming, there is no Yongli tomb. According to historical sources, his body was cremated and thrown into the Green Lake, and the unburned remains were thrown into the wilderness. Some Kunming citizens put on mourning clothes, carried bamboo baskets, collected bones and buried them outside the north gate. It's a long time ago, and where it is at the north gate has long been impossible to examine.

A few months before I visited Death Slope and Lotus Pond Park, in the middle of winter, I spent the night in Duyun when I was traveling from Chengdu to Sanya. Early the next morning, I came to Daping Town, outside Duyun City. At the end of the town, the mountains are undulating. Following a path, I slowly climbed a large mountain called Gaotang Mountain. The mountains are overgrown with weeds and desolate. Towards the top of the hill, there is a slightly flat terrace. On the terrace, three tombs are lined up. The one in the middle is larger, and the left and right sides are smaller. In front of the tomb stands a stele: the tomb of Emperor Yongli of the Ming Dynasty.

Yongli was killed by Wu Sangui in Kunming, why did his mausoleum appear in the mountainous area of Guizhou, thousands of miles away? It is widely said that this was the work of a Duyun man named Fugang.

Fugang, the word Yunchang, Buyi nationality. After Chongzhen became a scholar in the seventh year (1634), he was promoted all the way and became a scholar of the Ministry of War, a scholar of the Ministry of Rites and a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion. After the change of Jiashen, Fugang went south to follow Yongli. Yongli fled to Myanmar and returned to his hometown. After learning that Yongli was killed, Fugang contacted the old department and transported Yongli's remains back to his hometown and buried them in Gaotang Mountain. It is said that he once instructed his family not to spread the word. Therefore, for many years, the Yongli Mausoleum is little known, until the 10th year of the Republic of China, when Guizhou compiles the provincial chronicles, the places of interest and historic sites are checked, and the Yongli Mausoleum surfaces.

"Duyun City Chronicle" said that in front of the Yongli Mausoleum, there was a stone tablet for the 10th year of the Republic of China, which was destroyed in the "Cultural Revolution". Fortunately, the inscription is recorded in the chronicles. The opening text of the inscription explains why for three hundred years, people have been nostalgic for this prosperous king: "The king is Emperor Zhu Ming, born as the meeting of Yang Jiu, Zuoyun has moved, and the ministers are still relying on the southwest to return to the heart of heaven. Therefore, the Ming Dynasty has been exhausted for three hundred years, and the border is thousands of miles, and it is not accidental that it is still worshipped. ”

In the area of Daping Town, the peaks are like arrays, and Gaotang Mountain is majestic. Standing on the peak, the cold wind is cold, and the small snowflakes are fluttering one after another. The withered grass in front of the Yongli Mausoleum, facing the wind and snow, looked like a homeless orphan, shivering......


Yongli's name is Zhu Youlang, and he is the third son of Zhu Changying, the king of Gui (one said the fourth son). Zhu Changying is the son of Wanli, the younger brother of Taichang, and the uncle of Tianqi and Chongzhen. In the third year of the Apocalypse (1623), Zhu Youlang was born in Beijing. Four years later, Zhu Changying's domain of Hengzhou (now Hengyang), Zhu Youlang also came to the south with his father. In the ninth year of Chongzhen (1636), he was crowned King Yongming.

If he was born fifty years early, as the twelfth grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang and the grandson of Shenzong, Zhu Youlang would have been divided into territories because of the noble bloodline of the nobles of Tianhuang, enjoying endless glory and wealth, and living a life of spending days and wine. However, he was unfortunately born in an era of great turmoil when the high bank was the valley and the deep valley was the tomb. Everyone who is born at the right time is a piece of duckweed that cannot be autonomous, and I don't know where to be swept away by the current of fate. His cousin Chongzhen is like this, Hongguang is like this, and so is he himself.

In the year when Zhu Youlang was crowned King of Yongming, the popular uprising that originated in Shaanxi had developed from a spark to a trend of burning the plains; Manchuria, which looked at Manchuria outside the Guan, changed the name of the country from Houjin to Qing in the same year, and entered the Great Wall from Xifengkou to Baoding, breaking 12 cities in a row and capturing 180,000 people and animals. In order to cope with the poor finances, the following year, the imperial court increased the salary. The purpose of the extortion was to prepare money and food to suppress the popular uprising. However, the increase in the distribution of salaries has caused more desperate people to join the ranks of the people's rebellion, forming an unsolvable knot. Five years later, when Zhu Youlang was married, Li Zicheng captured Luoyang and killed King Fu, Zhu Youlang and Chongzhen's uncle, and Zhang Xianzhong attacked Xiangyang and killed Xiangwang, Zhu Youlang and Chongzhen's uncle and grandfather. In the same year, Chongzhen poured the strength of the country into handing over the 130,000 troops to Hong Chengchou, and his superintendent assisted Jinzhou, which was surrounded by the Qing army, in an attempt to resolve the crisis in the northeast. Hong Chengchou was defeated and retreated to Songshan alone. The following year, he was captured and surrendered to Qing. ——Many years later, it was Hong Chengchou, who was regarded by Chongzhen as a minister of the humerus, who became the main promoter of the Qing army's pacification of the south.

In 1644, Li Zicheng forced Beijing, and Chongzhen committed suicide in despair. Later, Wu Sangui led the Qing army into the customs, Li Zicheng failed, and Manchuria entered the Central Plains. As for the south, when the Hongguang regime was established in Nanjing, Zhang Xianzhong marched into Hunan, and in August, fell to Changsha. When Zhu Changying heard the news, he fled with his family - 22-year-old Zhu Youlang started a long escape in his short life.

After leaving Hengzhou, Zhu Youlang was separated from his father. His father successfully arrived in Wuzhou, but Zhu Youlang became a prisoner of the peasant army. Out of hatred for the government and the royal family, the peasant army often punished the emperor with capital punishment after capturing his relatives - such as Zhu Changxun, the king of Fu, who was ordered by Li Zicheng to cook and eat with venison, called the Fulu (deer) feast. Fortunately, the person who escorted Zhu Youlang did the Ming Dynasty inspection and had to join the peasant army. Under his mediation and cover, Zhu Youlang turned the corner.

It's safe to say that initially, the fugitive vassal king didn't think about one day adding the yellow robe. At that time, for him, having a safe place to live and continuing to live without food and clothing was probably the most urgent dream. However, the development of the situation was unexpected: the Hongguang regime, which had half of the country and a complete bureaucratic system, only lasted for a short year before it collapsed amid the infighting of officials and the debauchery of the emperor.

After the fall of the Hongguang regime, Zhu Yujian, the king of the Tang Dynasty, proclaimed himself emperor in Fuzhou and established the name Longwu. Soon, Zhu Changying died, and Zhu Youlang's elder brother, Gui Throne, died a few days later. As a result, Longwu canonized Zhu Youlang as the third King of Gui. In the canonization edict, Longwu said that Zhu Youlang was "the grandson of Shenzong, and the lineage is the most upright." I have no children, and then I belong to you".

In terms of bloodline, Zhu Youlang is the grandson of Wanli (Shenzong), while Longwu has a very poor relationship with Wanli. Therefore, Longwu promised that after his death, the throne would be inherited by Zhu Youlang - this was about the first time that Zhu Youlang discovered that he was only one step away from the Ninety-Five Honor. And, this step is quickly crossed.

In 1646, after Longwu was captured by the Qing army and committed suicide, Ding Kuichu, the governor of Liangguang, Qu Shiyun, the governor of Guangxi, Wang Huacheng, the governor of Guangxi, and Lu Daqi, the secretary of the military department of the Longwu Dynasty and the scholar of Dongge University, hurried to the Guiwang Mansion in Wuzhou. Their purpose is to welcome Zhu Youlang. Regarding the crown that fell from the sky, Zhu Youlang excused himself - this excuse, generally speaking, is required for etiquette. However, his mother Wang's words expressed her concern about this wealth and wealth, she said: "Wang grew up in a deep palace, did not understand civil affairs, and was benevolent, not to stir up chaos, Mr. Zhu is a sect and society, and he is willing to choose the able." In Wang's view, her son, who was in his twenties, was born in the deep palace, grew up in the hands of women, had a benevolent personality, and did not understand the sinister society at all. At this time of great chaos in the world, what is needed is a strong male lord who can set things right. Her son really doesn't have this quality.

Wang's dissuasion did not work. Under the support of Ding Kuichu and others, Zhu Youlang went to Zhaoqing from Wuzhou to claim the emperor, and changed the Yuan Yongli, which is called Yongli or Yongli Emperor in the history books.

The partial regime, or the regime in exile, had no choice when it came to establishing its capital. Yongli originally lived in Wuzhou, and since he ascended the throne, it seems that Wuzhou should be the capital. But Wuzhou was his own sad place – his father and brother had died here, and it was not as strategic or economically secure as neighbouring Zhaoqing. Therefore, the capital of the Yongli regime was chosen in Zhaoqing.

Zhaoqing is located in the lower reaches of the Xijiang River, is the throat of the two Guangzhou, the Ming Dynasty set up Zhaoqing Wei, Zhaoqing guerrilla general's mansion and the naval division general military office and many other military institutions here. In the forty-third year of Jiajing (1564), the Liangguang Governor's Mansion was moved from Wuzhou to Zhaoqing. The status of the hub makes "the transportation of business and the entertainment of relatives and friends all take Zhaoqing as the central point". Zhaoqing then became the political, military and economic center of the Liangguang region in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

Afterglow of the West Wind: Yongli and His Path to Exile

Zhaoqing Xijiang Antelope Gorge Visual China Map

Just when Zhu Youlang arrived in Zhaoqing to prepare for the enthronement, Longwu's younger brother Zhu Yuyi took the lead in claiming the title of emperor in Guangzhou, that is, Shaowu. As a result, Nanming, who only owns a corner of the southern sky, has two emperors and a prison state. The first major event after the establishment of the Yongli regime was not to go north to resist the Qing Dynasty, but to go east to fight against Shaowu.

The Yongli army went down the Xijiang River, and the Shaowu army traced the Xijiang River, and the two sides met head-on at the Sanshui boundary where the Xijiang River and the Beijiang River meet: in the first game, the Yongli army won a small victory, and in the second game, the Yongli army was defeated.

When the two Zhu Ming regimes fought in the same room, they forgot about the more powerful Qing army. Sure enough, the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the yellow finch is behind, just when the Shaowu regime is rejoicing in defeating the Yongli regime, the Qing army under the leadership of the general Li Chengdong broke through Huizhou and Chaozhou, and approached Guangzhou. In December 1646, the Qing army opened the city gate and captured Guangzhou, and Zhu Yuyi was captured and hanged himself. Only forty-one days remained of the Shaowu regime.

The news of the collapse of the Shaowu regime reached Zhaoqing, and Yongli was shocked. His first thought was not to resist, but to run away. Although Qu Shiyun persuaded him to stay, the eunuch Wang Kun and the first assistant Ding Kuichu and others were "afraid", and Yongli "sailed westward" and fled from Zhaoqing to Wuzhou. After that, the Qing army continued to advance, and Yongli was shocked overnight, successively in Wugang, Liuzhou, Guilin and other places - in the future, he will return to Zhaoqing.

Wugang, located at the eastern foot of Xuefeng Mountain, is a strategic place for Guangxi and Guizhou to enter Hunan and then advance into the Yangtze River Basin. In the Ming Dynasty, Wugang was both a government and a state, and it was also the fief of Zhu Yuanzhang's eighteenth son, Zhu Yang, King Min.

In April 1647, Yongli fled to Wugang despite Qu Shiyun's opposition and used the Minwang Mansion as his palace. At that time, the town guarding Wugang was the chief soldier Liu Chengyin ("Wugang County Chronicles" as Liu Chengying), this person had a domineering personality, and made an iron rod when he went into battle, known as Liu Tieba. Liu Chengyin wrote to welcome him, not to sincerely support the royal family, but to try to blackmail the Son of Heaven to abuse power.

Yongli reigned for more than ten years, and the biggest tragedy was that he did not directly control a soldier, a soldier, a city, and a pool, and had to stoop to rely on the warlord. As for whether these warlords really support them or have ulterior motives, he can't afford to care. Sure enough, in Wugang, he fell into the hands of Liu Chengyin, and "all political affairs are decided by Chengyin". Liu Chengyin even wanted to abolish Yongli and set up his son-in-law King Min. He Tengjiao, a university scholar, was Liu Chengyin's boss and had the grace of cultivating him, and when he went to Wugang to see Yongli, he criticized Liu Chengyin, and Liu actually arranged his subordinates to plot to kill him. In August, when the Qing army attacked Wugang, Liu Chengyin secretly made an appointment to surrender and promised to take Yongli as a meeting gift. Fortunately, Yongli heard the news in advance and fled from Wugang in a hurry, and even the emperor's chariot guard of honor did not have time to clean up.

After leaving Wugang, Yongli went into exile in Liuzhou. Later, Qu Shiyun, who had been stationed in Guilin, insisted that he move to Guilin.

Guilin, which is famous for its mountains and rivers in the world, has been an important town in eastern Guizhou since ancient times, and it is the capital of Guangxi Province and the seat of Jingjiang Palace. Since Zhu Yuanzhang named his nephew Zhu Shouqian as the king of Jingjiang, to the last king of Jingjiang, Zhu Hengxi, the throne has been passed down to thirteen generations and sixteen kings. After the fall of the Hongguang regime, Zhu Hengjia, the king of Jingjiang, proclaimed himself a prisoner in Guilin, and was immediately captured by Ding Kuichu, who was loyal to the Longwu regime, and was hanged after being deposed as a concubine, and Zhu Hengjia's subordinate brother Zhu Hengshu was able to attack the seal. After Zhu Hengjia was tragically destroyed, his son Zhu Ruoji escaped by luck and cut his hair to become a monk, he was the great painter Shi Tao, who was later widely known.

At the end of 1647, Yongli came to Guilin and took the Jingjiang Palace as his palace – in today's Guilin, the Jingjiang Palace became part of the campus of Guangxi Normal University. It's just that the buildings of that year have long been gone, only the palace base, cloud steps and stone railings are still old things of the Ming Dynasty.

Afterglow of the West Wind: Yongli and His Path to Exile

Guilin Jingjiang Wangfu Altar Visual China Figure

The scenic Duxiu Peak is in the Yongli Palace. There is a natural cave at the foot of Duxiu Peak, the seventh Jingjiang King Zhu Bangjiao picked up a Taiping Tongbao copper coin in the cave, thought that it was an auspicious omen of the world's peace, and then named the cave Taiping Rock. However, for the new owners of Duxiu Peak and Taiping Rock, it was an era of great turmoil, and Taiping was a castle in the air that could neither be hoped for nor reached.

After being stationed in Guilin for less than three months, Yongli fled again - the Qing army Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, and Geng Zhongming marched in three directions, defeated He Tengjiao, and then approached Guilin from Quanzhou. Qu Shiyun believed that the number of Qing troops was not large, and the transfer should be postponed, so that "one can save the people of the city, and the other can save the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty." However, Yongli was as panicked as a lost dog, and even said to Qu Shiyun angrily: You must leave me behind, and then you will take care of the queen mother of the two palaces in the future.

Soon after fleeing to Nanning, Yongli returned to Zhaoqing, where he ascended the throne.

Yongli returned to Zhaoqing, and out of a series of dramatic events, it turned into a climax of the Southern Ming Dynasty's resistance to the Qing Dynasty: in 1648, Li Chengdong and Jin Shenghuan, who had descended to the Qing Dynasty, returned to the Ming Dynasty anyway. One of them owns Guangdong, and the other owns most of Jiangxi. Li and Jin's anyway, so that the jurisdiction of the Yongli regime roughly includes the seven provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Sichuan - this year should be the most promising year for Yongli.

However, the good times were short-lived, and hope was short-lived. In 1649, the Qing army fought back violently. Hunan was lost, He Tengjiao died, Nanchang was lost, Jin Shenghuan died, Ganzhou was lost, Li Chengdong died. The two Guangxi gateways were opened, and the Qing army crossed the Meiling Mountains and entered Lingnan. When Yongli heard the news, he was shocked again. Throughout his life, he was shocked countless times. After that, it was an embarrassed escape - he traced the river from Zhaoqing to Wuzhou, and then from Wuzhou to Nanning.

At the end of the year, the Qing army laid siege to Guilin. The desperate Qu Shiyun and Zhang Tongchang chose to sacrifice their lives for righteousness. They sat in the lobby and drank each other, and "sang in harmony and mourned through sorrow" until they were captured and killed the next day by the Qing army who swarmed in. The generosity of Qu and Zhang can be regarded as retaining a little bit of dignity for the small imperial court.


In the south in July, the sun is blazing. Under the scorching sun, I walked through a silent alley, near a newly demolished ruins, and found the castle tower that I had seen in the photo. In the deep doorway of the city tower, a few locals are enjoying the cool and napping. On the door, hang two plaques, one is the China Southern Ming History Research Center, and the other is the Anlong County Museum. The antique-looking castle towers, as well as several large halls with carved beams and painted buildings in the "city", were only built in recent years. However, the locals still refer to it as the Royal Palace.

Yes, in Anlong, a small remote county located at the junction of Guizhou, Yunnan and Guizhou, there was indeed a palace, a simple and shabby palace. The owner of the palace is Yongli. He lived in this land of projectiles for four years. It was four years of humiliation and helplessness that he felt. As the titular emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he has effectively become a puppet in the hands of the warlords.

Afterglow of the West Wind: Yongli and His Path to Exile

Anlong Nanming Historical Exhibition Hall Photo by Nie Zuoping

At the end of 1651, Nanning was lost, and Yongli, who had fled to Anping in Wuzhou, made a difficult decision in embattled: to go to Guizhou and take refuge with Sun Kewang.

Sun Kewang is the first of Zhang Xianzhong's four righteous sons. After Zhang's death, the rest of the army was led by Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo, Liu Wenxiu and Ai Nengqi. The peasant army originally had a bitter enmity with the Ming Dynasty, but when faced with an attack from a common enemy, the Qing army, they formed an alliance.

Like Liu Chengyin, Sun Kewang, whose strength is far above Liu Chengyin, his idea is to take Yongli with self-respect, or even replace him. At the beginning of the cooperation between the two sides, a shadow was cast: Sun Kewang asked Yongli to make him the king of Qin, and the scholar Yan Qiheng resolutely opposed it. Therefore, Sun Kewang sent He Jiuyi to lead his troops to Nanning, on the one hand, to force Yongli to be the king of Qin, and on the other hand, to kill Yan Qiheng and Yang Dinghe, the secretary of the military department. It can be said that Yongli knew that defecting to Sun Ke was expected to be more auspicious, but the Qing army was approaching, and he was cowardly by nature, so he only asked someone to give him safety temporarily.

Guichao is a small town under the jurisdiction of Funing County at the junction of Yunnan and Guangxi, which is connected with the mountains and rivers of Guangxi. After Yongli fled from Nanning, he came to the Gui Dynasty through present-day Daxin, Jingxi, and Debao - at that time, the name of the Gui Dynasty was the Conversion Dynasty. In this small village in the mountains, Yongli and his few followers spent the Spring Festival of 1652.

It is customary for ministers to congratulate the emperor on the occasion of the New Year. However, the exiled Yongli monarchs and ministers may have been difficult to have this Yaxing - the Spring Festival of the previous year, in Nanning, Yongli said that the country is in difficulty, "exempt from hundreds of officials to congratulate".

A year later, in the Spring Festival of 1653, Yongli accepted the ministers' congratulations. However, the Yongli of the time may think from the bottom of his heart that the Spring Festival in the Conversion Dynasty a year ago is worth remembering. Because, although the future is precarious, at least he is free, and at this time, not only is the day precarious, but he has also lost his freedom - he has become a dragon in a cage.

After departing from the Conversion Dynasty, Yongli arrived in Anlong, Guizhou in the first month of 1652. Anlong in the Ming Dynasty was a residence of 1,000 households, with no more than 100 residents, which was less than the population of a community today. The palace of Yongli is located in the yamen of a thousand households. In February, Anlong was upgraded to Anlong House. - The prefect is held by Fan Yingxu, a close confidant of Sun Kewang, and his main duty is to monitor the Yongli monarch and ministers. An Long is a cage, and Sun Kewang hopes to imprison Yongli in a cage and coerce the Son of Heaven to respect himself.

At that time, Sun Kewang opened the capital of Guiyang, proclaimed himself the lord of Qin, and established a set of government teams. As for Yongli, "the king has entered Guizhou since he entered Guizhou, and there is no land and one people", and there are more than 50 ministers under him, plus a few soldiers, retinues and family members, less than 3,000 people.

Without the land and people under direct management, there would be no revenue, and Yongli had to look up to his grandchildren so that he would not starve to death. Sun Kewang provided Yongli with 8,000 taels of silver and 600 stones of rice every year. This is a drop in the bucket for the Yongli Imperial Court, which has nearly 3,000 people. Yongli told Sun Kewang that it was "not enough", and Sun Kewang's reaction was "no answer".

As for the major military and political affairs, they were all decided by Sun Kewang in Guiyang in the name of Yongli. Life and death and seizure, arbitrary. The emperor is in Anlong, and he doesn't hear about it."

What's more, Sun Kewang, who was infinitely inflated, was encouraged by a group of courtiers to come up with the idea of abolishing Yongli to stand on his own, and even the powerful minister Ma Jixiang and the eunuch Pang Tianshou around Yongli also saw the wind and steered, and Sun Kewang secretly communicated with each other and actively persuaded him to advance.

If Sun Kewang is called the emperor, Yongli will not only be unable to protect the throne, but also worry about his life. He can't sit still. However, he had neither troops nor territory, and the only thing he could do was to join another warlord - he only hoped that the other warlord would respect and support him as emperor.

As a result, Yongli thought of Li Dingguo.

In the county seat of Anlong, from the Anlong Museum, which is known as the imperial palace, about a mile to the northwest, between the houses on the street, there is a historic site hidden deeply: the tomb of Mr. Ming 18.

Entering the gate, behind the archway of "Eternal Eternal", among the pines and cypresses, is an oval tomb, that is, the tomb of Mr. Eighteen. Eighteen unfortunate victims have been buried here for nearly 400 years.

Afterglow of the West Wind: Yongli and His Path to Exile

The archway in front of the tomb of Mr. An Long 18 Photo by Nie Zuoping

Faced with the looming threat and persecution from Sun Kewang, Yongli hoped that Li Dingguo would send troops to pick him up from Anlong. After secret discussions with the scholar Wu Zhenyu and others, Yongli sent Lin Qingyang to sneak into Li Dingguo's army with a secret edict, which was fighting the Qing army on the front lines in Guangdong and Hunan.

After receiving the secret edict of blood and tears in Yongli, Li Dingguo was so moved that he knocked his head and cried, and said that even though he and Sun Kewang have been brothers for many years, "I would rather lose my friends than live up to the king." He begged Yongli to be patient, and once he dealt with the front-line battle, he would definitely rush to Anlong.

Unexpectedly, the plot was not secret, and the secret of Sun Tou Li was learned by Ma Jixiang, and Ma Jixiang immediately flew to report to Sun Kewang. Sun Kewang was furious and sent his confidant Zheng Guo to lead troops to break into the palace, forced the person who was the first person in Yongli, and imprisoned Wu Zhenyu and others. In order to avoid the disaster of Yongli, Wu Zhenyu and others insisted that the matter did not come to light, but that they made their own decisions. As a result, Wu Zhenyu and other 18 people were executed by Sun Kewang on the charge of "stealing treasures and overpowering the emperor and misleading the country". This is Mr. Eighteen who has broken his soul.

Among Zhang Xianzhong's four righteous sons, Sun Kewang is the oldest and the strongest, Li Dingguo, Liu Wenxiu, and Ai Nengqi have always been brothers, equivalent to the alliance leader of the four forces. However, Sun Kewang has always been jealous of Li Dingguo, whose prestige and talent are above him. After learning the news that Yongli secretly ordered Li Dingguo to go to Anlong to rescue the driver, he sent troops to guard Tianyang and prevent Li Dingguo from entering Guizhou. However, Sun Kewang's subordinates were unwilling to fight Li Dingguo, and Bai Wenxuan, who was ordered by Sun Kewang to move Yongli from Anlong to Guiyang, deliberately delayed, and Li Dingguo finally arrived in Anlong in the first month of 1656. On the 26th of that month, Yongli left the "cage" where he had been detained for more than four years.

For Yongli, An Long was the most bumpy part of his bumpy life. There, he not only witnessed Sun Kewang's subordinates execute Mr. Eighteen, but also witnessed Sun Kewang's subordinates stripping the skin and grass of the minister Li Ruyue. And, also in Anlong, he sadly buried his three sons.

Outside Anlong City, surrounded by mountains, undulating and undulating, like green waves. Among them, the northwest direction is Yuping Mountain. At the foot of Yuping Mountain, there was once an ancient tomb commonly known as the king's tomb. In 1943, three tombstones were excavated during the renovation of the tomb. According to the inscription, the tomb buried the three sons of Yongli. Three sons, one year and a half, one year old, one year old and three months. In short, they are all young children who can't leave their mother's arms yet. Although the infant mortality rate in the old days was quite high due to the limited conditions, the indirect death of three sons in a few months was still a merciless blow to Yongli in exile. It even shook the will of the desperate son of heaven: does God really want to let the Ming Dynasty, which has enjoyed the country for nearly three hundred years, go to a dead end?


In Yingjiang County, in southwestern Yunnan, there is a township called Tongbiguan and a nature reserve of the same name. On the west bank of the Daying River, the mountains are continuous, the ancient trees are towering to the sky, and the names of the townships and the names of the protected areas all originate from an old pass hidden in the mountains: Tongbi Pass. During the Wanli period, when Chen Yongbin, the governor of Yunnan, ordered the construction of eight major passes on the Sino-Burmese border, including the Tongbi Pass, he absolutely could not imagine that it would only take more than 50 years for the great emperor to come to this extreme place.

The Yongli monarchs, who had to go to the vassal country to avoid the chaos, were sacked twice near Tongbi Pass. and all of them who plundered him were his servants. One is Yang Wu. Yang Wu was Sun Kewang's general, and was previously sent by Sun to Tengyue to collect tribute from the Tusi. On the twenty-fourth day of the first month of the leap month in 1659, he passed through Nandian (now Lianghe) and arrived at Ganya (now Yingjiang), and stationed in Vientiane City (now Yingjiang Lane Zhang Town). In the evening, Yang Wu led his troops to mutiny.

The next day, Yongli crossed the Daying River. That night, I stayed in front of the Tongbi Pass. No, Sun Chongya, who was escorting, led his troops to mutiny. The incident happened suddenly, Yongli didn't even wear shoes and socks, and escaped barefoot. Fortunately, the reinforcements arrived in time, and they hurried to Tongbi Pass in the middle of the night. Of the few ministers who followed Yongli, some were killed, and some were exiled in the mountains.

After arriving at the Sino-Burmese border on the 26th, the Burmese side demanded that the Yongli people "must be released to the best of their ability to enter the customs." Yongli gave an order, and the soldiers threw their weapons and armor to the side of the road one after another, and entered the foreign country with their bare hands. Since then, Yongli, the son of hardship, has not only relied on people to send people under the fence, but more importantly, the decision of his life and death has also been handed over to others.

Yongli left Kunming in 1658 to embark on the road to the West Hunt - in fact, it was the end of his life with the Southern Ming Dynasty. In March 1656, Yongli arrived in Kunming under the escort of Li Dingguo's generals, and took the Qin palace built by Sun Kewang as the line - this palace built for him by Sun Kewang Wang Yinglong, which was spacious and magnificent, and was the most luxurious and most like the palace of Yongli's life. The more than two years in Kunming are also the few stable years in which Yongli has been the son of Nanming for more than ten years. Yongli named Li Dingguo as the king of Jin, and the major military affairs were handed over to Li Dingguo for decision.

What is sighing is that Li Dingguo executed Pang Tianshou, who sold himself to Sun Kewang, but turned a blind eye to Ma Jixiang - Ma Jixiang won Li Dingguo's trust because of his clever tongue kneeling and licking, and he re-entered the cabinet to do business. Later facts proved that the reuse of Ma Jixiang was one of the important reasons why Nanming embarked on the road of no return.

Li Dingguo took Yongli away, and Sun Kewang was annoyed and angry. In 1657, Sun Kewang personally led a large army to attack Yunnan. What Sun Kewang didn't expect was that his army of 200,000 was defeated by Li Dingguo's 30,000 or 40,000 people. Because, Sun Kewang's subordinates did not want to fight among themselves, and they defected one after another. The desperate Sun Kewang had no choice but to lead more than 100 people to surrender to Hong Chengchou, and the Qing court named Sun Kewang as the righteous king - compared to Sun Kewang's behavior, the righteous word is just like a mockery.

Sun Kewang attacked Yunnan and surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, which was a major loss against the Qing forces. After throwing himself into the arms of the Qing court, Sun Kewang told the southwest of the world and presented a map of Yunnan and Guizhou. The Qing court then took Hong Chengchou as the operator and led Wu Sangui and others to attack Yungui. ——Both Hong Chengchou and Wu Sangui were senior officials of the Ming Dynasty. Manchuria swept the world with tens of thousands of iron horsemen, and without the strong help of Hong Chengchou and Wu Sangui, it would have been difficult to succeed.

In 1658, it was a year of successive defeats for the anti-Qing front. In May, Guiyang fell, in June, Zunyi fell, in July, Li Laiheng attacked Chongqing Buke and retreated to Kuidong, Zheng Chenggong and Zhang Huangyan marched from the sea, encountered a typhoon, and were blocked in Zhoushan; in December, Qujing fell.

At this point, the fall of Kunming was also a matter of time, and the Yongli monarchs and ministers had to discuss the western hunt. Xijia planned to enter Sichuan from the Chuxiong area, and then from Jianchang (present-day Xichang) north to southern Sichuan, so as to create a new base.

The evacuation of Yongli made the people of Kunming realize that a great change of dynasty was about to happen, and the fear of being ruled by a foreign race and the nostalgia for the old dynasty made the people feel so sad that they burned incense and wept. When Yongli saw this, he also cried. For the first time, he showed rare bravery and said to the left and right, "It is my own sin, and it is better to die with the people." "If you can't stop it, the ministers will invite you again, and you can do it." ”

The plan from Yunnan to Sichuan was changed halfway, and the initiator of the change was Ma Jixiang. Ma Jixiang believes that if he enters Sichuan, Wen Anzhi, a bachelor who was in Sichuan earlier, will be reused, and he will sit on the cold bench. So, he colluded with Jin Weixin, a close confidant of Li Dingguo, a native of Yunnan, and did not want to enter Sichuan, to advocate to Li Dingguo, and after Li Dingguo swayed, he finally ordered to change to enter Sichuan to go to Yongchang (now Baoshan). As a result, Nanming also came to a desperate situation.

Since ancient times, there is little difference in the route from Kunming to western Yunnan, and most of them all follow Kunming - Anning - Chuxiong - Zhaozhou (now Fengyi) - Yongping to Yongchang.

Afterglow of the West Wind: Yongli and His Path to Exile

In the Spring Festival of 1659, Yongli was spent in the embarrassment of displacement. On the first day of the first lunar month, arrive at Yongping, a small city in western Yunnan, and stay here for a day. On the third day of the first month, Kunming fell, a large number of princes, nobles and high-ranking officials surrendered, but a few low-level officials such as the chief Liu Zhiqian were martyred. On the fourth day of the first month, he arrived in Yongchang and took the general Yamen as the palace.

Yongchang in the Ming Dynasty was extremely remote and barbaric, and it was a miasma of exile for sinners. For example, Yang Sheng'an in the Jiajing era, its place of exile was Yongchang. Yongchang is far away, Yang Sheng'an's wife Huang E has a poem as proof: Yan Fei once did not live in Hengyang, why did the brocade character send to Yongchang? Guangxu edition of "Yongchang Mansion Chronicles" said: "Yunnan Province is a place outside the ancient southwest, and Yongjun is especially the extreme western border. In the meantime, Huayi is miscellaneous, adjacent to the outer regions, and the mountains are deep and dense, and the roads are dangerous, all of which are not comparable to the counties in the abdomen. ”

Faced with a small lonely city in the mountains, and in the face of a desolate exotic landscape, since the Yongli Dynasty, most of the Southern Ming monarchs and ministers realized that abandoning Sichuan and going south to western Yunnan was a great and irreparable mistake. Some ministers cried and said, "Walking to Yongchang has lost the hope of China and foreign countries." Yongchang is already the westernmost part of the Ming Dynasty's territory, "if you don't do this, you will be ruined". Today, ZTE "actually has no organic clue", only "take the road to Shu, it is still complete". In this regard, Yongli could only bow his head and remain silent, and issued an edict for sin. The sin of falsely responding to the story has been edicted to no avail, and it can neither undo the decision-making mistakes nor stop the Qing army's iron cavalry.

Dali is an important town in western Yunnan, the Tang Dynasty's Nanzhao Kingdom, the Song Dynasty's Dali Kingdom, all built the capital on the small plain on the shore of the Erhai Lake. At the north and south ends of Erhai Lake, there is a pass respectively, echoing the head and tail of the dragon, so a dragon head pass, a dragon tail pass, that is, the folk say the upper pass, the lower pass.

Many years have passed, and the gate building of Longwei Pass is still there. Downstairs, there are old houses that have gone through vicissitudes, and old streets that have also gone through vicissitudes.

Dali is located in the traffic artery from central Yunnan into western Yunnan and northwest Yunnan, therefore, since the Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan period after the construction of Taihe City, the dragon head and dragon tail two passes were built. If the Yongli regime, which has been running wildly, wants to gain a foothold in Yongchang, it must hold Longwei Pass.

However, Bai Wenxuan, who was guarding Longwei Pass, was easily defeated by Wu Sangui, and even his royal seal was used as a trophy of the Qing army. Bai Wenxuan led the remnants to flee westward, and after crossing the Lancang River, he destroyed the chain bridge in an attempt to delay the pursuit of the Qing army.

The bad news of the loss of Longwei Pass came, and Yongli had to get up again. At this time, it was only more than forty days before he lived in Yongchang Palace.

Many ministers who were completely desperate for their future voted with their feet. There are those who escape into the mountains to live in seclusion, and there are those who flee back to their hometowns to avoid disasters - many years later, the Fugang that built a tomb for Yongli in Duyun is one of them.

In 1641, when Yongli and Wang were newly married to Yan'er, Xu Xiake died in Jiangyin. Because he died in time, he was spared the terrible chaos of hell. Originally, the last emperor was not related to the well-known literati. However, Tengyue (now Tengchong) at the foot of Gaoligong Mountain connected them. As far as I am concerned, when I go to Tengchong three times, I always think of these two late Ming Dynasty figures - in Xu Xiake's eyes, Tengyue, which is built of volcanic stones, is the first city on the extreme edge of the fortified city, and in Yongli's eyes, Tengyue is just a station for him to breathe and rest on the way to escape. The extraordinary scenery and the magnificent city could not alleviate his panic and frustration.

After the defeat at Longwei Pass, Bai Wenxuan fled to Mubang (present-day Xinwei, Burma). Li Dingguo sent his subordinate general Jin Tongwu to defend Yongli. At that time, there were more than 400 civil and military officials, more than 2,900 family members, and 4,000 soldiers of the Jin Tongwu Division.

To the east of Tengyue and to the west of the Nujiang River, the peaks of Gaoligong are continuous, traversing the east and west, and the terrain is very dangerous. Li Dingguo judged that the Qing army would be proud of its victory if it passed all the way through the pass. He set up three ambush troops in the Mopan Mountain west of the Nu River, "buried mines in the valley, and said: The enemy is all in, and the first ambush is the hair; Strike it head and tail, and the enemy will be wiped out. The ambush designed by Li Dingguo is fully expected to annihilate most of the Qing army that is chasing after him. If so, the fate of the Southern Ming Dynasty may be rewritten to a certain extent.

A Southern Ming official named Lu Guisheng did Judas at the critical moment when the Qing army's vanguard entered the ambush circle - reading through the history of the Southern Ming Dynasty, it was like a relay race that the officials rebelled and rebelled. On weekdays, officials of all sizes, big and small, who are loyal to the monarch and patriotic singers, always do not hesitate to abandon the country for the sake of their own future.

Wu Sangui was shocked, and urgently ordered the forward to retreat, and searched and killed the ambush soldiers in the forest. In the end, in the Mopan Mountain, there was a scuffle, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

On the front line of Gaoligong Mountain, there have been many wars since ancient times, especially the battle of Mopanshan by Li Dingguo and the battles of Songshan and Tengchong during the Anti-Japanese War were the most tragic. Standing in the mountains, the forest surface is like Dai, when the strong wind passes, all the mountains are sounding, like thousands of horses and thousands of troops shouting and killing......

Afterglow of the West Wind: Yongli and His Path to Exile

Gaoligong Mountain Canyon Mountain High Slope Steep Visual China Figure

Just one day before Li Dingguo's bloody battle on Mopan Mountain, two days after stationing in Tengyue, Yongli rushed to Nandian overnight under the illumination of a round of cold waning moon. Two days later, they arrived at the dry cliff.

Leaving Tengyue means that Yongli has stepped out of the last city under the direct jurisdiction of the Ming government. In the future, whether it is Nandian or Ganya, it belongs to the territory of Tusi. And, it's close to Myanmar.

At the end of the day, the aforementioned Yang Wu mutiny occurred. Yang Wu told Yongli that the Qing soldiers were coming, and Yongli "staggered". At the end of the lunar calendar, the stars and moon were dim, the forest was deep and the trees were dense, "lost in the big valley, the ministers and wives did not care about each other, the rebels plundered because of it, the fire and candles were in the sky, and the gallop was disturbed, Dadan was still in his hometown, and the nobles and palace maids had lost more than half."

In the past, it was the Qing army that was on the run, but now, the general, who was nominally a vassal, actually took advantage of the fire to rob. As the Son of Heaven, he has been reduced to the point that he can't even protect his own woman, and can only let his subordinates loot.

At this time, Yongli's idea was to flee to Burma for refuge, and to live in this vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, even if he was under the fence, it was better than humiliating exile.

Yongli almost fulfilled his humble wish.

Years of war and the poverty of the people in the remote area made it difficult for the Qing army to raise military rations - when they were in Tengyue, Yongli and his party also had to kill horses for food. So, after occupying Tengyue and Nandian, the Qing army withdrew to Kunming.

In the eyes of the Qing court, at this time, the Yongli monarchs and ministers either fled to foreign countries, or were trapped on the border, and the soldiers were outnumbered, so they really couldn't make any waves.

However, there is one person who must destroy the small court that has only symbolic significance, and must capture and kill Yongli, who has traveled thousands of miles away from the foreign domain.

This person is Wu Sangui.

As a general, Wu Sangui hopes to express his absolute loyalty to the new master by killing the old master.

As a result, Yongli's dream of surviving in a foreign country fell through. At the beginning, thousands of people entered Burma, causing unrest on the Burmese side, and the Burmese king sent troops to place the Nanming monarchs and their families in the villagers' homes to take care of them - before the placement, there was a looting. Many followers of Yongli died in the looting. As for Yongli himself, his palace is ten thatched houses. The necessary daily necessities were still provided by the Myanmar side at the beginning, but they became less and less available later. When he was most embarrassed, Ma Jixiang and others asked for internal money, and Yongli, who was extremely angry, threw the gold seal to the ground, and they broke it and distributed it.

When the mountains and rivers were exhausted, Ma Jixiang and other officials still sang and drank under the burning houses - or drank, or sang, or gambled, or mingled with Burmese women. All kinds of behaviors, the Burmese people shook their heads: The ministers of the Celestial Empire are so playful, and the world is safe and immortal?

After being separated from Yongli, Li Dingguo and Bai Wenxuan sent troops to Burma many times to rescue them. But in the eyes of the Burmese side, it is impossible for them to offend the powerful Qing Dynasty for the sake of Yongli. Although it was defeated by the Ming army many times, the Burmese side has always refused to return Yongli. When Wu Sangui's soldiers arrived, they immediately tricked Yongli into the Qing army camp.

As a result, Yongli once again passed through the places where he had left his footprints of escape: Ganya, Nandian, Tengyue, Yongchang, Zhaozhou, Chuxiong, Anning......

Afterglow of the West Wind: Yongli and His Path to Exile

Kunming forced Po Yongli to die at the martyrdom photo Nie Zuoping

Li Dingguo, who was already lingering on the sickbed, learned of Yongli's death, and he understood that the revival of the Ming Dynasty was already in the mirror, and soon died of illness in the reckless jungle of a foreign country. On his deathbed, he warned his son and his subordinates: It is better to die than to surrender to the Qing Dynasty. However, his son and his subordinates saw no hope of holding on to Huawai, and were short-tempered by the harshness of the rainforest, and soon surrendered to the Qing Dynasty.

Li Dingguo has a loyal and subordinate complex. He had a secretary named Jin Gongtoe under him, who often explained "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to Li Dingguo, and always compared Sun Kewang to Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao, and Li Dingguo to Zhuge Liang. Li Dingguo was greatly moved and said, "Kong Ming dare not look at it, and Guan, Zhang, and Boyo dare not be reluctant." "- I can't be Zhuge Liang, but I also have to encourage myself with the examples of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Jiang Wei. Later, Yongli named Li Dingguo as king - although he had been crowned king by his righteous brother Sun Kewang, Sun was undoubtedly the king of Shanzhai, and although Yongli was defeated, it represented an orthodox dynasty with a history of more than 200 years. Li Dingguo "swore to work hard to serve the country, wash away the name of the thief, never return, died in Burma, and was the palace of loyal ministers in the Ming Dynasty for three hundred years", that is to say, the last place on the list of loyal ministers in the three hundred years of the Ming Dynasty is this former rebel.

After Li Dingguo's son surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, more than 1,000 of his subordinates would rather be trapped in the border areas than surrender. They lived in the lower reaches of the Daying River on the border between present-day Dehong and Burma, and intermarried with the locals and multiplied into a tribe that called themselves the Gui family – in honor of King Gui. In this place, there is a high slope called Wangxiangtai, which is the place where these Ming relics from Middle Earth climb to the east and look at their hometown every festival. It's just that, as the last subjects of the Ming Dynasty, these sons of people who longed for their hometown could only die in a distant foreign land in the end.

• Main reference materials: "History of the Ming Dynasty", "Chronicle of Hunting and Burma", "Yilu", "Yongli Record", "Ming Ji Nanluo", "Xiaoshu Chronicle Supplementary Examination", "Ming Tongjian", "History of the Southern Ming Dynasty" (Gu Cheng), "History of the Southern Ming Dynasty" (Qian Haiyue), "Cambridge History of the Ming Dynasty of China", "1644: The Pain of the Empire", "Wugang County Chronicle", "Anlong County Chronicle", "Yingjiang County Chronicle"

Nie Zuoping

Editor-in-charge: Yang Jiamin