
Chenggong District set up a sub-venue to listen to and watch the province's work conference on rectifying formalism and reducing the burden on the grassroots

author:Chenggong release
Chenggong District set up a sub-venue to listen to and watch the province's work conference on rectifying formalism and reducing the burden on the grassroots

On April 10, the provincial work conference on rectifying formalism and reducing the burden on the grassroots was held in Kunming.

On April 10, the province's rectification of formalism for the grassroots burden reduction work conference was held in Kunming, in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the requirements of the Party Central Committee, calling on the province's party members and cadres to start from the present, from themselves, from the leadership, take measures, take courage, declare war on formalism and bureaucracy, and effectively reduce the burden on the grassroots, so that the grassroots have more time and energy to implement, and encourage the majority of party members and cadres to better take responsibility and start a business.

Wang Ning, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, Wang Yubo, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, and Liu Xiaokai, Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, attended.

Chenggong District set up a sub-venue to listen to and watch the province's work conference on rectifying formalism and reducing the burden on the grassroots

Wang Ning attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Wang Ning pointed out

The CPC Central Committee has taken the rectification of formalism as an important political task to reduce the burden on the grassroots, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions on many occasions, providing us with fundamental guidance. It is necessary to deeply study and comprehend the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, understand and promote the rectification of formalism and reduce the burden on the grassroots from a political perspective, grasp this important political task well in the spirit of self-revolution, and firmly support the "two establishments" and "two safeguards" with practical actions.

Wang Ning emphasized

Since the 11th Provincial Party Congress, the Provincial Party Committee has carried out an in-depth style revolution and efficiency revolution, promoted the majority of party members and cadres in the province to change their style and improve efficiency, and the entrepreneurial atmosphere has become stronger and stronger, and the work results have continued to appear. The construction of work style is always on the road, and we must clearly understand the outstanding manifestations of formalism and bureaucracy such as the dislocation of the concept of political achievements, the "pushing and procrastinating" of affairs, the mountains and seas, excessive marks, "formalism on the tiptoes", "formalism on the fingertips", "fat" and "small horses and carts" in supervision and inspection, and earnestly attach importance to them, draw inferences from one case and grasp rectification and reform in a targeted manner, so that the work style of party members and cadres can be improved, and the grassroots, enterprises, and the masses can feel the new changes.

Wang Ning emphasized

It is necessary to take pragmatic and effective measures, resolutely rectify formalism, effectively reduce the burden on the grassroots, and provide a strong work style guarantee for promoting the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Yunnan. It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problems of the "performance project," "image project," and "face project," and make unremitting efforts for a long time.

It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problem of hidden variation in documents and conferences, and ensure that there is only a decrease and not an increase. It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problem of "supervision and inspection" and repetition, and focus on solving the problem of "no difference", "superposition", "going through the motions" of supervision and inspection, and too complex and trivial assessment content indicators.

It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problem of "formalism on tiptoes", focus on solving the problem of concentrated research and research, only transfer but not research, and accompany at all levels, and do a good job in overall planning of research and research. It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problem of "formalism at the fingertips", focusing on solving the problem of over-reliance on government affairs apps and online work groups, and mandating download and promotion, check-in and sign-in, and point ranking.

It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problem of simplification and "one-size-fits-all" in the field of rural revitalization, and strive to solve the problem of blindly applying urbanization standards and engaging in rural construction out of reality. It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problem of social affairs increasing the burden on teachers, and ensure that no matter that is not on the list is not allowed to enter the school.

It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problem of too many and too frequent demonstration activities, and solve the problem of supporting and expanding the scope of demonstration activities at all levels.

It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problem of the lack of practical results of festivals, forums and exhibitions, greatly streamline, standardize management, and strictly control funds.

It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problem of "involution" in attracting investment, do a good job in investment planning and project layout of important resources, and guide all regions to rely on the business environment and comprehensive advantages to attract investment. It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problem of "small horses and big carts" in grassroots governance, and focus on solving the problem of delegating power without empowerment, "indiscriminate listing", and arbitrarily setting up a "certain long system". It is necessary to resolutely rectify the problem of formalism in the business environment, standardize the administrative inspection of enterprises, and achieve "responding to requests and not disturbing anything".

Wang Ning emphasized

It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, insist on leading cadres taking the lead, and the main responsible comrades should personally grasp it, do it at the first level for the first level, and carry out the reform at the first level, link up and down, and answer the same question together. It is necessary to strengthen the coordination and linkage of departments, strengthen the notification of typical cases, and give full play to the role of direct reporters and supervisors of the work of reducing the burden on the members of the village-based work team and the cadres on temporary duty at the grassroots level. It is necessary to consolidate work responsibilities, regularly study, analyze, and solve outstanding problems, and promote the rectification of formalism to reduce the burden on the grassroots level. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of both burden reduction and development, reduce the burden that should be reduced in place, grasp the work that should be grasped, and promote the organic combination, mutual promotion and complementarity of burden reduction and high-quality development at the grassroots level.

Feng Zhili, Liu Hongjian, Qiu Jiang, Liu Fei, Li Shisong, Zeng Yan, Yang Bin, Li Xiaosan, and Sun Can attended the meeting. The meeting was held in the form of video to the relevant departments and units at the county and provincial levels, and the main responsible comrades of each state (city) and county (city, district) participated.

Chenggong District set up a sub-venue to listen to and watch the province's work conference on rectifying formalism and reducing the burden on the grassroots

Chenggong District leaders Chen Jing, Li Ning, Bao Xuesong, Zhang Lei, Li Xiaoyun, Wu Zhiguo, Li Lin, and the main responsible comrades of various streets and departments listened to and watched the live meeting at the Chenggong branch venue.


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