
2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

author:A king at your fingertips

Do you believe that there are dragons in the world?

This question was asked to passers-by at random, and it is estimated that most of them did not believe it. After all, everyone has been on a plane and listened to aerospace science more or less in recent years. Such a big dragon, not to mention that it may have capped the homestead of the whole village with a poop, and it has not been seen for thousands of years? Unlikely, right?

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

But it's like before the first fleet circumnavigated the globe, most people believed in the Horizon. New technologies and new perspectives on the world brought about by science have stimulated human beings to believe in more possibilities. There are many "dragon" enthusiasts on the Internet, who capture the traces of dragons through various scientific measurements, video footage, and also have their own unique logical theories. The more you look at it, the more likely you are to think, "Oh, maybe there really is a dragon!"

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon
2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

Just today (April 10) from 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock, according to the traditional Chinese cadre branch and zodiac discipline law, this day happens to exist in the Year of the Dragon, the Dragon Moon, the Dragon Day, the Dragon, the degree of coincidence is comparable to April 4, 2024, Crazy Thursday + Qingming Festival.

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon
2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

And so many dragon elements also quickly attracted the attention of a large number of "dragon chasers". Even on the short video platform, many people have appeared to find the tag of the dragon to take a photo. Some players even said that they were going to the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon, and even said that if they were lucky enough to meet a local tyrant, they could also ride a dragon.

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon
2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

To be honest, I was stunned when I first saw this kind of news. If the dragon can take a group photo and check in casually, or even ride it and fly, what kind of 5A scenic spot will that guy have. Even if it is an iron fence to enclose a wild land, as long as you can fly around the dragon on it, then global tourists will have to come and see it even if they are taxied, and the income generated by cultural tourism will directly rise.

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

But if you take a closer look, you can find that these users are not only whimsical people, but also deliberately funny little bloggers. It's a real gamer, and the game they play is NetEase's open-world martial arts mobile game "Against the Cold".

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

It turns out that in this mobile game, the official design is very rich in oriental mythological elements, and dragons, as an important part, naturally appear also rarely. The "dragon head" that many players seek to take a group photo is actually the new open-world area launched at the end of the game's version 1.2.0 - the adventure quest "Eye of the Dragon" in the East Pole Sea. Because the faucet is finely modeled and the surrounding environment is also well shaped, the group photo effect is quite shocking.

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon
2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

What's even more surprising is that this "dragon" is not a dragon in the traditional mythological sense. Some players have analyzed it through modeling and the area it is in, saying that it is more like a dragon that lives in water and can affect thunder, lightning, and wind and rain. It can be seen that the production team shaped it not only for cool and posing, but also carefully referred to mythological details.

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

And the real dragon that can be seen in the game at present, in addition to the illusion summoned by the player with the dragon chanting skill, there is also a top-level dragon mount that can only be obtained by paying millions.

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon
2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

And mounts like this are mainly built by local tyrants by acquiring materials obtained from the equipment in the hands of players. Except for the appearance of its own strange celestial phenomenon, there is no numerical bonus. The main thing is to look handsome. Therefore, many players have met randomly and interacted with local tyrants. It has become a random check-in point that is hard to find.

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

Looking at the rich player ecology of the mobile game "Against the Cold", taking photos with dragons can only be a small part of countless fun. As a mobile game MMO in the new era, the official not only shouted the slogan of subverting tradition. These concepts have also been put into practice. The mobile game "Against the Cold" has a unique system of "no liver, no krypton" and "no value". Players cannot directly become stronger. The most woolly casual gameplay can also generate similar benefits as combat.

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

This is because players don't need to spend a lot of time fighting, or on the way to get equipment while fighting. That's why there's so much time to explore. The official has built a huge open world through high-cost investment, increased a large number of gameplay, and ensured that players can find a variety of interesting gameplay pastimes in their spare time. Whether it's open-world map puzzle solving, AI dialogue, custom actions, etc., players can always feel fresh.

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

In particular, the 5A scenic spot mentioned by players is the "Eternal Night Star Capital" created by the latest official expansion pack. Not only is the art style very magical, but it also has a lot of check-in points and a unique map mechanic. It's simply a wonderland tailor-made for the scenery party.

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

On top of this, the government has further adjusted prices. Not only is the price of fashion half cheaper than similar games, but also the "6 yuan fashion" and half-price coupons, vouchers and other designs have been launched, allowing players to obtain fashion at a low price and personalize it through the dyeing system. Coupled with a variety of photo modes, the production rate is extremely high.

2024 has the highest dragon content, and tens of millions of netizens crowded the 5A scenic spot to take photos with the dragon

According to the data previously disclosed by NetEase, the number of users of the mobile game "Against the Cold" has exceeded 50 million, and the IP revenue has exceeded 20 billion. Such a big production, such a polished content is placed here. I believe that the changes it will bring are not only for the field of MMO. Perhaps in the future, more manufacturers will begin to learn this model, so that players can gain a better mobile game experience. I don't know if you think so, leave your thoughts in the comment section!