
Suddenly, the flight to Vancouver made an emergency landing, and it was Boeing

author:Greenhouse nets

Boeing, in 2024, is definitely "cursed". Since January, countless failures have been incredible, and just when people thought Boeing was going to learn from the pain and find a way to save its reputation, it was hit again and again:

The horror that happened yesterday is again the protagonist of the "infamous" Boeing 737 Max airliner, and it is also the Air Canada Boeing 737 Max flying to Vancouver!

Suddenly, the flight to Vancouver made an emergency landing, and it was Boeing

According to reports, the 737 Max8 passenger plane was flying from Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, to Vancouver, and when it was about to reach the Canadian border, the cockpit suddenly turned on warning lights for unknown reasons, and the pilot immediately decided to make an emergency landing, and finally successfully landed in Boise, Idaho, USA.

In a subsequent investigation, Air Canada said that the aircraft was caused by a malfunction in the cargo compartment sensor that accidentally triggered the warning lights, and that there was no problem with the fuselage structure and did not pose a safety hazard.

But for passengers, the troubles can be imagined:

Suddenly, the flight to Vancouver made an emergency landing, and it was Boeing

The plane was ordered to stay overnight after landing in Boise, USA, and was not allowed to take off again, and 122 passengers and six crew members had to wait at the small town airport for another plane to take them back to Vancouver.

The most important thing is that the model involved is the Boeing 737 Max, which has the most accidents and controversy in recent years, and has high hopes for Boeing - although it is not a big deal, but people who are already skeptical about the 737 Max may not dare to sit down now.

Suddenly, the flight to Vancouver made an emergency landing, and it was Boeing

Because "you never know where the 737 Max will go next": from the earliest crash caused by a faulty warming system, to the subsequent errors in the electrical system, falling doors, and faulty cargo compartment sensors, it seems that the whole plane is constantly buggy, and there is no place for it.

So far, Boeing officials have not answered the cause of the accident. Air Canada executives also expressed frustration with Boeing, arguing that its production quality problems had led to the Air Canada's innocent implication.

The other day, the Boeing 737 just had a big problem

Last month, Boeing's latest "Dreamliner," the 787, had just suffered a high-altitude crash, and when it landed in New York, it encountered a serious flow that injured 22 people.

Suddenly, the flight to Vancouver made an emergency landing, and it was Boeing

It is followed by the Boeing 737, which is considered to be the most reliable Boeing 737-800 aircraft that has been tested in the market for a long time:

On April 6, a Boeing 737-800 passenger plane of Southwest Airlines of the United States caught fire when it took off, and the pilot immediately and safely stopped taking off. For the second time in two weeks, Southwest has had problems, the last time when it was injured by turbulence.

Suddenly, the flight to Vancouver made an emergency landing, and it was Boeing

A later investigation found that the 737-800 was caused by a peeling engine skin that hit the flaps of the wings — another major trouble caused by a glitch, and Boeing may not be able to escape the blame.

As for accidents such as the falling off of the hatch further on, everyone has seen it countless times this year. To sum it up: Boeing, Boeing, Boeing. This year's Boeing may be even more unreliable than the 737 Max crash in the two years it took place.

Boeing 787 and 777 were recently reported

A spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration said yesterday that it was investigating a whistleblower's allegations because he said that "the Boeing 787 and 777 airliners failed quality inspection during production." ”

Suddenly, the flight to Vancouver made an emergency landing, and it was Boeing

The accuser is Boeing engineer Sam Salehpour, an insider who knows all about the production of Boeing aircraft. He pointed out that some of these engineering problems can affect the structural integrity of the aircraft.

"Especially for the Boeing 787 airliner, in order to save costs and improve efficiency, Boeing has been taking shortcuts, and has turned a deaf ear to employees' doubts, and even took a threatening attitude. ”

Suddenly, the flight to Vancouver made an emergency landing, and it was Boeing

In fact, back in 2021, the FAA discovered that the 787 had a manufacturing defect and suspended 787 deliveries for an entire year, only to resume it in August 2022. The reason is that "the gasket is not the right size and the skin is uneven. ”

In high-altitude and high-pressure environments, even a slight omission can have serious consequences over time. However, Boeing, the world's largest aircraft manufacturer, does not seem to care about this.

Suddenly, the flight to Vancouver made an emergency landing, and it was Boeing

The 787 and 737 series models, which have had problems recently, happen to be the best-selling wide-body and narrow-body aircraft in Boeing and even the world. If even they are unreliable, then the people who take the plane are afraid that they will be "panicked".

Boeing has repeatedly stated: We have no problem

If you know your mistakes and correct them, people may still support and understand Boeing, but the most helpless thing is Boeing's attitude: on the one hand, it threatens whistleblowers, and there is a "suspenseful plot" of Boeing's whistleblower committing suicide before the trial, and on the other hand, it refuses to admit its mistakes.

Suddenly, the flight to Vancouver made an emergency landing, and it was Boeing

In particular, in response to the questioning of the "Dreamliner" 787, Boeing directly said in the statement: "The report that there are many problems in the 787 production line is inaccurate, we are full of confidence in the 787 Dreamliner, and the sales volume can speak for itself, and we have done comprehensive work to ensure quality." ”

However, with the FAA once again intervening in the investigation, will Boeing be able to smoothly clear itself of responsibility? Not only the FAA, but also the White House has spoken out about Boeing's recent repeated accidents, and Senator Blumenthal has spoken fiercely:

Suddenly, the flight to Vancouver made an emergency landing, and it was Boeing

"I hope Boeing can explain to all Americans, all the people who fly in Boeing, why there have been so many recent safety failures, and people obviously have a lack of confidence in Boeing's production, assembly. ”

Boeing's stock price can also reveal the current situation of Boeing: at the end of 2023, the stock price was as high as $263, and it slipped to $173 in less than 4 months, and there was almost no rebound in between. Boeing's troubles have arisen again and again.