
Wang Ziru's 1.5 million shares were frozen, and 33.83 million were executed not long ago

author:Mobile China

Recently, CNMO noticed that Tianyancha's legal litigation information shows that the 1.5 million yuan equity of Shenzhen Yuechen Auto Beauty Co., Ltd. held by Wang Ziru, a well-known technology evaluator and founder of Zealer, has been frozen for a period of three years, from February 28, 2024 to February 27, 2027. The enforcement court is the People's Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen.

Wang Ziru's 1.5 million shares were frozen, and 33.83 million were executed not long ago

Wang Ziru

It is understood that since Wang Ziru founded Zealer, he has won the attention and recognition of the majority of science and technology enthusiasts with his in-depth evaluation and unique insights on technology products. Since then, he has crossed over to join Gree Electric Appliances as an executive. AT THE SAME TIME, WANG RESIGNED FROM HIS POSITION AT ZEALER, THE MEDIA OUTLET HE FOUNDED.

In addition to this equity freeze incident, Wang Ziru was also executed as much as 33.83 million yuan not long ago. Although the specific reasons for the execution have not yet been disclosed, the incident has undoubtedly cast a shadow over Wang's personal finances.

According to public information, among the three companies currently associated with Wang Ziru, only Shenzhen Yuechen Auto Beauty Co., Ltd. is in a state of existence. Wang Ziru holds 30% of the company's shares and serves as a supervisor. However, it is worth noting that in December last year, the company was included in the list of abnormal operations for failing to publish its annual report on time.

Wang Ziru's 1.5 million shares were frozen, and 33.83 million were executed not long ago
Wang Ziru's 1.5 million shares were frozen, and 33.83 million were executed not long ago

It is worth mentioning that in November last year, Wang Ziru attracted widespread controversy and attention because of his speech in a talk show on Guangdong Satellite TV. In the show, Wang Ziru said, "I haven't read the salary slip given to me by Gree", "I just watch how she holds meetings, I listen to what she says and does every day, I feel that it is a very happy thing." ”

Regarding some "scandals and rumors" on the Internet, Wang Ziru said that no company has failed because of gossip. He believes that as a business operator and manager, you should put more energy into what you should do.