
Spring flu prevention and control cheats, experts say

author:YCRY Studios

When spring returns, everything recovers, but this season is also a period of high incidence of influenza. Although the symptoms of spring flu are similar to those of winter flu, the prevention and control strategies are different due to changes in climate and environment. In order to help you effectively prevent and respond to spring flu, this article will introduce a series of professional and precise disease prevention measures.

Spring flu prevention and control cheats, experts say

Influenza (influenza for short) is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses and is mainly transmitted by droplets. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are about 1 billion cases of influenza worldwide each year, resulting in millions of medical visits and 250,000 to 500,000 deaths. The prevention and control of spring influenza cannot be ignored.

Strengthening one's immunity is the first step in the fight against the flu. Experts suggest that balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and moderate exercise are the three pillars of improving immunity. According to a study by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, trace elements such as vitamin C, E and zinc help improve the function of the immune system and should be supplemented in the daily diet. At the same time, avoid overexertion and emotional stress so as not to affect immune function.

In addition to boosting immunity, influenza vaccination is one of the effective means of preventing influenza. The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends influenza vaccination every autumn because the protective effect of the vaccine usually begins to appear two weeks after vaccination, and the duration of protection is about six months. Although spring is not the best time to get vaccinated, it is beneficial to get a flu vaccine at any time for high-risk groups, such as children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with chronic diseases.

Spring flu prevention and control cheats, experts say

Personal hygiene practices in daily life are also essential to prevent influenza. Frequent hand washing is one of the simplest and most effective preventive measures. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds can effectively reduce the risk of viral infection, especially after contact with potentially contaminated objects in public places. Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough and discarding the used tissue immediately and washing your hands can greatly reduce the likelihood of spreading the virus.

Indoor ventilation is also a part that cannot be ignored. As temperatures gradually rise in spring, people tend to close their doors and windows to enjoy a comfortable air-conditioned environment, which can lead to poor indoor air circulation and increase the risk of virus transmission. Therefore, even in the case of using air conditioning, windows should be opened regularly for ventilation to keep the air fresh.

It is also necessary to take protective measures in public places. Try to avoid going to crowded places during peak flu periods, and wear a mask if it's unavoidable. Choose surgical masks or N95 masks, which are effective at blocking droplets and airborne particles, reducing the chance of infection.

Spring flu prevention and control cheats, experts say

As soon as flu symptoms develop, it's important to seek medical attention and follow your doctor's instructions. Currently, antiviral drugs such as oseltamivir are used to treat influenza and can reduce the severity and duration of symptoms. However, it should be used under the guidance of a doctor, and it is not advisable to buy and take it by yourself.

For patients who have already had the flu, rest is an important factor in recovering health. Make sure you have plenty of rest time and avoid returning to work or school too soon to avoid aggravating the condition or causing further spread of the virus.

The prevention and control of spring influenza requires us to start from multiple aspects of daily life, combined with the recommendations of professional institutions and experts and scholars, and implement comprehensive prevention and control measures. Through these methods, we can build a line of defense for ourselves and our families to welcome a healthy and happy spring together.