
Recently, I really advise you to eat more leeks! #科普

author:Cao County Rong Media Center

Spring leeks are probably the most widely used "spring vegetables" in addition to shepherd's cabbage. Although it is not like shepherd's cabbage, marantou, etc., it can only be eaten in spring, but there is no doubt that spring is the most delicious time of the year when leeks are the most delicious, and there is a saying that "leeks are a bunch of gold in early spring".

Why spring leeks are so delicious, how to seize the most worthwhile time of the year to eat leeks, today we will talk about it~

Recently, I really advise you to eat more leeks! #科普

1. Why are spring leeks the most delicious in the year? There is a saying in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Leeks are fragrant when eaten in spring, and smelly when eaten in summer". Practice shows that although leeks in summer are not "stinky", they are indeed not as sweet as spring leeks. This may be mainly related to the germination time and growth rate of spring leeks.

As the temperature rises in spring and the rain gradually moistens the earth, leeks grow at a moderate rate, neither growing and widening as quickly as in the summer heat, nor slightly thin and shriveled as in the winter. Therefore, the leaves of spring leeks are thin and fleshy, tender and juicy, and it is the fattest season of the year.

In addition, spring leek has its own "umami", this is because it is rich in umami amino acids - glutamic acid and aspartic acid, just add a little salt, and these two amino acids can be combined to produce sodium glutamate, sodium aspartate, the former is the main component of monosodium glutamate, the latter has a strong flavor and freshness effect.

In daily cooking, in addition to the usual use of chives, coriander, etc. as the finishing touch to enhance the freshness and flavor, some local cuisines in the mainland are also often sprinkled with a layer of raw leek crushed in the soup or dishes to enhance the freshness. Like Qishan Zhenzi noodles, if you want to be delicious, in addition to the solid ingredients of the "Zhenzi", it is indispensable to have the handful of raw leeks sprinkled by the chef at the end.

Recently, I really advise you to eat more leeks! #科普

2. Don't think that leeks have a taste, the nutritional value is here, some friends are not used to eating leeks, feel that leeks have a "flush taste", and onions, garlic is somewhat similar, and afraid of eating bad oral smell, in fact, the special taste of leeks is the key to its health.

As you might think, leeks smell similar to onions and garlic because they are relatively rich in sulfur-containing compounds and various volatile essential oils. These sulfur-containing compounds, on the one hand, can help this kind of "spicy" seasoning vegetables to be antibacterial and antibacterial, and also have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Specifically, leeks are rich in sulfur compounds, flavonoids, steroidal saponins, etc., which can play an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect in the human body.

Experiments have found that compared with other vegetables, the total flavonoid content of leeks can be regarded as the best among vegetables. This is quite beneficial for modern people. After all, modern people's diet is more delicate, heavy oil and salt, coupled with high work pressure, insufficient sleep time, environmental pollution and other factors, for the body, are all factors that induce and promote inflammation. It would be great if you could supplement more natural foods with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Recently, I really advise you to eat more leeks! #科普

In addition, another nutritional advantage of leeks is their relatively high content of β-carotene.

The content of β-carotene in leeks is 1596ug/100g, and β-carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body, which is helpful for improving dry eyes, night blindness, and dry and rough skin and mucous membranes caused by excessive eye use and insufficient vitamin A intake.

Leeks also have a certain laxative effect.

The dietary fiber content of leeks is 2.4g/100g, which is relatively high among vegetables. Rich dietary fiber can not only help laxative, but also reduce the absorption efficiency of fat and sugar in the intestines, which indirectly helps to control blood lipids and blood sugar.

If you just mind the smell of leeks, you can brush your teeth, drink some tea or milk after eating to help remove the smell of sulfur-containing compounds.

Recently, I really advise you to eat more leeks! #科普

3. A very recommended way to eat leeks There are usually two kinds of leeks on the market, one with wide leaves and the other with narrow leaves. The former tends to have relatively tender leaves, but the spicy and spicy flavor is not so prominent, while the latter has a more resilient taste, and the spicy taste of leeks is more obvious and the taste is more "rushing", so you can choose according to your own taste.

I don't know what you usually like to eat leeks most with, Xiaobian guesses that scrambled eggs with leeks should be the first choice for many people. However, considering that more oil is often used when scrambling eggs, here is a method that reduces oil and salt and can retain the sweet juice of leeks to the greatest extent: leek tofu buns.

Ingredients: spring leeks, southern tofu, vermicelli, eggs


1. Follow the normal procedure and the surface, note that the surface should be slightly softer.

2. Soak the vermicelli in warm water in advance, and cut it into 2~3 cm pieces after soaking.

3. Wash the leeks and cut them into short sections of about 1 cm, add a little sesame oil and mix well to prevent juice from coming out during the placement.

Recently, I really advise you to eat more leeks! #科普

4. Cut the tofu into small cubes and blanch for two minutes to remove the beany smell.

5. Beat the eggs, spray a non-stick pan with very little oil, scramble the eggs and mash them.

6. Mix the leeks, tofu and minced eggs, add the seasoning according to personal taste, and mix well.

7. Wrap the buns according to the normal procedure and steam them in the pot.

In this way, the leeks do not go through high temperature throughout the whole process (the temperature of steamed buns does not exceed 100 degrees), the nutrient loss is small, the juice loss is less, and the fresh and sweet taste can be fully retained.

Source: Popular Science China