
"The Long Journey": Reading Life in the Ordinary


In ordinary life, we often have many experiences. They make up many different lives. In the journey of life, there is a kind of ordinariness that is born with reading. As a result, people love it deeply and nourish their hearts and lives through reading.

"The Long Journey": Reading Life in the Ordinary


The work "The Long Journey" created by Mr. Lu Sihao has a story about ordinary people's love of reading. The people and things in it are also connected by reading this little thing, and present to us readers the thoughts and values about life.

The deep love of reading has built the wonder of our lives, and at the same time, it has also given us the strength in the ordinary. The events experienced by the characters in the story, although ordinary and simple, have their own charm and depth. Let us experience the warmth and coldness of reading life in the taste.

look for

In the journey of life, we may all have what we need to find. Whether in real life or in the depths of the soul, these search processes carry a passion, a love, a feeling, and an encounter. It makes a difference in life.

Just as we are looking for something special in our daily lives, no matter how difficult the process is or how long the journey is, there will always be a motivation in our hearts to support us to move forward. It allows us to have a kind of vitality and positivity for life.

"The Long Journey": Reading Life in the Ordinary


The story in "The Long Journey" is about the experience of "me" entering the process of searching. Although it is a prosperous and lively road, the "I" in the story can familiarly walk from it to the place where I want to go, looking for what I like.

There is nothing surprising about the foothold that "I" experienced in searching. Rather, it's an older bookstore. In it, "I" can start my favorite reading life, and I can be obsessed with absorbing knowledge and swimming in the world of reading. It can be said that it is probably the place that "I" love the most.

The work, with its own simple words, tells us readers about the tranquility and peace of reading life. It allows "me" to find a world that people love enough in the ordinary, and also carries the reader's thoughts and conveys to us a source of power about reading.

alternating current

We live in this world, and many times we can't do without communication between people. If there is something that has been experienced, there will often be people who are related to it. And people usually understand, know and tolerate each other in communication and exchange. The world has become warm with communication.

In the story of "The Long Journey", "my" reading life is often closely related to a special ordinary person. He is actually one of the main characters in the incident, the owner of the second-hand bookstore. The intersection between "me" and him can be said to be opened from the level of reading.

"The Long Journey": Reading Life in the Ordinary


When "I" walked towards the used bookstore, bid farewell to the bustle and crowding of the city, and came to the relatively ordinary and ordinary used bookstore, "I" found the joy of reading. There are a lot of old books in the bookstore, and "I" will often communicate with the store about reading.

There used to be a question about why there weren't more new books in the bookstore. "I" communicated with the store and got guidance from the store. He said that old books are old, but they often contain great souls and contain the writer's life's work.

And this is often the valuable answer that "I" can get from the store and from reading. The "I" in this story also gained a different understanding and insight into reading because of the communication. Books are old, but they have an immortal soul. It may be the greatest value that "I" gain from communication.


Many times, we have asked ourselves what it means to do these things, to think about these questions, to discuss these topics, to walk these paths, etc. Including we often ask about the meaning of life, life, destiny, future, etc.

The story in the work "The Long Journey" also reveals for us what it means for "me" to read life. In the story, it is answered and presented through the events of "me". And this can be expressed from the experience of eating.

"I" had dinner with Xiao Cheng, the granddaughter of the second-hand bookstore. During the meal, "I" and Xiao Cheng discussed the meaning of reading. Here's how it started. Xiao Cheng asked "me" what was so good about that bookstore. This opens the show of the meaning of reading life.

"I" told Xiao Cheng about the teachings I received from the store, talking about the soulfulness of those books about reading, the dialogue between the ancients and us for thousands of years, and the wonderful moment when we listened to the voices of the ancients. Although later in the story, the author has a turning point about the situation of the store, but at this time, the meaning of reading has also been shown to a certain extent.

Sometimes, ordinary people do ordinary things, but in these people and things, greatness and immortality can be bred. It, like reading, is that no matter how quickly time passes, we can always find, see, and understand meaningful ideas from useful books. Thus, making our hearts stronger.

The work "The Long Journey" is an extraordinary meaning written in the ordinary search and exchange. The author has experienced the value of reading for us, and felt the power and source that reading gives us, so that we can harvest nutritious mental nectar and spiritual wealth from it. Because, although reading life comes from the ordinary, there is no lack of ordinary. (Text\Lan Qianfan)