
What should I do if my boyfriend likes to talk hi? What is it like for a man to always "talk hi"?

author:First psychological
What should I do if my boyfriend likes to talk hi? What is it like for a man to always "talk hi"?

Written by / First Psychology Writers

Editor / Tommy

In real life, we often encounter individuals who speak well but lack the ability to act.

This group of people is unrivaled in verbal expression, but when it comes time to put it into action, they are far behind, and this group of people is called "mouth talkers".

In the world of feelings, in addition to being able to speak one beautiful language after another, such a person shows great selfishness in some practical behaviors, ignoring the feelings of his partner.

In many real-life relationships, many female friends actually enjoy hearing these sweet words, and they fall in love with this type of boyfriend.

For those who are low-key and don't talk much, they choose to stay away, believing that these people lack interest and are not what they expect love to look like. As a result, these women are often immersed in the gentleness of the Kouhi clan and find it difficult to extricate themselves.

What should I do if my boyfriend likes to talk hi? What is it like for a man to always "talk hi"?

However, when the enthusiasm retreats and the romance dissipates, we must face the blandness of real life, which is the triviality of daily life, the real challenges of life, and those who are hilarious will show their true colors.

The glorious vows that were once promised, the magnificent stories that were once depicted, were shattered by the impact of reality. At this stage, it dawns on these women, but they may have paid an extremely important price, which is their most sincere emotion. In desperation, they can only reluctantly accept the reality and move on.

So, we explored this topic:

First, there are many mouths in society

But we have to face the reality that society is full of realism, and we must admit that many people are inconsistent.

They may be kind to you on the surface, but behind the scenes they do things you don't know.

Or they have dark thoughts in their hearts that you don't understand, so we have to be vigilant and observant in social interactions.

What should I do if my boyfriend likes to talk hi? What is it like for a man to always "talk hi"?

Observing the surrounding crowd, it is not difficult to find that there are many people around you or on the Internet

The so-called "mouth hi" is a popular term on the Internet in recent years, which refers to those who speak flamboyantly but are not enough in action.

As the saying goes, what you get on paper is shallow, and in our daily life, we often encounter some people who interact with people in this way and leave a bad impression, so this kind of person is also commonly known as a boaster.

Surveys show that this type of exaggeration is more likely to occur in romantic relationships, especially for men. There are physical and psychological differences between men and women, and in general, women are relatively more gentle and considerate, so in many relationships, women are usually the one who is taken care of.

Second, men tend to be hilarious among couples

As we all know, in a couple's relationship, men often make all kinds of promises to women, and the commitment itself is a double-edged sword.

When one partner is able to fulfill the commitments he or she has made in a relationship, it is undoubtedly a factor that makes the relationship more harmonious. However, if these commitments are not met, it could lead to damage to the relationship between the parties.

Irresponsible men who are often criticized tend to have a common pattern of behavior: they tend to exaggerate, they tend to be frivolous, they like to have unrealistic fantasies, they tend to act in a way that ignores reality, and their words and actions are inconsistent.

This pattern of behavior is especially common in men who pursue the opposite sex, and they may make many promises to the opposite sex, but often end up having difficulty in fulfilling them.

What should I do if my boyfriend likes to talk hi? What is it like for a man to always "talk hi"?

Therefore, women need to be extra cautious when interacting with men and avoid getting too close to such people, lest they themselves be influenced by this bad habit of rhetoric.

From a psychological point of view, this kind of hilarious behavior is also considered a strategy to try to manage other people's impressions of themselves.

Take, for example, a woman who goes by the pseudonym Li Min who met a boyfriend when she was nineteen.

Looking back on this emotional experience, Li Min said that she was completely fascinated by her boyfriend's sweet words at that time, which was an intimate care she had never experienced at home.

Her boyfriend's care and promise made her feel very happy. Experiences like Li Min's are not uncommon, and many young women seem powerless to resist in the face of sweet words.

But as time went on, Li Min began to realize that talking but not practicing could bring real value — and she began to feel disheartened that her boyfriend often made promises to her, but very little could be realized.

What should I do if my boyfriend likes to talk hi? What is it like for a man to always "talk hi"?

After marriage, the husband's lack of practical skills and abilities makes it difficult for him to make a financial difference, resulting in a very difficult material life for the couple. When faced with the items they wanted to buy, the two had no choice but to leave because their wallets were dry.

Recalling her husband's promise before marriage that she would make a lot of money and let her live a good life, Li Min now only feels embarrassed and disappointed.

In this case, Li Min's mood gradually changed from initial happiness to displeasure, and this psychological change is really embarrassing. Faced with this situation, Li Min can only choose her husband to work hard to change, or fight independently.

In today's society, people generally tend to construct an idealized self-image in front of others, which is actually a self-worth protection mechanism. People are happy to hear what others say about them positively, but not vice versa, so they will resort to various means to improve their image in the eyes of others.

In today's social environment, people tend to be a little distant, and communication is not as lively as it used to be. In this context, those who like to talk hi are often seen as more optimistic and outgoing individuals. They may think that by using such exaggerated expressions, it will be easier to gain the trust and favor of others.

However, this practice is not actually an effective means of building deep friendships. As we have learned, a friend who is truly beneficial to us is not just a constant verbal compliment, but more importantly a practical help when we are in trouble.

What should I do if my boyfriend likes to talk hi? What is it like for a man to always "talk hi"?

When choosing a partner, many women tend to favor men who seem to be positive and optimistic, believing that such people have a greater sense of humor and feel more relaxed and happy to spend time with. This notion, while common, is not always accurate. In fact, some men who look attractive on the surface may not be as glamorous on the inside.

Take Huang Xiaoli (pseudonym), for example, when she was 30 years old, she met her current husband through a family and friend. At first, her husband gave the impression of being very stable and attentive, which made the two get along very well, and soon entered the palace of marriage.

After marriage, as the familiarity between them deepened, Huang Xiaoli found that her husband began to talk more. It is worth noting that the husband talks a lot not only at home, but also in outside communication.

When gathering with friends and family, her husband often brags about his achievements, but when it comes to concrete actions, especially when it comes to paying expenses, he always avoids them, which makes Huang Xiaoli feel very embarrassed. After many times, Huang Xiaoli advised her husband not to talk big anymore, and if the financial conditions were difficult, he could tell her directly.

What should I do if my boyfriend likes to talk hi? What is it like for a man to always "talk hi"?

It can be seen from Huang Xiaoli's experience that she didn't realize that her partner was a person who liked to exaggerate. But now that the facts have been decided, Huang Xiaoli said that she could only endure it silently. Although she believes that her husband is not a bad person in nature and also tries to guide him to change, it is a difficult path.

In a love life, associating with someone who likes to exaggerate has mixed results. Living with such a partner can be fun for women who are financially well-off, but it can end up having a negative impact for women who are financially precarious and expect their partner to take on more responsibilities.

So, if your partner or boyfriend is always talkative, even if you have a happy day-to-day relationship, you may face various problems because of this habit.

If you truly love each other, you may want to have an honest conversation about the problem and find a solution.

The End -

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

Keywords in this article: male psychology, psychology

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