
How to maintain monstera, these knowledge is essential

author:Sister Qiao loves life

Monstera is a common houseplant that is favored for its unique morphology and powerful air purification power. To successfully grow and propagate monstera, it is important to understand its planting techniques and propagation methods. This article will introduce the planting techniques and breeding methods of Monstera in detail, so that you can easily raise a healthy and strong Monstera at home.

How to maintain monstera, these knowledge is essential

1. The planting technology of monstera

1. Soil selection: Monstera prefers fertile, well-permeable soil, so it is recommended to use nutrient soil made by mixing peat, perlite and coir in a certain proportion.

2. Container selection: The root system of monstera is relatively developed, so it is recommended to choose larger pots for planting, such as ceramic pots, plastic pots, etc.

3. Watering management: Monstera likes moisture and needs to keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. In summer, when the temperature is high, it is necessary to spray water frequently to increase the humidity of the air.

4. Light conditions: Monstera chinensis likes shade, so it is suitable to be placed in a place with sufficient scattered light and avoid direct sunlight. In winter, light can be increased appropriately.

5. Fertilization management: The demand for fertilizer is not high, and a thin liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month.

How to maintain monstera, these knowledge is essential

Second, the propagation method of monstera

1. Propagation by cuttings: Cut the sturdy stems of the monstera, insert them into the loose and breathable soil, and water them properly to keep the soil moist. Wait patiently after rooting, and germination will take about 2-3 months.

2. Sowing and propagating: Seeds of Monstera can be purchased at flower markets, and spring sowing is the best time. After sowing, keep the soil moist and germinate in about half a month.

3. Dividing propagation: When the root system of Monstera is luxuriant, it can be divided into several plants and planted separately. Cut the roots flat and dry them properly before replanting.

How to maintain monstera, these knowledge is essential

3. Precautions

1. Pest control: Monstera is susceptible to insect pests such as scale insects and aphids, so it is necessary to pay attention to observation and timely control. Common control methods include spraying insecticides, changing potting soil, etc.

2. Pruning tips: Regularly prune the dead leaves and branches of the monstera to keep the plant aesthetically pleasing and promote the growth of new leaves.

3. Temperature control: The suitable growth temperature of Monstera is between 18-25 degrees Celsius, and it is necessary to pay attention to heat preservation in winter to avoid frost damage.

4. Regular inspection: Regularly observe the growth of monstera, replenish water and fertilize in time to ensure that the plant grows healthy and strong.

How to maintain monstera, these knowledge is essential

By understanding the above planting techniques and breeding methods, we believe that you can easily raise healthy and strong monstera at home. Not only can it beautify the home environment, but it can also absorb harmful substances in the house, which can bring benefits to the health of family members. Get started and try your hand at growing and breeding monstera!

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