
Zhao Ji and Chang Yu's deformed love: How did Qin Shi Huang cut off this unbearable past?

author:Chasing the wind and idyllic

Zhao Ji, this name may be inconspicuous in the torrent of history, but her fate is closely linked to an ancient emperor. She was originally just an ordinary dancing girl in Handan, Zhao State, but the gears of fate allowed her to meet Qin State's proton Zi Chu. Under Lü Buwei's careful arrangement, Zhao Ji became Zichu's favorite concubine, and gave birth to the future emperor of the ages, Yingzheng.

Zhao Ji and Chang Yu's deformed love: How did Qin Shi Huang cut off this unbearable past?

With Zi Chu succeeding to the throne as the king of Qin, Zhao Ji also naturally became the queen mother of Qin. However, this queen mother is not the virtuous lady people imagine. She is dissolute by nature, not satisfied with the lonely life in the palace, and begins to seek new thrills. She rekindled her old relationship with Lü Buwei, but as Yingzheng grew up, Lü Buwei began to worry about his safety. So, he recommended Chang Yu to Zhao Ji, a man known for his "Wheel Turning Technique".

Zhao Ji and Chang Yu's deformed love: How did Qin Shi Huang cut off this unbearable past?

The appearance of Chang Yu has turned Zhao Ji's life upside down. She was very fond of Chang Yu, not only let him stay with her as a eunuch, but also moved with him to live in the palace hundreds of miles away from Xianyang. Here, Zhao Ji and Chang Yu enjoyed the joy of fish and water unscrupulously, and even gave birth to two sons. And Chang Yu also relied on Zhao Ji's favor to show off his might in the court of Qin, and even claimed to be the "false father" of King Qin.

Zhao Ji and Chang Yu's deformed love: How did Qin Shi Huang cut off this unbearable past?

Recently. Chang Yu's ambitions swelled day by day, and he began to plot to kill Yingzheng and make his son the king of Qin. This naïve coup plan was soon discovered and suppressed by Ying Zheng. Chang Yu was sentenced to the punishment of splitting the car and exterminating the three clans, and the two sons born to Zhao Ji and Chang Yu were also executed by Ying Zheng. This scandal not only ruined Zhao Ji's reputation, but also shocked the entire Qin court.

Zhao Ji and Chang Yu's deformed love: How did Qin Shi Huang cut off this unbearable past?

Zhao Ji's debauchery not only brought ruin to herself, but also brought a great negative impact on the entire Qin Dynasty. And Chang Yu's ambition and stupidity made him pay a heavy price. This unbearable past has become an indelible stain in Qin Shi Huang's life.

Zhao Ji and Chang Yu's deformed love: How did Qin Shi Huang cut off this unbearable past?

Although the scandal between Zhao Ji and Chang Yu is only an episode in Qin Shi Huang's life, it has left us with a profound enlightenment. It tells us that whether we are in a high position or an ordinary person, we should stick to the bottom line of morality and stay away from lewdness and indulgence. At the same time, we should also see that although this scandal had a negative impact on the Qin Dynasty, it was also this unbearable past that made Qin Shi Huang strengthen his belief and determination, and finally unified the six countries to establish a powerful Qin Dynasty.

Zhao Ji and Chang Yu's deformed love: How did Qin Shi Huang cut off this unbearable past?

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