
This crease on the ear is a "sign" of a heart attack and sudden death? Doctor: Be wary of 6 abnormalities

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Some people say that this is a sign of heart attack and sudden death, which scares many people, but some people scoff at it and think it is pure nonsense.

My grandmother has a crease on her earlobe, but her old man's heart is good, and there has never been any moths in the annual physical examination. Another uncle argued: "I'm a lot older, and I have long had ear creases, so don't I have no problem with my heart!"

It seems that this matter really can't be generalized, and whether ear creases will increase the risk of heart disease is still inconclusive in the medical community.

This crease on the ear is a "sign" of a heart attack and sudden death? Doctor: Be wary of 6 abnormalities

Zhang Ming saw such a news on the Internet, saying that a special crease on his ear was a sign of heart attack and sudden death, and he couldn't help but start worrying about his health.

One day after work, Zhang Ming came to the hospital to check whether he also had this so-called "death crease".

"Doctor Wang, it was recently said on the Internet that a crease on the ear may be a sign of a heart attack, is this true?" Zhang Ming asked with a worried face.

Dr. Wang smiled and explained, "You should be talking about the horizontal stripes of the earlobes."

This crease on the ear is a "sign" of a heart attack and sudden death? Doctor: Be wary of 6 abnormalities

There is no clear medical basis for this claim, and earlobe striae are indeed common in some patients with coronary heart disease, but they are not in themselves a warning sign of myocardial infarction or sudden death. "

"Then how are these earlobe stripes formed?" Zhang Ming asked curiously.

"At present, there is no conclusive conclusion on the cause of the formation of horizontal lines in the earlobe," Dr. Wang patiently said, "One view is that the decline in skin elasticity with age, coupled with the pressure on the earlobe from long-term side sleep, leads to the appearance of such folds."

This crease on the ear is a "sign" of a heart attack and sudden death? Doctor: Be wary of 6 abnormalities

There are also studies that suggest that genetic factors, smoking history, etc., may also be involved, but in general, the horizontal lines of the earlobes alone do not determine a person's risk of heart disease. "

After listening to Dr. Wang's explanation, Zhang Ming seemed to be relieved. But Dr. Wang then reminded: "Although the earlobe stripe itself is not enough to be an early warning of a heart attack, we should not take it lightly.

Cardiovascular disease may be caused by a combination of risk factors, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, obesity, smoking, etc., which will greatly increase the risk of myocardial infarction. "

This crease on the ear is a "sign" of a heart attack and sudden death? Doctor: Be wary of 6 abnormalities

First, it is necessary to be vigilant about chest pain or chest discomfort, and if there is persistent, squeezing chest pain, especially radiating to the shoulders and arms, it must be taken seriously.

Second, it is shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, as if it is out of breath.

Third, it is palpitations, rapid heartbeat or arrangement.

Fourth, it is fatigue, sweating, and feeling weak.

Fifth, there are digestive symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

Sixth, it is pale and cyanotic lips, if these abnormalities occur, you must seek medical attention in time without delay.

This crease on the ear is a "sign" of a heart attack and sudden death? Doctor: Be wary of 6 abnormalities

In life, we should develop a healthy lifestyle, balance the diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, eat less high-salt and high-fat food, insist on exercise, control weight, quit smoking and limit alcohol, manage emotional stress, and people with a family history of cardiovascular disease should have regular physical examinations and early intervention.

For the various health rumors circulating on the Internet, we must look at them rationally and not blindly follow them.

Too often, claims like "earlobe striation" are not supported by reliable medical evidence and may even cause unnecessary panic.

This crease on the ear is a "sign" of a heart attack and sudden death? Doctor: Be wary of 6 abnormalities

In fact, the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction is the result of a combination of factors, such as age, gender, genetics, and bad lifestyle habits, which may become the "fuse" that induces myocardial infarction.

Rather than paying attention to whether there are creases on the ears, we should pay more attention to how to prevent cardiovascular diseases through a healthy lifestyle, and be wary of the 6 abnormal manifestations mentioned by Dr. Wang.

First and foremost, it is crucial to develop good eating habits, and studies have shown that the Mediterranean dietary pattern can be effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

This dietary pattern is based on eating a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and other plant foods, moderate intake of high-quality protein such as fish and poultry, and eating as little red meat and processed meat products as possible, and replacing saturated fats such as butter and lard with olive oil also helps protect cardiovascular health.
This crease on the ear is a "sign" of a heart attack and sudden death? Doctor: Be wary of 6 abnormalities

Regular exercise is also an effective way to prevent heart attack, and the American Heart Association recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week.

You can choose your favorite exercise methods such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc., exercise can not only control weight, but also regulate blood pressure and blood lipids, and enhance heart and lung function.

Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, managing emotional stress, and getting enough sleep are all indispensable parts of protecting heart health, as smoking can directly damage the endothelium of blood vessels and accelerate the formation of arteriosclerosis.

This crease on the ear is a "sign" of a heart attack and sudden death? Doctor: Be wary of 6 abnormalities

Long-term alcohol consumption can lead to heart muscle damage, arrhythmias, and excessive stress can also increase the risk of cardiovascular events.

For high-risk groups with a family history of cardiovascular disease, it is necessary to be vigilant, undergo regular physical examinations and screenings, and if abnormal blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids and other indicators are found, they should intervene in time under the guidance of a doctor, and take drugs to control them if necessary.

Finally, we must be vigilant against the abnormal manifestations of the 6 myocardial infarctions mentioned by Dr. Wang: chest pain, chest tightness, dyspnea, palpitations, fatigue, sweating, nausea and vomiting, and paleness.

This crease on the ear is a "sign" of a heart attack and sudden death? Doctor: Be wary of 6 abnormalities

These symptoms often indicate myocardial ischemia and hypoxia, and if they last for a long time, they may lead to myocardial necrosis and cause myocardial infarction.

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