
Doctor: It is not recommended, it may make the blood pressure rise, so be careful

author:Popular science of Chinese medicine doctors

In traditional Chinese culture, the body is a temple that needs to be cared for. Blood pressure, as one of the important indicators of physical health, has naturally attracted widespread attention and attention from the general public. In recent years, there has been an increasing discussion about whether frequent blood pressure measurements can cause damage to blood vessels. Medical experts have made it clear that checking blood pressure too frequently can cause irreversible damage to blood vessels, and it may also lead to abnormally high blood pressure readings, causing unnecessary anxiety and panic in patients.

Doctor: It is not recommended, it may make the blood pressure rise, so be careful

Blood pressure, to be precise, refers to the steady pressure exerted on the walls of blood vessels when blood continues to flow in blood vessels, and is one of the key indicators to ensure the smooth operation of blood circulation in the body. Its importance in maintaining physiological balance and healthy functioning cannot be overlooked. Under normal circumstances, changes in blood pressure are influenced by a variety of factors, including mood, exercise, diet, etc. These factors interact with each other to shape the homeostasis of the body's blood pressure. When blood pressure is consistently higher than the normal range, it can cause damage to the walls of blood vessels, which in turn can lead to a range of cardiovascular diseases. Monitoring blood pressure is essential for maintaining good health.

This does not mean that we need to measure our blood pressure frequently. In fact, frequent blood pressure checks can have a range of negative effects. First of all, frequent measurement of blood pressure can lead to overstimulation of the blood vessel wall, making the elasticity of the blood vessel wall poor, and even causing arteriosclerosis. Blood vessels are like a rubber band, and if they are stretched repeatedly, their elasticity will naturally gradually decrease. Similarly, taking your blood pressure frequently is like stretching your blood vessels, causing them to lose their elasticity.

Doctor: It is not recommended, it may make the blood pressure rise, so be careful

Second, frequent blood pressure measurements can also lead to high blood pressure readings. On the one hand, multiple measurements of blood pressure in a short period of time can cause the patient to be emotionally stressed, and the sympathetic nervous system is excited, which can increase blood pressure. On the other hand, irregularities in blood pressure measurement can also lead to high blood pressure readings. For example, factors such as cuff compression too tight or short measurement intervals can affect the accuracy of blood pressure measurements.

To illustrate this more visually, we can take an example from everyday life. Mr. Wang, a patient with high blood pressure, has his blood pressure measured frequently every day because he is worried that his blood pressure is not well controlled. However, he found that the blood pressure values were different each time he was measured, and sometimes they were alarmingly high. This caused him to be emotionally stressed, and even affected his daily life and work. Later, on the advice of his doctor, Mr. Wang began to adjust the frequency of his measurements and learned to maintain a calm mind while taking measurements. Gradually, he noticed that his blood pressure readings became more stable and he felt much more relaxed.

Doctor: It is not recommended, it may make the blood pressure rise, so be careful

Authoritative views in the medical field also support the possible harms of frequent blood pressure measurements. A study published in a prestigious medical journal noted that patients with frequent blood pressure measurements were more likely to experience blood pressure fluctuations and anxiety. Anxiety itself can further affect blood pressure control, creating a vicious circle. Therefore, experts recommend that if the blood pressure is stable, it is sufficient to monitor it for 3-4 days a week, and if the blood pressure fluctuates significantly, the frequency of measurement can be increased appropriately, but it should not exceed 2-3 times a day.

In addition to paying attention to the frequency of measurements, we can also maintain blood pressure stability by improving lifestyle habits. For example, maintain adequate sleep, avoid staying up late, adjust your diet reasonably, and avoid eating foods high in salt, oil, and fat. These measures not only help to lower blood pressure levels, but also improve the overall quality of the body and keep us away from diseases.

Doctor: It is not recommended, it may make the blood pressure rise, so be careful

In TCM culture, the way of wellness emphasizes the unity of body and mind and conforms to nature. We can learn from this concept and integrate blood pressure monitoring into our daily life, so that we can focus on our physical health without being overly anxious. For example, when measuring blood pressure, we can try to relax our minds by taking deep breaths, meditating, etc., so that the measurement results are more accurate. At the same time, we can also incorporate blood pressure monitoring into our daily physical examination plan and regularly check our blood pressure status so that potential health problems can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner.

Frequent blood pressure checks can have a range of negative effects, including damage to blood vessels and high blood pressure readings. Therefore, we should arrange the frequency of blood pressure monitoring reasonably under the advice of our doctors, and pay attention to maintaining a calm mood during the measurement. At the same time, we should also actively improve our lifestyle habits and improve our overall physical fitness to maintain the stability and health of our blood pressure. Only in this way can we truly achieve "unity of body and mind" and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

Doctor: It is not recommended, it may make the blood pressure rise, so be careful

Of course, we also need to understand that everyone's physical condition is unique, and the monitoring and management of blood pressure needs to be individualized. If you have any doubts or concerns about your blood pressure status, it is advisable to consult a medical professional for evaluation and advice promptly. After all, the body is the capital of the revolution, and only by paying attention to and caring for it can we have more possibilities and a better future.

In this fast-paced world, we may often overlook the sensations and needs of our bodies. But remember, the body is our closest companion, and it needs to be listened to and nurtured with our hearts. Let's start now, pay attention to blood pressure, take care of our body, and move towards a healthier and better future together.

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