
Doctor: Women with inflammation will have 5 manifestations of the face

author:Popular science of Chinese medicine doctors

In China, many women have the misconception that only after having sex can they suffer from gynecological inflammation. However, this is not the case. This perception does not correspond to the facts. Gynecological inflammation is not an inevitable consequence of sexual activity, but the result of a combination of factors.

Doctor: Women with inflammation will have 5 manifestations of the face

First of all, we need to understand that gynecologic inflammation is not an exclusive "product" of sex. The causes of inflammation vary widely, from bacteria, viruses and fungi to a variety of other complex factors. These pathogens can penetrate the female genital organs through a variety of routes, such as mother-to-child transmission, clothing, baths, public toilets, etc., each of which can be a source of infection. Exposure to these pathogens can trigger gynecologic inflammation in women even if they have not had sex.

For example, Xiaoling is a college student who pays great attention to personal hygiene and has never had sex. Recently, however, she noticed that she had itching in her pubic area and abnormal vaginal discharge. After careful examination and examination by the doctor, he was finally diagnosed with vaginitis, as if he had discovered a mystery. It turned out that Xiaoling accidentally came into contact with a towel with a pathogen while using a public bathroom, which led to the infection.

In addition to external infections, women's bad lifestyle habits are sometimes like invisible tigers, which may lead to the occurrence of gynecological inflammation. For example, frequent washing, excessive use of lotion, wearing leggings, etc., act as an intrusive disrupter, which may disrupt the balance of the vaginal microbiome, thus potentially increasing the risk of infection.

Doctor: Women with inflammation will have 5 manifestations of the face

What are the unique manifestations of the faces of patients with gynecological inflammation?

The first manifestation is acne on the wings of the nose. This often involves ovarian function or the reproductive system and is sometimes one of the early signs of PCOS. When a woman has endocrine disorders, acne is prone to appear on the wings of the nose, which is like the body "alarming" us to pay attention to the health of the reproductive system.

The second sign is a dark shadow in the depths of the eyes. Many people may think that dark circles are just a sign of lack of sleep, but in fact, it can also be a sign of gynecological inflammation. When women suffer from gynecological inflammation, the function of the uterus is affected, which may lead to irregular menstruation, and the accumulation of toxins and congestion that need to be discharged during the menstrual period is difficult to discharge, and then dark circles are formed around the eyes.

The third manifestation is the appearance of spots on the face. The spots on both sides of the cheeks may be caused by endocrine disorders caused by gynecological inflammation, which is worth in-depth discussion and consideration. Spots are like a "notepad" for the body, recording our health. If the spots suddenly increase or darken, it may be the body that is warning us.

The fourth manifestation is dark lip color. Women's lips gradually turn dark purple or black, and menstruation decreases, which may indicate a warning sign of blood loss and excessive cold in the body. Not only can this condition disrupt the normal rhythm of menstruation, but it can also adversely affect fertility.

The fifth manifestation is the growth of an undeserved beard. While this may sound incredible, it is true that some women grow "beards" because of the increase in androgens in their bodies. This is not only a physical problem, but also a manifestation of health problems.

Doctor: Women with inflammation will have 5 manifestations of the face

In the classics of Western medicine, there are also in-depth discussions on the causes and treatment of gynecological inflammation. In the book "Gynecology", it is clearly pointed out that the occurrence of gynecological inflammation is related to a variety of factors, including infection, endocrine disorders, and bad lifestyle habits. In the treatment of gynecological inflammation, in addition to anti-infection treatment for pathogens, it is also necessary to pay attention to adjusting lifestyle and improving the endocrine environment to achieve the effect of treating both the symptoms and the root causes.

Lack of sex is not an ironclad way to prevent gynaecological inflammation. Women should keep their reproductive organs clean, have regular gynecological examinations, and detect and treat latent inflammation in time, which is like guarding a garden and taking care of it carefully, so that the flower of life can bloom. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to personal lifestyle habits and endocrine status to avoid inflammation caused by bad habits, such as the garden needs to be carefully cared for to avoid wind and rain invading the flowers and leaves.

Doctor: Women with inflammation will have 5 manifestations of the face

The body is our most precious treasure, it is the source of our life, and it deserves our cherishing and care. We should take care of it as we love our own eyes. When the body is unwell, do not shy away from the doctor, but go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time. Only in this way can we have a healthy and beautiful life.

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