
Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken

author:Passionate Leaf L6

Akiko and the girl, two friends, seem to have formed an indissoluble bond with the hospital since the beginning of the new year. Qiuzi was busy with her second child, and the girl brother accompanied her mother through a difficult surgical journey. Although their decision has caused different voices from the outside world, they still firmly chose to give their mother a try. However, fate played a cruel joke on them, and after the operation, the mother left this world forever. The girl brother and her family were immersed in deep grief, and self-blame and remorse were intertwined in their hearts. But life always goes on, and they have to pick up their grief and deal with their mother's aftermath.

Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken

Seeing the warm pictures shared by the third sister-in-law about her mother-in-law before her death, we couldn't help but be moved. The brothers silently guarded their mother for the last journey, and in the days to come, they could no longer call out "mother". When everything is calm, relatives and neighbors are leaving one after another, and there are only a few people left in the family, and the traces of life left by those mothers are all reminding them of the past.

Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken

According to the third sister-in-law, since the death of his mother, the third brother is often immersed in grief alone, and the girl brother is also deeply affected. In order to comfort him, Qiuzi specially went into the city to talk to him. Akiko knows the pain of losing a loved one, as she has been through similar hardships. She used her own experience to tell the girl that time will dilute everything, and the important thing is to learn to adjust your mentality.

Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken

Time flies, months have passed. Qiuzi recently revealed in the video that her sister-in-law was worried that the girl's brother was thinking crankily at home, so she took him to her home. Akiko's family is so lively, maybe it can make the girl forget her sadness for a while and regain the joy of life. The girl brother also said that he is trying to adjust his mentality, although it will take time to completely forget, but he believes that his mother also hopes that he can be strong in life.

Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken

Regarding the death of his mother, the girl brother once admitted in the video that although the operation itself went smoothly, fate played a cruel joke on them. However, he did not regret taking his mother to surgery because he felt that it was a filial piety to his mother. After everyone saw the video of Qiuzi and the third sister-in-law, they all encouraged them to look forward, after all, life has to go on, and their filial piety and love for their mother are also worthy of recognition.

Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken

Finally, the sister-in-law mentioned the matter of the second child when chatting with Akiko. Although Akiko was a little shaken, with the encouragement of her sister-in-law, she decided to persevere. After all, so much effort has been put into the early stage, wouldn't it be a pity to give up now? Everyone also expressed their support for Akiko's second child plan, hoping that she could successfully realize her wish.

Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken

Although life has twists and turns, there is always warmth. I hope that the girl and her family can get out of the haze as soon as possible, and the days ahead are still very long, I believe that they will cherish each other more and create a better life together. As for Akiko's second child plan, we also sincerely wish her to get her wish and add more joy and warmth to the family.

Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken
Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken
Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken
Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken
Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken
Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken
Country girl: The girl brother made the sister-in-law worried, and her actions made people teary-eyed, but Qiuzi was shaken