
The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

author:Dazzling blackberries

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I'm in my 80s, and when I look back on it at this age, I'm always filled with emotion. I have been through so much in my life, there have been joys and pains, and like most ordinary people's lives, there are many ups and downs.

My mother was a very strong woman who worked hard for her family all her life. When I was a child, my family lived in poverty, and my mother had to work hard every day to support the family. She always kept the best for us and ate the leftovers herself.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

Despite the hardships of life, my mother never lost her temper with us. She always patiently taught us the principles of being human beings and forgave our mistakes. She is like an inextinguishable bright light, illuminating our life path.

Today, my mother is 82 years old. Her health deteriorated, and her mobility became more and more difficult. As the eldest son, I should do my filial piety and take my mother to serve well.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

However, none of my three younger brothers were willing to take on this responsibility. They have their own reasons, some say they are too busy with work, some say their housing is too small, and some simply ignore it.

Seeing that all four of us brothers were indifferent to her, my mother's eyes were full of disappointment and sadness. She has given everything for us, and now no one is willing to repay her for her nurturing.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

As the eldest in my family, I felt guilty. I know that what my mother hopes most is to have a happy old age. However, my work was very stressful, and my wife was very opposed to bringing my mother in with me.

The house where the second brother lives is indeed very small, with only one bedroom and one living room. His reason was that bringing his mother in would make life very crowded and inconvenient. However, I can see that his main concern is that his mother will interfere with his and his daughter-in-law's private life.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

The third brother has always been a relatively indifferent person and lacks experience of family affection. He never seemed to think much about whether to support his mother, and turned a deaf ear to his mother's needs.

The younger brother is the youngest in the family, and the least responsible. His attitude towards this matter has always been evasive, and no matter how much I tried to persuade him, he pushed and resisted, unwilling to face the problem squarely.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

One day, my mother suddenly lost her temper at home and scolded us unfilial sons. She said that she had worked hard to bring up our four brothers, and now that she is old, none of her children are willing to serve well.

Mother's words were like a hammer that struck us hard. The four of us brothers looked at each other, and you began to accuse each other of shirking responsibility.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

Looking at the four of us brothers, my mother's face finally showed unprecedented determination and determination. She said that she had already decided to move to a nursing home, and she didn't want to cause trouble for us unfilial sons anymore.

Hearing my mother's words made my heart ache. As the eldest son, I knew that I should be filial, but the pressure of my family and career prevented me from serving my mother wholeheartedly. I was caught up in a huge conflict and struggle.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

In the end, my mother insisted on living in a nearby nursing home. I often take time out to visit her after work, but every time I see her alone, my heart feels like being pinched by an invisible hand.

In the nursing home, the mother lived very lonely. Although there are many elderly people in the hospital, everyone is old and rarely has anything to talk about. My mother often sat alone in the yard in a daze, looking at her empty eyes, I could no longer hold back the guilt in my heart.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

After much thought, I finally made up my mind to change the situation and bring my mother back to serve as a good student. Despite my wife's constant opposition, I insisted on doing so, because I knew that this was a son's filial duty.

After deciding to take my mother home, I went around mobilizing my three brothers in the hope that they would do the same. However, their attitude remained cold, and my efforts were in vain.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

My wife has always been vehemently opposed to me taking my mother in with her, believing that it would seriously affect our quality of life. Because of this incident, we have quarreled many times, and family conflicts have intensified.

When I was about to take my mother home, she tried to dissuade me. She said she was old and didn't want to trouble us young people. She would rather live alone in a nursing home than affect our lives.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

Despite my mother's repeated dissuasions, I insisted on taking her back. I know very well that filial piety to one's parents is the most basic moral code in life, and it is the responsibility and obligation of my son. No matter what the cost, I don't hesitate.

My mother's health is getting worse day by day, she is struggling to walk, and she needs more and more attention in her daily life. I had to hire a nanny to take care of my mother's diet.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

When my wife saw that there was an elderly man and a nanny in the house, and the quality of life was much worse than before, she became more and more disgusted that her mother lived in our house. She often ignores her mother, and sometimes even explodes rudely at her mother.

My wife and I are in a deeper conflict because of our mother. We were always noisy and the atmosphere was very tense. The children were also affected, and the whole family fell into unprecedented coldness and depression.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

Seeing the deterioration of our relationship as husband and wife, my mother was filled with endless regret and self-blame. She thinks that it is because she is old and drags down our lives that it will lead to such family conflicts. At one point, she wanted to move back into the nursing home, but I adamantly refused to allow it.

It was in this tense family atmosphere that one day my mother suddenly fainted and was rushed to the hospital. After examination, the doctor said that the mother's health was deteriorating, and it was likely that she was too old and her body was failing in all functions.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

Looking at my mother lying on the hospital bed and dying, I was in great pain, and endless regret churned in my heart. I began to regret why I didn't be filial to my mother in the first place, why I listened to my wife's objections and brought my mother home, and if I had listened to my mother's advice and let her live in a nursing home in peace, maybe her body would not have failed so quickly.

My mother seemed to see through the pain in my heart, and with the last of her strength, she said to me, "Son, you have done the greatest filial piety of a son. I'm so proud of you. When I was alive, your filial piety to me was the greatest filial piety. After I pass away, you must care for each other and live a good life. "

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it

After saying this, my mother closed her eyes forever. I wept bitterly, tears streaming down my face. His wife also cried into tears. We realized that our mother was so great and so tolerant that she cared about our lives as much as she always did before she died.

The passing of my mother made my wife and I rethink the meaning of life. We are determined to follow our mother's instructions, love each other well, and warm this family with love. Since then, our husband and wife have lived in love and harmony, turning our mother's blessing into our strength to move forward.

I recall the hardships of my mother's youth. At that time, living conditions were very poor. My mother had to work hard every day to support the family. But she never lost her temper with us, and always worked hard to save the best things for us brothers.

When I think of this, my heart is filled with endless guilt and pain. My mother has worked so hard all her life, but in exchange for our indifference and incomprehension. In her later years, she should have been happy and healthy, but she suffered because of our selfishness.

My wife saw my pain and realized her mistake. She began to reflect on her bad words and deeds towards her mother, and her heart was full of endless remorse. She told me that if she could do it all over again, she would definitely serve her mother-in-law with all her heart.

In addition to my wife and me, my mother's death also made my three younger brothers reflect on what they had done. They realized how unfilial they were to treat their mother with such indifference and incomprehension. So, the four of us brothers came together again and resolved the estrangement and mustard that had been estranged for many years.

Since then, the four of us brothers have supported each other and helped each other. Whoever is in trouble, everyone will lend a hand. We have set up a mutual aid fund to help those in need in our family. This kind of brotherly love is also the best filial piety for our mother.

The painful lesson of our mother's death has made us all realize that we should cherish our loved ones in the present. I love my wife and children even more, understand my wife's hard work, and teach my children to be filial to their parents. My wife has also become more considerate and attentive to my work and life.

In addition to our loved ones, we also learn to be kind to others. My mother's greatest wish was that we could live a happy and fulfilling life. Therefore, we decided to treat the people around us with a more kind and humble attitude, and warm the world with love.

Finally, the death of my mother also made me realize that life is too short to live the way I want. So, I started to pursue my dreams and work hard in the hope of making some modest contribution to the world.

Although Mother is gone, her spirit lives on in our hearts forever. She used her life to interpret the truth of being a human being, and also gave us endless strength and courage to pursue a better life.

The 82-year-old mother's four sons refused to support the elderly, and the mother scolded: You can't ignore it if you give birth to it