
Zhang Songwen under AI technology: The fragrance of green onions attracts praise from netizens, and AI troubles real discrimination

author:Wilderness Life 321

As a well-known public figure, Zhang Songwen frequently communicates and interacts with netizens through social media. Recently, he has once again become a hot spotlight for posting his experience of growing green onions and discussing this topic with netizens. In addition, he also shared some interesting insights in the field of AI, which attracted a smile from many netizens.

Green onions bloom
Zhang Songwen under AI technology: The fragrance of green onions attracts praise from netizens, and AI troubles real discrimination

Zhang Songwen showed a picture of green onions growing in his soil, which immediately sparked emotional resonance among netizens. The green onions are as numerous as hydrangeas, attracting a large number of praise and messages from netizens. This trivial scene of daily life has inspired the public's nostalgia and deep reflection on plants and farming. This exchange activity made us aware of the neglected beauty in life, and experienced Zhang Songwen's sensitive insight and strong enthusiasm for the subtleties of life.

Confusion in the age of AI

However, Zhang Songwen has recently faced a problem that has puzzled him - AI (artificial intelligence) technology. Recently, a netizen posted a photo showing white clouds floating in the beautiful scenery of the deep mountains, triggering Zhang Songwen's in-depth reflection on the real and the virtual. He candidly said that the emergence of AI has greatly affected its visual resolution, and there are doubts about the authenticity of pictures. In this era of digital prosperity, the confusion caused by similar AI technology is not unique.

AI is alive

While questioning the authenticity of his pictures, Zhang Songwen also encountered AI's "joke" operations, such as netizens jokingly sharing AI-processed videos of his synthetic beauty, and even thinking that his singing skills are superior to him. Fun and challenging, AI technology reveals the impact of the digital age on us, changing both our perception of the world and the way we personally image and express ourselves.

Humans and AI

Zhang Songwen bluntly expressed his concerns about AI technology in the forum, such as AI-created scripts that make it difficult for people to identify the real actors in them. The filmmaker is deeply disturbed by the fact that the new technological storm has brought up such high-profile problems as the disappearance of the actors in the show. This concern is in fact a profound reflection on how humanity can cope with the challenges brought about by scientific and technological progress. In the face of the wide application of artificial intelligence and its penetration into all corners of social life, it is necessary to redefine the mode of human-computer interaction and find a way for human-machine to coexist in harmony.

Zhang Songwen under AI technology: The fragrance of green onions attracts praise from netizens, and AI troubles real discrimination
AI and creativity

Zhang Songwen believes that "defects make human beings more real", which is reflected in the fact that AI is difficult to completely replace human creativity and emotional expression. Although AI has the ability to imitate and learn, even surpassing humans, it lacks the unique characteristics of human beings, including emotional experiences and values.

Future outlook
Zhang Songwen under AI technology: The fragrance of green onions attracts praise from netizens, and AI troubles real discrimination

In the current era of rapid technological development, we are in an environment where information is overflowing, technological transformation is rapid, and digital intelligence is full of comprehensive life. In the face of this situation, human beings need to strengthen the awareness of paying equal attention to technology and human nature, respecting mutual benefit and working together. Only by insisting on the rational and prudent use of science and technology, and at the same time adhering to the sense of human care and social responsibility, can we achieve the simultaneous improvement of science and technology and people, and the harmony and stability of society.

Zhang Songwen under AI technology: The fragrance of green onions attracts praise from netizens, and AI troubles real discrimination
The central situation of the social platform

One of the distinguishing features of the current hyperlinked environment is the continuous increase in the use of social media to share farming experiences, engage in interactive conversations, and discuss cutting-edge technology topics. Such a virtual space connects real life, expands the social field, and strengthens the sharing and integration of information, which has been widely popularized and deeply rooted in the hearts of people from all walks of life, bringing people the dual benefits of entertainment and knowledge.

Zhang Songwen under AI technology: The fragrance of green onions attracts praise from netizens, and AI troubles real discrimination

With his unique sense of humor and in-depth thinking, Zhang Songwen has won the love of a large number of fans. His actions such as sharing daily trivia, expressing feelings and discussing technology issues on social platforms not only enrich the online resources but also arouse readers to think more deeply in the fields of life and technology. As he said, "I'm curious about whether the profession of actor will disappear with the advancement of AI technology?

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