
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?

author:ballistic missile
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?
What is the greatest luck of the ten types of people who can't make deep friends?

In a busy city, the gymnasium is always a place where people of all kinds come together. When night falls, people flock to this vibrant space to sweat or exchange ideas. And today, Zhang Xiaofan, the protagonist of our story, is also in this gymnasium, using his experience and wisdom to reveal to us the ten types of people who can't be deeply friends in life, and what is the greatest luck of people.

Zhang Xiaofan is an introverted but thoughtful person. He likes to observe silently in the corners of the gymnasium, exploring the mysteries of human nature from people's words and deeds. That evening, he came to the gym as usual, ready to start his daily workout. However, an unexpected conversation made him fall into deep thought.

"You know what? Some people really can't have deep friendships. An unfamiliar voice sounded in Zhang Xiaofan's ears. He followed the prestige and saw two middle-aged men sitting on a bench next to him chatting. Zhang Xiaofan's heart moved, and he decided to get closer to listen to their conversation.

"Oh, tell me, who can't be deeply acquainted?" one of the men asked curiously.

Another man pondered for a moment and then began to speak: "First of all, those who are narrow-minded and jealous, they always don't see the good of others, and once you surpass them, they will find ways to stumble you. Secondly, those who are hypocritical and pretentious, who have a superficial appearance and a set behind the scenes, their words can never be trusted, and you will never know what is going on in their hearts. And those who are selfish and only think about themselves, they will never think about you, they will only use you when they need you......"

As the man narrated, Zhang Xiaofan's heart gradually set off waves. He found that there was no shortage of such people around him, and they were often cloaked in a veneer of friendliness, which was difficult to detect. At the same time, he also began to think, what is the greatest luck of people?

After the workout, Zhang Xiaofan sat alone in the corner of the gymnasium and fell into deep thought. He remembered some of the friends he had made, some of whom had drifted away because of their narrow-mindedness, some of whom had chilled him because of their hypocrisy, and some of whom had disappointed him because of their selfishness. These experiences made him deeply appreciate the hurt and distress caused by people who cannot be deeply acquainted.

However, he also remembered some other friends. They may not be perfect, but they are always able to lend a helping hand and give him support and encouragement when he needs it. Their presence made him feel the warmth and beauty of the world. These experiences made him think that perhaps the greatest luck of a person is not how much wealth or status he has, but that he can meet people who are truly worthy of deep friendship.

"The greatest luck of a person should be to be able to meet people who are like-minded with you and can grow together. Zhang Xiaofan said silently in his heart. He remembered a difficult time he had with a good friend, who supported each other and made progress together, and in the end, they both achieved great things. This experience taught him the power and value of true friendship.

At the same time, he also realized that it is not easy to meet such people. We need to have enough wisdom and vision to distinguish between the true and the false, the good and the bad, we need to have enough courage and determination to reject those who are not worthy of deep friendship, and we need to have enough patience and time to manage and maintain those friendships that are truly worth cherishing.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan's heart suddenly brightened. He understood how he should choose and manage his relationships in the future. He decided to be more proactive in finding people who were truly worthy of deep friendship, while also learning to reject those who might be negative for him.

The lights in the stadium gradually dimmed, and people began to leave. Zhang Xiaofan stood up, stretched, and prepared to go home. He knew that tonight's experiences and reflections would be a valuable asset in his life. He will continue to move forward on the road of life with this understanding and growth.

In the following days, Zhang Xiaofan began to pay more attention to the people and things around him. He strives to improve his discernment and identify those who are truly worthy of deep friendship by observing his words and deeds, exchanging ideas and opinions, etc. At the same time, he actively participates in various social activities, expanding his circle of friends and looking for like-minded people with him.

Gradually, Zhang Xiaofan found that his life became more fulfilling and meaningful. He met some friends who were truly worthy of deep friendship, and they shared the bits and pieces of life, discussed the philosophy of life, and pursued progress and growth together. These experiences made Zhang Xiaofan feel the warmth and beauty of the world, and also made him more firm in his beliefs and pursuits.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan has also met some people who are not worthy of deep friendship. But he learned to deal with these situations with wisdom and courage, to stop losses and protect himself from harm. He knows that life is like a long journey, and there will always be all kinds of people and things. It is important to learn to discern and choose, to find those who can truly accompany you through the path of life.

In this way, Zhang Xiaofan found the true meaning of life and the greatest luck through observation and thinking in the special place of the gymnasium. He used his experience and wisdom to tell us that the most valuable wealth in life is not money and status, but those who can grow with us, pursue progress and happiness together. Only by cherishing and maintaining these relationships can we truly have a happy and successful life.