
Life is approaching the age of 70, and people are separated from the world

author:The old man said

1. Do not take the initiative to send text messages and blessings to friends, colleagues, and classmates during the New Year's holidays.

As a result, I didn't receive a single text message for the New Year, which shows that I was self-inflicted in the past.

2. Do not grab red envelopes in the WeChat group, nor do you send red envelopes.

Don't give red envelopes to confidantes.

Cut off contact with the opposite sex, and do it and cherish it.

3. Do not participate in classmates, colleagues, friends' dinners, singing, travel, farmhouse and other activities.

All invitations are declined.

The years of noisy, noisy, laughing, and yelling have passed, and enjoy the peace and ease.

Staying alone, drinking coffee and listening to Teresa Teng's songs.

4. Do not invite relatives and friends to the door, nor do you go to relatives' homes to pay New Year's greetings or visit the door.

The indispensable dinner party is about to be in the restaurant, and everyone is okay after the meal.

I feel very comfortable and comfortable like this.

Live your life, no matter east, west, north, south, or center.

Life is approaching the age of 70, and people are separated from the world

5. Do not participate in any form of comparison and show off, and no longer pay attention to the evaluation and gaze of others.

Choose your own lifestyle and no longer live for what others think.

6. Don't dictate the life choices of relatives and friends, and respect their decisions.

Life is like a play, everyone is their own director, and outsiders don't need to comment.

7. Not keen on social activities and no longer pursuing a wide range of contacts.

True friendship is not about how many people you know, but about how many close friends you have.

8. Do not borrow money from relatives and friends, nor lend money to relatives and friends.

Money is the touchstone for testing people's hearts and avoiding the troubles and strife that arise from them.

9. Don't dwell on the past, and don't dwell on the facts that can't be changed.

It is wise to live in the moment and cherish the people in front of you.

10. Don't have high expectations for your children, and respect their interests, hobbies and choices.

Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and parents only need to give love and support.

11. Do not interfere too much in children's family affairs and respect their lives.

Family harmony and mutual respect can lead to long-lasting happiness.

12. Don't complain about life, don't envy others, and cherish everything you have.

Happiness is not a comparative grade, but a satisfaction grade.

13. Don't bring home the pressure of work and life, and maintain a good attitude.

Home and everything is prosperous, and mentality determines everything.

14. Don't infect your family members with negative emotions and learn to control your emotions.

Home and everything is prosperous, and emotions are the barometer of the family.

15. Do not neglect physical health, pay attention to health preservation, and maintain good living habits.

The body is the capital of the revolution, and health is the king of life.

16. Don't take age as a burden, and the mentality determines everything.

Age is just a number, and only when you have a young mind can you be full of vitality.

17. Do not give up learning, constantly enrich yourself, and improve your overall quality.

To live and learn, knowledge is the spice of life.

18. Don't waste time on meaningless things and learn to cherish time.

Time is the fairest, and to cherish time is to cherish life.

19. Don't worry about trivial matters, learn to let go, and keep a peaceful mind.

Life is short, we must learn to look open and look down.

20. Don't regret the past, don't worry about the future, live in the present, and cherish the present.

Life is like a dream, we must learn to cherish and be grateful.

Life is approaching the age of 70, and people are separated from the world

21. Don't expect too much from others, learn to be independent and self-reliant.

Only by relying on oneself can we gain a foothold in the world.

22. Don't take failure as an excuse and don't take success as a burden.

Failure is the mother of success, and success is a stepping stone to failure.

23. Don't give up your dreams, pursue them bravely until they are realized.

Dreams are the compass of life, and chasing dreams is the only way to live a wonderful life.

24. Don't give up the pursuit because of age, age is just a number.

Pursue bravely until you achieve it, and live your own wonderful life.

25. Don't waste your life on things you don't like, learn to follow your heart.

Life is short, do what you love and live your true self.

26. Don't take money too seriously, learn to cherish money, but don't be bound by money.

Money is a tool, learn to use it correctly and don't become a slave to money.

27. Do not change your original intention due to external interference, and stick to your beliefs.

Only when the heart is strong can we overcome all difficulties.

28. Don't use the ordinary as an excuse, learn to find happiness in the ordinary.

Ordinary is not mediocre, cherishing the ordinary is cherishing life.

29. Don't take life too seriously, and learn to face life with an optimistic attitude.

Life is short, with an optimistic mindset, enjoy every moment.

30. Don't take loss too seriously, learn to cherish what you have, and learn to let go of what you have lost.

What is lost is a reminder that what we cherish is what we have.

Life is approaching the age of 70, and people are separated from the world

31. Don't see life too clearly31. Don't see life too clearly, maintain a hazy beauty, and make life full of infinite possibilities.

32. Don't see every failure as the end, but as the starting point of growth.

33. Treat every success not as the end, but as the beginning of a new challenge.

34. Age is not regarded as a limit, but as an accumulation of experience and wisdom.

35. Don't see difficulties as obstacles, but as opportunities to exercise your will and resilience.

36. Don't see the criticism of others as an attack, but as a motivation to improve yourself.

37. Don't see loneliness as loneliness, but as a space for self-reflection and growth.

38. Think of aging not as a decline, but as the beginning of a new stage of life.

39. Death is not seen as the end of life, but as the liberation of the soul and a new reincarnation.

40. Don't see life as a race, but as a trip and enjoy every step of the way.

Everyone's life has a different trajectory, and you don't have to force yourself or others to live according to a specific pattern. The important thing is to find your own happiness and live your life to the fullest. In this world, we are all unique, and our choices and decisions should be based on our true feelings from the heart.