
A snapshot of love: revealing the truth behind the celebrity's 'romance'!


出道前点赞擦边图,参加guesthouse party

Before Cheng Hanbin's debut, he liked some pictures of rubbing edges and participated in some guesthouse parties.

A snapshot of love: revealing the truth behind the celebrity's 'romance'!

These actions have been interpreted by some as a sign that there is something wrong with his private life. However, liking and partying doesn't tell the whole story. Likes may just be because they are fun, and parties are part of the social interaction of the average young person.

A snapshot of love: revealing the truth behind the celebrity's 'romance'!

Imagine if everyone's likes became a qualitative indicator, wouldn't social networks become a never-ending courtroom?


During the race, I drove the girls to see the cherry blossoms

Sung Han-bin drove a few girls to see the cherry blossoms during the season, a move that some people speculated to be more.

A snapshot of love: revealing the truth behind the celebrity's 'romance'!

However, this is just an ordinary spring outing. Isn't it a bit too enthusiastic to drive a friend to enjoy the flowers? Moreover, to what extent has star-chasing been reached, and seeing the cherry blossoms once has to rise to the height of "love", isn't it a bit too enthusiastic?


Various speculations and clarifications after the debut

After his debut, Cheng Hanbin's every move has attracted much attention, especially the part of interacting with the opposite sex.

A snapshot of love: revealing the truth behind the celebrity's 'romance'!

However, everyone has their circle of friends, and some actions do not imply romance. For example, traveling with college classmates and joking with your sister are all normal social behaviors. Do you have to write a disclaimer "friendship only" every time you take a photo with a friend of the opposite sex?


[Controversial Summary]

As a public figure, Cheng Hanbin's private life has received great attention, but this does not mean that every detail has to be interpreted in an expanded way.

A snapshot of love: revealing the truth behind the celebrity's 'romance'!

Sometimes, we should give them some space and trust, after all, rumors are rumors, and the truth is the most important thing. At the same time, we should also reflect on whether it is biased to pay so much attention to the private lives of young artists, and perhaps it is time to give them more respect and privacy.


In the comment area, some netizens humorously said: "It seems that even having a meal with a girl is going to be a big deal now, should I go to find a girl to have a meal and see if it will be rumored to be a relationship?" Another netizen joked: "This social network is amazing, even a small like can cause a hot search, it seems that I have to pay attention to my social behavior, so as not to be labeled as something." ”

Some people think that the current concept is too extreme and too harsh on the behavior of young people, while others believe that public figures should be responsible for their every move, after all, they represent an image. This kind of controversy continues to stimulate everyone's thinking and discussion, and people can't help but sigh, is the "court of public opinion" of social networks for trial or entertainment?

A snapshot of love: revealing the truth behind the celebrity's 'romance'!

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