
On the night of the cave room, the man died violently after taking tonics, and the bride said: He is anxious, and it is none of my business

author:I love noodle fish

On the night of the cave room, the man died violently after taking tonics, and the bride said: He is anxious, and it is none of my business

In the ancient Jiangnan water town, there is a place called Biyun Village, where the scenery is picturesque and the folk customs are simple. However, in this quiet small village, a bizarre and strange thing happened, which made the villagers talk a lot and unforgettable for a long time.

The protagonist of the story is called Li Yunfei, a young and handsome scholar, although his family is not rich, but he also has no worries about food and clothing. Li Yunfei has been smart and studious since he was a child, has read poetry and books, and is bent on gaining fame and honoring his ancestors. However, as fate would have it, he failed to do so on several consecutive scientific expeditions. Frustrated, at the urging of his parents, he decided to start a family first, and then try to make a name for himself.

According to the matchmaker, Li Yunfei and Zhang Wan'er, a woman from a neighboring village, got married. Zhang Wan'er looks like a flower, gentle and virtuous, the two fell in love at first sight, and soon it was the wedding day.

On the night of the candles in the cave room, Li Yunfei looked at the beauty in front of him, and his heart was full of joy. He thought of his hard work and setbacks over the years, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and ambition in his heart, wanting to show his strength on the wedding night and leave a good impression on Wan'er.

So, he quietly took out a packet of tonic medicine from his bosom, which he specially asked someone to buy from afar, which is said to enhance physical strength and make people refreshed. Li Yunfei thought that if he could take this medicine on his wedding night, he would definitely impress Wan'er.

However, he never imagined that this pack of tonic would become the end of his life.

On the night of the cave room, the man died violently after taking tonics, and the bride said: He is anxious, and it is none of my business

That night, Li Yunfei took the tonic, only to feel hot and dry, as if there was a flame burning in his body. He hugged Wan'er tightly, wanting to release the heat. However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his chest, as if a knife was stabbing him fiercely.


Wan'er was frightened by this sudden change, she shook Li Yunfei's body in panic and shouted his name loudly. However, Li Yunfei didn't react anymore, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something terrifying.

At this moment, there were footsteps outside the door, and it was Li Yunfei's parents who heard the movement and rushed over. When they saw their son's tragic condition, they immediately cried heartbreakingly. Wan'er, on the other hand, stood by the bed, her eyes full of horror and helplessness.

The villagers rushed to hear the news and were stunned to see this scene. How could such a tragedy happen on a good day? Everyone talked about it, but no one could tell what was going on.

At this moment, Wan'er suddenly spoke: "He's anxious, it's none of my business." Her voice was trembling and weak, but it seemed to contain endless fear and helplessness.

The villagers looked at each other, not knowing how to respond. Could it be that this bizarre death really has nothing to do with Wan'er?

On the night of the cave room, the man died violently after taking tonics, and the bride said: He is anxious, and it is none of my business

Things are getting more and more bizarre, and the cause of Li Yunfei's death has become a mystery. Some people say that the tonic is poisonous, some people say that it is haunted by ghosts, and some people say that it is caused by Li Yunfei's own demons. However, no one knows what the truth is.

As time passed, the incident was gradually forgotten by the villagers. However, whenever night falls, Li Yunfei's screams can still be heard in the night sky of Biyun Village, and the cave house that was once full of festivity has also become a forbidden place, and no one dares to set foot in it.

And Zhang Wan'er, after experiencing this change, became silent and washed her face with tears all day long. She was full of guilt and self-blame, feeling that she had killed her beloved husband. However, she also didn't know how to face this harsh reality.

In this way, a beautiful marriage was shattered by a bizarre death event. And Biyun Village has become more and more mysterious and weird because of this incident.

However, the story doesn't end there. On the seventh day after Li Yunfei's death, a mysterious Taoist priest came to Biyun Village. He claimed that he could pass through yin and yang and could unravel the mystery of Li Yunfei's death.

The villagers gathered around curiously, wanting to hear what the Taoist priest could say. The Taoist priest circled around Li Yunfei's corpse and carefully inquired about the situation that night. Then, he took a deep breath and said slowly, "This son did not die of poisoning, nor did he die of ghosts, but of demons. ”

"Heart demons?" the villagers' eyes widened in surprise.

On the night of the cave room, the man died violently after taking tonics, and the bride said: He is anxious, and it is none of my business

The Taoist priest nodded and explained: "Childe's heart is too eager, and after taking the tonic medicine, he is in a hurry, which leads to excessive fire in his heart and triggers demons in his heart. This inner demon is what Childe fears and worries about, and it took Childe's life while Childe was restless. ”

The villagers were dumbfounded, they didn't expect the cause of Li Yunfei's death to be so bizarre. And Wan'er seemed to have found relief, and tears welled up. She finally understood that her husband's death was not caused by herself, but that he was too eager to ask for it, which led to this tragedy.

The Taoist priest said, "Actually, Gongzi shouldn't be like this. If he had calmed down and taken his steps step by step, he might have been able to avoid this catastrophe. It's a pity that people's hearts are always difficult to satisfy, and often because of momentary greed and eagerness, it leads to irreparable tragedies. ”

After hearing this, the villagers all fell into deep thought, and sighed at the complexity and elusiveness of the human heart. The Taoist priest comforted Wan'er again: "Madame doesn't have to blame herself too much, everything is fate." You need to let go of the obsession in your heart to get out of this shadow. ”

After hearing this, Wan'er nodded silently. She decided to follow the advice of the Taoist priest, let go of the guilt and self-blame in her heart, and start her life again.

With the help of the Taoist priest, Li Yunfei's body was properly disposed of. The villagers gradually returned to their former calm and stopped talking about this strange thing. However, when night falls, there is still a small cry coming from the once festive cave room, as if telling an unfinished story.

On the night of the cave room, the man died violently after taking tonics, and the bride said: He is anxious, and it is none of my business

As the days passed, Wan'er gradually stepped out of the shadows. She began to take care of her household chores and parents again, and her life gradually returned to normal. However, there is always a mystery in her heart that cannot be solved-what happened that night? Is the cause of Li Yunfei's death really caused by demons?

Until one day, when Wan'er was sorting out Li Yunfei's relics, she accidentally found a letter that he had not sent during his lifetime. The letter wrote that Li Yunfei had visited a Jianghu Langzhong before taking the tonic medicine. That Lang Zhong told him that although this pack of tonic can increase physical strength, the side effects are extremely great, and the slightest carelessness will cause demons in the heart. Li Yunfei was bent on performing well on the wedding night, so he didn't take Lang Zhong's warning to heart.

After reading the letter, Wan'er suddenly realized in her heart. It turned out that Li Yunfei's death was not entirely accidental, but his own greed and ignored Lang Zhong's warning. She felt a pang of heartache and regret, but at the same time a sense of relief. At least, she knows the truth and no longer needs to blame herself for her husband's death.

Wan'er kept the letter in good storage and decided to use it as a warning to herself and others not to repeat the mistakes of the past. She also began to actively participate in various activities in the village, using her own experience to exhort the villagers to cherish life and not ruin the happiness of themselves and their families because of temporary greed.

With the passage of time, Wan'er's story became a good story in Biyun Village. She won the respect and admiration of the villagers with her strength and bravery. And the cave room, which was once full of strange atmosphere, has gradually been diluted by time and has become an ordinary room.

However, when night falls, the faint sound of crying still seems to echo in my ears. It seems to remind people that greed and eagerness in the heart often have unforeseen consequences. And true happiness often comes from inner peace and contentment.

In this ancient and mysterious water town in the south of the Yangtze River, the story of Biyun Village has been passed down from generation to generation. It has become an eternal reminder for people to always be vigilant about life, to cherish life, and to pursue true happiness. As time passed, Wan'er's reputation in the village gradually improved, and she won praise from everyone for her strength and kindness. However, the crying in that cave room was always like a thorn in Wan'er's heart. In the dead of night, she would sit alone in front of the window, looking at the bright moon outside the window, and her heart was full of endless thoughts and sorrows.

On the night of the cave room, the man died violently after taking tonics, and the bride said: He is anxious, and it is none of my business

One day, a strange wandering monk came to Biyun Village. He claimed to be able to communicate yin and yang, and to solve the world's intractable diseases. The villagers came to see what the monk's magical powers were. Wan'er also heard the news, and her heart moved, and she decided to ask the monk to solve the mystery of crying in the cave room for herself.

When the monk came to Wan'er's house, he carefully inspected everything in the cave room, and asked Wan'er about the cause of Li Yunfei's death. Wan'er told the monk everything that had happened, including the unsent letter.

After hearing this, the monk closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "Madam, the crying in that cave room is not caused by Li Yunfei's ghost, but by the unfinished obsession in his heart. ”

"Obsession?" Wan'er asked suspiciously.

The monk nodded and explained, "Li Gongzi was too greedy and eager to achieve results during his lifetime, which led to the breeding of demons in his heart. After his death, this obsession did not dissipate, but remained in the cave room. In the dead of night, it turns into a cry to remind the world not to repeat the mistakes of the past. ”

After Wan'er heard this, her heart throbbed. She finally understood what was going on in the crying room. She decided to follow the monk's advice to overtake Li Yunfei's undead and resolve the obsession in his heart.

With the help of the monks, Wan'er held a solemn ceremony for Li Yunfei. She prayed sincerely, hoping that Li Yunfei's dead spirit could rest in peace and the obsession in her heart could be resolved.

On the night of the cave room, the man died violently after taking tonics, and the bride said: He is anxious, and it is none of my business

After the service, the weeping in the cave room disappeared. Wan'er felt a burst of relief and relief, she finally stepped out of that shadow and started a new life.

Since then, Wan'er has become stronger and more optimistic. She used her own experience to exhort the villagers to cherish life and pursue inner peace and contentment. And Biyun Village has become more harmonious and beautiful because of her story.

As the years passed, Wan'er's story was passed down from generation to generation in Biyun Village. She became a legend in the village, and her strength and kindness remained in people's hearts forever. And the cave room, which was once full of strange atmosphere, has gradually faded out of people's memories with the passage of time.

However, when night falls and the moon hangs high, there are still people who can hear the faint sound of crying echoing in their ears. Maybe Li Yunfei's ghost is thanking Wan'er for her transcendent grace, or maybe he is warning the world to cherish life and not to repeat the mistakes of the past. In any case, the cry has become a part of Biyun Village and will remain in people's memories forever.