
Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

author:Banana University Hall

Guo Qilin sat in front of the window of the apartment, looking at the gray sky, and there were bursts of indescribable sourness in his heart. He can't forget the family breakdown he experienced as a child.

At a young age, he saw the cruelty of life and felt the lack of family affection, and these shadows still linger today. Guo Qilin recalled that his only attachment at that time was his father Guo Degang, but even his father gave him strict discipline and lacked due care.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

His father always rebuked him in a stern tone, as if he was using an invisible pressure to nurture his talents. In front of the public, he must always be cautious, careful in his words and deeds, for fear that his every move will attract his father's dissatisfaction.

Even in the face of his father's apprentices, he maintained a detached attitude, for fear of being seen as weak.

This invisible pressure not only sharpened Guo Qilin's talent, but also left an indelible wound in his heart. Even when he grows up, he still hides his inner inferiority complex and fragility at all times, and is used to disguising himself as an amiable person, smiling at the outside world, but hiding his true emotions deep inside.

The divorce of his parents has made him unable to let go of it to this day. At that time, he could only watch his originally warm family fall apart, and the pillars of his life fell apart overnight.

He didn't understand why his parents left each other, why he lost the company of his family like this, and lacked the family warmth he deserved.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

For this child, that experience was undoubtedly a huge trauma that was deeply engraved in his heart. Even though he grew up to be a well-respected talent, he still struggled to calm down when he recalled that dark past.

"Why is this happening? Why did my parents leave me?" These questions swirled in his mind again and again, but he could never find answers. He longed for the warmth of his family, but he was never able to find solace.

Someone once commented on Guo Qilin: "All the hardships and hardships he has experienced may lead him to a tragic life." But amazingly, this kid chose to thrive and eventually became a talent that everyone respected.

Despite the indelible wounds in his heart, he never complained about it, but faced everything with gratitude.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

Such an experience made Guo Qilin's soul more tenacious. He understands that it is his father's strict teachings that have shaped him into who he is today. Although he had lived under his father's harsh discipline during those years, he knew that it was all due to his father's expectations and hopes for him.

Even today, he still hides his inner fragility at all times, pretending to be a person with a lot of affability. But the shadows of his youth could never be erased from his heart.

Guo Qilin found that his father was getting old

Years have passed, and now Guo Qilin has become a highly respected talent. But when he looked at his father, who was getting older, his heart was full of sourness and pity.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

Once, Guo Qilin secretly observed his father's performance backstage. He noticed that his father's posture and demeanor were very different from when he was younger, and he couldn't help but feel the erosion of time.

Guo Degang, who used to be sharp and magnificent, has now become older, which makes Guo Qilin's heart ripple.

Even though his father is no longer as heroic as he was back then, in public, Guo Qilin still respectfully calls him "Mr. Guo". He was afraid that there would be anything inappropriate in his every move, and he was always careful to maintain a detached attitude.

And once his father left, Guo Qilin immediately became active and cheerful, as if he had completely gotten rid of that sense of oppression. The communication between them often only stays in the realm of politeness and courtesy, and some people even say that Guo Qilin's understanding of his father may not be as good as that of his father's apprentices.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

This situation made Guo Qilin feel extremely helpless. He longed to be able to establish a closer bond with his father, but was repeatedly blocked by his father's harsh teachings. can't help but sigh that even though Guo Degang has been changed by time, he still maintains his seriousness and majesty as a standard "disciple of the Guo family".

Looking at his father's aging figure, Guo Qilin's heart swelled with complex emotions. He could deeply feel the alienation of the father-son relationship, as if an invisible pastoral cage had firmly separated them.

Even though he has grown into an outstanding talent, Guo Qilin still hides his inner fragility at all times. He is accustomed to hiding his true emotions with a smile, for fear of being seen as weak.

However, when he watched his father grow old, an indescribable pity welled up in his heart. Guo Degang's once sharp image as an artist has now been slowly eroded by time, becoming more old and weak.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

This made Guo Qilin's heart ripple.

He began to think involuntarily that one day he would have to completely protect his aging father, and he could no longer let him face all kinds of difficulties alone.

He longed to be able to use his strength to pull his father behind him and not let him become an obstacle to his progress again.

Such worries and pity filled Guo Qilin's heart with complicated emotions. He understands that the change in his father has become a reality that he cannot ignore, which also makes him have to face up to the current situation of the relationship between father and son.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

Attachment and protectiveness to the father

However, even though the relationship between Guo and his son is still a little delicate, Guo Qilin still has a special affection for his father in his heart. Looking at his aging father, his heart was filled with pity and protection for his father.

Someone once commented on Guo Qilin: "All the hardships and hardships he has experienced may lead him to a tragic life." Amazingly, however, he chose to thrive and eventually became a well-respected person.

Indeed, Guo Qilin has lost the company of his family since he was a child, and he lacks the family warmth he deserves. But he never complained about it, but faced everything with a grateful attitude.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

He understands that it is his father's strict teachings that have shaped him into who he is today.

Now seeing his aging father, Guo Qilin's only wish in his heart is to hope that one day he can have enough strength to firmly protect his father under his wings.

Don't let him endure any more difficulties, nor can he still move forward in difficult times.

"One day, I'll have to pull him behind me, and I can't let him get in front of me. This sentence has become the most sincere call in Guo Qilin's heart. He longs to pamper and love his father in his own way, and make up for the lack of fatherly love over the years.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

This deep father-son friendship and blood relationship has become the most sincere emotional sustenance in Guo Qilin's heart. Even though the father-son relationship was once estranged, he still had a special attachment and protective desire in his heart.

Kwok understands that although his father's harsh teachings have traumatized him, it is those experiences that have allowed him to thrive and eventually become a highly respected talent.

This gratitude has become the most solid pillar in his heart.

Now looking at his father's aging figure, Guo Qilin has a strong desire to protect in his heart. He longed to be able to use his own strength to completely protect his aging father from facing any more difficult difficulties.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

This is not only a blood relationship, but also an indescribable spiritual connection. Guo Qilin understands that he must hold up a piece of the sky for his father, and he can no longer let him face all kinds of difficulties alone.

His deepest desire was to one day be able to completely protect his father under his wing, and no longer let him be a stumbling block to his progress.

This special father-son friendship has become the focus of attention from all walks of life.

Guo Degang became more and more considerate of his son

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

At the same time, with the passage of time, Guo Degang's attitude towards his son has also undergone subtle changes.

The sharp-edged "Lao Guo" back then has now turned into a good father who knows how to lower his profile and take care of his son with his heart. He began to rely deeply on his son's life, always paying attention to Guo Qilin's joys, sorrows, and sorrows, and expressing his son's needs and emotional demands without hesitation.

Sometimes, when Guo Qilin tells his father about trivial matters at home on various occasions, Guo Degang's eyes are often full of tears, revealing his fatherly feelings for a long time. He understood how much pain and trauma he had brought to his son by his strict discipline of him.

Now, he repays his son's forgiveness with practical actions, and longs to be able to reconnect with him.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

For this reason, Guo Degang always pays attention to his son's dynamics and often tries to meet him. Even at work, he will arrange various tasks for Guo Qilin, just to take this opportunity to be able to get together with him.

When his son went out to shoot and didn't return for half a year, Guo Degang sent text messages all the time, eagerly hoping that his son could return home as soon as possible, and implored him to stay for a long time and not go to other places.

In Guo Degang's eyes, Guo Qilin has grown into an outstanding talent, and it is also his proudest "work". He often proudly boasted about his son to others, and sincerely hoped that he would be able to repay the child's forgiveness with practical actions.

What was once a stern father has now been transformed into a truly loving father. He understands that only with good care can this child truly feel the warmth of home.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

And Guo Qilin also sincerely felt his father's deep dependence on him, and he couldn't help but be moved in his heart.

All that alienation and stress are now a thing of the past. In its place, there is a father's love and trust in his son. Guo Degang always pays attention to his son's living conditions, hoping to see him more and make up for those missing family moments.

Even if his son sometimes goes out for half a year and doesn't return, Guo Degang waits patiently and always pays attention to his dynamics. He will take the initiative to contact his son to find out how he is doing, hoping to reunite with him as soon as possible.

Sometimes, when Guo Qilin gathers with friends, Guo Degang will also take the initiative to leave a message, hoping that he can go home to share food and wine with his father. This once strict "Lao Guo" has now completely let go of his body and expresses his thoughts and concerns for his son.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

People can't help but sigh that this former sharp-edged artist has now transformed into a loving father who truly cares for his son. He understands that only with good care can he get closer to his son and let the child truly feel the warmth of home.

And Guo Qilin also deeply felt his father's dependence on him. This made him feel moved in his heart, and the connection with his father's heart became his greatest comfort.

Guo Degang and Guo Qilin's hearts are connected

Looking at his father's gradual aging, Guo Qilin's inner contradictions and thoughts are indescribable. He knew that he had to hold up a piece of the sky for his father, and he could no longer let him face all kinds of difficulties alone.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

Once, Guo Qilin secretly watched his father's performance backstage on stage, and he noticed that his father's every move had changed dramatically. The sharp-edged artist back then has now been slowly eroded by time and has become even older.

This made him feel a lot of emotion, and his heart was full of pity and worry for his father.

"One day, I'll have to pull him behind me, and I can't let him get in front of me. This sentence has become the most sincere call in Guo Qilin's heart. He longed to be able to use his own strength to completely protect his aging father from facing any more difficult difficulties.

At this moment, Guo Qilin has deeply felt the spiritual connection between father and son. Even if their relationship was not close in the past, the deep friendship between them has now transcended blood and has become an indescribable tacit understanding.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

Guo Degang is also becoming more and more considerate of his son's mood and needs. He began to take the initiative to respect Guo Qilin's way of life, and even if his son did not come home for several months, he waited patiently and kept an eye on his son's dynamics.

When he learned that Guo Qilin was having a party with friends, Guo Degang would leave a message in time, hoping that he could go home to share food and wine with his father. He can't wait to reunite with his son at all times, have a good chat about family life, and make up for the lack of years.

For this "Lao Guo", who used to strictly discipline his son, he is now a real loving father. He understands that only with good care can this child truly feel the warmth of home.

And Guo Qilin also sincerely felt his father's deep dependence on him, and he couldn't help but be moved in his heart.

Guo Qilin: One day I will pull him behind me, and I can't always let him stand in front of me

This special bond between them has become the focus of attention from all walks of life. People have sighed that this deep father-son friendship is really moving.

Even though there was a gap in the past, now the father and son have reached a tacit understanding of their hearts. Guo Qilin understands that he must hold up a piece of the sky for his aging father, and he can no longer be left alone to face difficulties.

"One day, I'll have to pull him behind me, and I can't let him get in front of me. This sentence has become the deepest call in Guo Qilin's heart. He is eager to pamper and love his father in his own way, and make up for the lack of family affection over the years.

This heart-to-heart bond between father and son has transcended blood relations and has become an indescribable special friendship. People have sighed that such a father-son friendship is really moving.

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