
Nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy and red spots on the skin, asthma attacks, how should you spend it easily in spring?

author:Dr. Zhang Lijuan

In spring, everything recovers, flowers are red and willow green, it is a good time to travel. However, for many people, this season also means the beginning of allergic symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy skin, etc. Have you ever sighed: "Whenever the spring breeze blows, my allergies come to visit on time like an appointment." "It's these seemingly ordinary little things that invisibly weaken our love for spring. However, knowing and taking the right precautions and responses can help us cope with it all.

Nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy and red spots on the skin, asthma attacks, how should you spend it easily in spring?

Overview of spring allergic diseases: the "invisible killer" of spring, how to identify and prevent it

Spring is the period of high incidence of allergic diseases, mainly including allergic rhinitis, skin allergy symptoms and asthma aggravation. These diseases, while not fatal, have a significant impact on quality of life. Understanding their characteristics and pathogenesis is the first step to effective management and prevention.

Allergic rhinitis: a "nasal alarm" in spring

Allergic rhinitis, which usually manifests as symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, and nasal itching, is caused by allergens such as pollen and dust mites. These allergens are dispersed by the wind in the spring and are easily inhaled by the respiratory tract, triggering the body's immune response.

Skin allergies: uninvited guests in the spring sun

In spring, skin allergy symptoms such as eczema and urticaria occur frequently, mainly manifested as itchy skin and erythema. Pollen, dust mites in the environment, and sudden changes in climatic conditions (e.g., large temperature differences) are the main triggers.

Asthma exacerbation: "dyspnea" in the spring breeze

Spring can be a challenging time for people with asthma. Pollen is one of the main causes of asthma exacerbations, and during asthma attacks, patients experience difficulty breathing, chest tightness, and even need medical intervention in severe cases.

Nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy and red spots on the skin, asthma attacks, how should you spend it easily in spring?

Prevention of spring allergies: make fresh air your ally

In spring, many people are troubled by the increase in allergens such as pollen and dust mites. The key to effective spring allergy prevention is to reduce the contact between these allergens and the body.

Careful management of the environment

Household cleaning: Regular deep cleaning of the home, especially bedding and curtains, and the use of high-temperature steam can effectively kill dust mites.

Air purification: Install an efficient air purifier, especially one with a HEPA filter, that is able to filter out most airborne allergens.

Indoor humidity regulation: Keep the indoor humidity between 40%-60% to prevent dust mite growth and mold growth.

Personal protection when going out

Plan your time to go out: Avoid going out in the morning when the pollen is blowing or on windy days, and try to choose outdoor activities in the afternoon or after rain.

Protective gear: Wearing a mask and glasses when you go out can effectively prevent pollen from entering your respiratory tract and eyes.

Nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy and red spots on the skin, asthma attacks, how should you spend it easily in spring?

Coping measures and daily management: Soothe spring allergies and make life more comfortable

For cases where allergy symptoms have already occurred, it is equally important to respond promptly and effectively.

Friendly treatment of allergic rhinitis

Nasal cleaning: Nasal irrigation with saline to help remove allergens and mucus from the nasal passages.

Medication relief: Over-the-counter antihistamines can be effective in relieving symptoms such as sneezing and nasal congestion, but they should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

Gentle care for skin allergies

Keep your skin moisturized: Use a gentle, non-irritating moisturizer, especially if applied immediately after bathing, to help lock in moisture in your skin.

Avoid irritation: Reduce the use of personal care products that contain fragrances or alcohol and choose gentle toiletries.

Spring management of asthma

Prevention is key: avoid known allergens to reduce the chance of asthma attacks.

Prompt use of medications: Follow your doctor's guidance for proper use of prophylactic medications such as inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta-2 agonists.