
Remind people who want to lose weight successfully that there are 4 stages that need to be experienced to lose fat, and I hope to know it as soon as possible

author:Medical science popularization class

"Diet and increase exercise" is often cited as a general recommendation for weight loss. However, while this strategy is widely disseminated, in reality, the process of weight loss is far more complex than the slogan portrays. Many people believe that they can achieve their ideal weight simply by adjusting their diet and exercising, but in fact, effective weight-loss strategies need to be tailored to the individual's specific situation.

In recent years, obesity has become a growing social problem, which not only affects the appearance of individuals, but more importantly, has a serious impact on health. As a result, more and more people are looking for effective ways to lose weight. However, before you start losing weight, it's crucial to understand the different stages of weight loss.

Remind people who want to lose weight successfully that there are 4 stages that need to be experienced to lose fat, and I hope to know it as soon as possible

Master these to make you lose weight without rebounding!

To promote healthy weight management, the first strategy is to reduce your intake of high-energy-dense foods, such as fast food and fried foods. These foods not only provide excess energy, but can also overload the digestive system. Effective weight control is based on the principle that energy expenditure is greater than energy intake. However, the key is to maintain balance and avoid eating too few calories. Depending on the individual's weight, the recommended daily energy intake is between 1,200 and 1,500 kcal. Establish healthy eating habits, choose foods that are low in oil, salt, and sugar, arrange meals reasonably, and avoid bad habits such as staying up late, snacking frequently, and skipping breakfast.

At the same time, ensuring adequate intake of high-quality protein is a part of the weight loss process. Protein helps to increase digestion time and satiety, which in turn controls total food intake. In addition, protein is essential for maintaining and growing muscle mass, which in turn increases basal metabolic rate and helps burn fat more efficiently. Good sources of protein include eggs, soybeans, dairy products, and lean meats and seafood.

Another weight-loss strategy that is often overlooked is to ensure adequate water intake. About 2,000 ml of water is needed daily, which is essential to boost chemical reactions in the body, help eliminate waste and increase metabolic rate. Adequate hydration can also fill the stomach, reduce hunger, increase satiety, and aid weight management. With these three key strategies, you can effectively support your healthy weight loss goals.

Remind people who want to lose weight successfully that there are 4 stages that need to be experienced to lose fat, and I hope to know it as soon as possible

Fitness fat loss is divided into four stages: adaptation period, advanced period, fat burning period, and muscle building and shaping period.

1. Initial training cycle

The initial phase lasts about 30 days, during which a minimum of 3 days of training per week is completed. Arrangements can be flexible, such as training on alternate days or taking one day off after two consecutive days, ensuring at least 3 days off per week. Start with low-intensity training and gradually increase to accommodate the heart's response to activity.

Strength section: about 20 minutes, focusing on mastering the techniques of various strength training exercises and their exercise areas.

Aerobic part: 20 to 30 minutes, if you feel tired on the way, you can take a short break 1 to 2 times, no more than 1 minute each time. Training can include low- to moderate-intensity activities such as jogging, cycling, and aerobics.

Second, the fat reduction stage

During this period, the goal is to reduce excess body fat according to individual body constitution. Eat less salt, reduce staple foods and meat, and avoid junk food and high-fat foods.

Training needs to work on different parts in a targeted manner in order to achieve significant results.

Remind people who want to lose weight successfully that there are 4 stages that need to be experienced to lose fat, and I hope to know it as soon as possible

Third, the promotion stage

Also known as the Advanced phase, it lasts about two months, during which you can add strength training to 30 minutes and work on specific muscle groups, using a gradual weight gain method to stimulate muscle growth. Maintain a 20-minute aerobic workout or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) without interruption.

Adjust your diet to high-protein carbs, add a meal after training to prevent muscle breakdown, supplement with BCAAs or whey protein, and consume low-GI carbohydrates in moderation.

Fourth, the muscle building and shaping period

Entering the formal training stage, the strength training time is 30 to 40 minutes, the rest between sets is controlled within 1 minute, and compound movements are preferred to train the muscles of the whole body, such as squats, bench presses, deadlifts, etc. Aerobic training for at least 1 hour, with variable speed running to improve calorie expenditure and cardiorespiratory fitness, prevent the body from adapting to the previous training, and thus increase energy expenditure.

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