
As soon as the U.S. Treasury Secretary concluded his visit to China, the U.S. military put pressure on White House officials: There will be more joint patrols in the South China Sea

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen concluded her visit to China on April 9, and Yellen arrived in China on April 4, including Guangzhou and Beijing. Yellen's visit to China came for many purposes, judging from Yellen's public statement, it was to complain that Chinese products are too cheap, and to blame China for "overcapacity". The United States has violated the laws of the market economy, because with the improvement of production efficiency, product prices are bound to become cheaper and cheaper, while American companies are "not enterprising" and trying to continue to make profits through high prices.

As soon as the U.S. Treasury Secretary concluded his visit to China, the U.S. military put pressure on White House officials: There will be more joint patrols in the South China Sea

When the United States and China are playing, the U.S. manufacturing industry no longer has the basis for a large-scale game with China, because the United States has transferred most of the manufacturing industry when promoting "globalization", and now the United States is promoting the revitalization of the chip industry chain, for which the "Chips and Science Act" was passed to provide subsidies for the construction of chip factories in the United States, but in other industries, the United States has no intention of fighting, so there is a situation of insufficient product competitiveness. For the plight of the American manufacturing industry, the United States has not reflected on itself, but wants to put the blame on China.

As soon as the U.S. Treasury Secretary concluded his visit to China, the U.S. military put pressure on White House officials: There will be more joint patrols in the South China Sea

During her visit to China, Yellen also reiterated that the United States is unwilling to "decouple" from China, but just after Yellen concludes her visit to China, the U.S. military will come to put pressure. According to U.S. media reports, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan publicly stated on April 9 that there would be more joint patrols in the South China Sea. Sullivan answered reporters' questions about the South China Sea exercise held by the United States, Japan, Australia and the Philippines on April 7. Judging from the information released by the United States, the four-nation joint military exercise was held in the waters north of Palawan Island in the Philippines, and the subjects included anti-submarine, fleet communications, and joint formations. Judging by the photos released by the public, the four countries mobilized five warships to participate, in addition to the cooperation of several reconnaissance aircraft.

As soon as the U.S. Treasury Secretary concluded his visit to China, the U.S. military put pressure on White House officials: There will be more joint patrols in the South China Sea

Sullivan publicly stated that the joint military exercise on April 7 was a joint operation of the so-called "United States, Japan and the Philippines" plus Australia, and it was really a new quadrilateral joint military exercise, and Sullivan also stressed that there will be more joint patrols in the future. The U.S.-Japan-Australia-Philippines joint military exercise was held before the trilateral summit of the United States, Japan and the Philippines, and the interaction between the United States, Japan and the Philippines is widely believed to be a new joint action led by the United States to deal with China, with the aim of causing tensions in the South China Sea and thus promoting the "Indo-Pacific strategy" of the United States. Judging from the statements of US White House officials, the four-nation joint military exercise on April 7 is a new attempt, so there will be new actions in the future.

As soon as the U.S. Treasury Secretary concluded his visit to China, the U.S. military put pressure on White House officials: There will be more joint patrols in the South China Sea

In fact, the United States not only exerted pressure on China through the four-nation military exercises, but also used the "Aukus" trilateral security alliance between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia to further deal with China. Sullivan openly stated that Japan can become a partner of the "Aukus" alliance, thus confirming the United States' attempt to expand the scope of the "Aukus" alliance, and New Zealand has already publicly declared that it wants to join the "Aukus" alliance, and now Japan is also ready to move.

As soon as the U.S. Treasury Secretary concluded his visit to China, the U.S. military put pressure on White House officials: There will be more joint patrols in the South China Sea

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