
Act fast, the liver and kidneys complement each other, and the second brother can become a long brother

author:Dr. Yang Ming

On the issue of men's function, most people will choose to do the form of addition, that is, to tonify the kidney and strengthen the yang, and Yang Ming thinks that the application of subtractive thinking.

For example, if you step on the accelerator, the car will run faster, but if you exceed the speed limit, it may backfire and cause accidents. If the drug is not used properly, it is likely to affect other organs.

Act fast, the liver and kidneys complement each other, and the second brother can become a long brother

Most of today's andrological problems do not have kidney deficiency, but liver problems are more obvious.

If you compare Zongjin to a big tree, then it needs a warm and moist environment to thrive.

Considering the homology of the liver and kidney, when we choose drugs, we should abandon those aphrodisiac products that are warm and hot, and choose warm and moist medicines, such as dogwood, wolfberry, mulberry, etc.

Act fast, the liver and kidneys complement each other, and the second brother can become a long brother

A previous patient, 41 years old, had a short period of time, accompanied by difficulty in standing up, the tongue was dark red and pale, the pulse was thin, and there was no other discomfort.

The patient's jujube has been thankful for a long time, and at the same time, it damages the kidney essence and consumes the liver and blood, so the dialectic is that the liver and kidney are lost.

Conditioning and treatment should start from the liver and kidney, nourish the liver and kidney, and strengthen the foundation.

Act fast, the liver and kidneys complement each other, and the second brother can become a long brother

The yam is used in the prescription, which is sweet and flat, can regulate the spleen and stomach, and consolidate semen;

Poria cocos is light and damp, and can clear the turbidity of the kidneys and the spleen and stomach with the yam; Danpi clears heat and cools the blood, clears the kidney fire, and enters the blood to clear the heat of the yin and heat;

Act fast, the liver and kidneys complement each other, and the second brother can become a long brother

Xianmao, Morinda officinalis nourishes the kidney, yang and strengthens the muscles and bones; Epimedium nourishes the kidneys and fills the essence;

Goji berries nourish the liver and kidneys, benefit the shrewdness and eyes, make Shou Wu nourish the liver and kidneys, benefit the essence and blood, and ox knee nourishes the liver and kidneys, and at the same time induces blood downward.

After taking 1 course of medicine, the time is longer than before, and the hardness is improved; after taking 1 course of medicine, all the symptoms are eliminated, and the endurance is increased, and it does not collapse for a long time.