
6 ways to fix phone won't charge, there is always one for you

author:Harness the technology of information vertical

Is your iPhone or Android smartphone not charging when plugged in? Worried that this could be the end of your beloved phone? Browse our list of troubleshooting tips to understand the source of the problem.

Check the charging port

Your smartphone's charging port can quickly fill up with dust, lint, and other debris. If the contacts inside the port are blocked, the smartphone may not charge properly because it is unable to complete the necessary circuitry.

Bring a flashlight and double-check the charging port. You can then use a pointy object like a wooden toothpick to get rid of anything you find. Frequent insertion of the charging cable may cause debris to compact, so you may need to repeat the process a few times to remove it completely.

6 ways to fix phone won't charge, there is always one for you

Using metal objects such as paperclips or SIM card tools may damage the contacts inside the charging port, so be careful if you decide to take this approach. A wooden toothpick is much safer as it won't scratch the contacts (and damage any coating), but you also have to be careful not to break it inside the port.

You should also be alert for signs of damage inside the charging port. What you're looking for can be hard to know, but bent pins and corrosion should be very noticeable.

Try a different cable or adapter

If the charging port is clean and there are no visible signs of damage, turn your attention to the charging cable. Inspect the cable for signs of wear and look at the contacts near the connection point. You may be able to scrape off any sticky material on the end of the cable, but wear and other damage are signs that you should replace the cable thoroughly.

Just because the cable seems to be in perfect condition, doesn't mean it's completely fine. If there is a fault inside the cable because it is too old or has persistent damage due to extrusion, it may affect the cable's ability to carry a charge. It always pays to replace the cable to eliminate a possible cause.

There is also a chance that the USB adapter will malfunction, so consider replacing it as well. You also don't need to use the same adapter, and any device with a USB port should work, including laptops, smart TVs, and even your car.

If you find that the adapter is the culprit, consider replacing it with one that supports fast charging. If you have a spare wireless charger at home, you can also try charging it with it.

Restart your device

Sometimes, software issues can interfere with the charging capacity of your smartphone. If in doubt, turn it off and back on. Modern smartphones have quite complex charging circuits, which allows them to safely use chargers that are more powerful than boxed chargers (especially for fast charging purposes).

6 ways to fix phone won't charge, there is always one for you

Since this is controlled by the software, there is still a good chance that restarting the device will fix the problem.

The wireless charger is not working

Physical connections are prone to various problems such as debris and damaged connectors. Wireless chargers seem to be a better alternative, but even they can run into problems. The first thing to do is to check that your wireless charger is indeed plugged in, especially if there is no LED indicator.

6 ways to fix phone won't charge, there is always one for you

Just like wired charging, your wireless charger requires a cable and a USB adapter to work. You should try swapping them out to make sure they aren't the cause of the problem. If you're using a case on your smartphone, consider removing it to test the connection.

If that doesn't solve the problem, consider testing your smartphone with a standard charging cable. If none of that works, then there may be a problem with the charging line inside the smartphone, which will require a bigger fix.

Water may get into your phone

Most high-end smartphones now have some basic water resistance, usually staying at a depth of about 1 meter for about 30 minutes. Depths above the rated depth will put more pressure on the equipment's seals, increasing the risk of water ingress. It is also possible that the waterproof will fail completely. This is another reason why backing up your iPhone or Android smartphone is crucial.

Salt water poses another threat, as salt can quickly corrode the charging contacts inside the port on the bottom of the device. You may even find salt residue inside the charging port, which can also be intrusive when charging your device. You can use a pencil, eraser, or white vinegar to clean the corrosion. After exposing the device to salt water, it is best to rinse the device in fresh water.

Water damage caused by liquid ingress into the device can severely affect charging and may not be easily repaired. You can try to take your device to a repair shop for an inspection, where you can find out how much it will cost to repair your smartphone. In many cases, a new smartphone will be the more cost-effective route.

Get the best charger

If you need to replace your charger for any reason, consider purchasing the best charger you can afford right now. GaN chargers are smaller and more efficient.

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