
The general forgot the coachman before the war, and was pulled into the enemy camp by him during the battle, from which two idioms were born

author:Zhao Zhao's expectation


Isn't it incomprehensible that a small negligence can lead to such a huge consequence? There have been many similar incidents in history, and seemingly insignificant details have often become the key factor in changing the course of history.

The general forgot the coachman before the war, and was pulled into the enemy camp by him during the battle, from which two idioms were born

The tragedy of an iron nail

In 1485 A.D., England was in turmoil. Charles III and Earl Henry fought a decisive battle for the throne. Charles III was the king of the time, and he was determined to personally lead his army into battle in order to achieve a final victory.

Before the battle, Charles III made a full war mobilization. He personally inspected each of the horses to make sure they were all ready. But at this moment, a small negligence almost buried his kingdom.

The general forgot the coachman before the war, and was pulled into the enemy camp by him during the battle, from which two idioms were born

Charles III's coachman went to the blacksmith to nail the horses. However, the blacksmith found that there were not enough nails, so he had to improvise some rudimentary horseshoes. In the hurry, the horse's paw of the last war horse was not completely fixed. This horse was ridden by Charles III himself, and its health was crucial to the entire battle situation.

At that time, the war was still in the stage of hand-to-hand combat, and cavalry played a key role on the battlefield. A healthy horse can not only provide the rider with a strong impact, but also be flexible and maneuverable in the melee, which is the key to victory. And this unstable war horse may not be able to play its due role in a fierce battle.

The general forgot the coachman before the war, and was pulled into the enemy camp by him during the battle, from which two idioms were born

Although Charles III was a brave and warlike monarch, he was not a professional cavalry commander after all. It is also unknown whether he will be able to steer this unstable war horse at a critical moment and successfully charge into battle.

War was on the verge of breaking out, and Charles III rode this horse to charge forward. But at the critical moment, the horse's paw suddenly fell, causing the horse to lose its balance and even Charles III fell off the horse. This accident completely changed the tide of the war.

The general forgot the coachman before the war, and was pulled into the enemy camp by him during the battle, from which two idioms were born

Charles III's army plummeted in morale and fled. Count Henry took the opportunity to launch a fierce offensive and eventually captured Charles III. In this way, the fate of a king was decided by a simple iron nail.

Isn't this incomprehensible? How can a small oversight cause such a huge consequence? This is the so-called "butterfly effect." A small cause can lead to unpredictable results. This is not only reflected in war, but also in our daily lives.

The general forgot the coachman before the war, and was pulled into the enemy camp by him during the battle, from which two idioms were born

For example, a negligence that forgets to turn off the gas can lead to a fire. A small thing of forgetting to turn off the lights can cause a major power outage; A mistake of forgetting to lock the door can lead to a family tragedy. These seemingly insignificant details often become the key factor in changing fate.

Therefore, we must always be vigilant, pay attention to details, and be careful in life. A small negligence can lead to irreparable tragedy. The story of Charles III is a wake-up call to us to always be vigilant against the "butterfly effect".

The general forgot the coachman before the war, and was pulled into the enemy camp by him during the battle, from which two idioms were born

Sheep's revenge

And in the Spring and Autumn period on the mainland, similar incidents also occurred. When Hua Yuan, the general of the Song Kingdom, distributed mutton before the war, he forgot about his coachman's mutton. This negligence also led to a tragic war.

At that time, Song Guo was engaged in a fierce confrontation with Zheng Guo. In order to boost morale, Hua Yuan deliberately slaughtered hundreds of sheep before the war for the soldiers to feast on. This is undoubtedly a good pre-war mobilization measure. In ancient warfare, the morale of soldiers often determined the outcome of the battle. A hearty meal will not only fill their stomachs, but also boost their fighting spirit and prepare them for the upcoming battle.

The general forgot the coachman before the war, and was pulled into the enemy camp by him during the battle, from which two idioms were born

However, when distributing the mutton, Hua Yuan forgot about his coachman's sheep. This old minister, who has been following Hua Yuan for many years, has made a lot of contributions on the battlefield, but he didn't even drink a mouthful of mutton soup. This is undoubtedly a huge insult and injustice.

Angry in his heart, he was determined to take revenge on his ungrateful master. In ancient times, the relationship between the coachman and the general was very close. The coachman was not only responsible for driving the chariot, but also for keeping the general safe in battle. If the coachman has a grudge against the general, he is likely to betray the master at a critical moment.

The war was about to break out, and Hua Yuan personally led the sheep to charge in a car. However, Yang Zhen deliberately sped up the speed of the car and directly brought Hua Yuan into the enemy camp. In the stunned eyes of the officers and soldiers of the two armies, Hua Yuan was captured by Zheng Guo's son, Guisheng.

The general forgot the coachman before the war, and was pulled into the enemy camp by him during the battle, from which two idioms were born

The morale of the Song army plummeted, and they scattered and fled. In this way, a war that could have been won was lost because of a bowl of mutton soup. Isn't this incomprehensible? How can a small oversight trigger such a huge consequence?

This story proves once again the existence of the "butterfly effect". A small cause can lead to unpredictable results. Hua Yuan, as the general of the Song State, should have been an invincible hero. However, he actually forgot a little coachman, which led to his own failure. This can't help but make people sigh that even the greatest people will inevitably make some seemingly trivial mistakes.

The general forgot the coachman before the war, and was pulled into the enemy camp by him during the battle, from which two idioms were born

Revelations of the butterfly effect

These stories vividly illustrate the power of the "butterfly effect". The so-called "butterfly effect" refers to the fact that a small cause can lead to a huge result. Like a butterfly flapping its wings in the Pacific Ocean, it could trigger a hurricane on the east coast.

In the story of Charles III, a simple nail can change the tide of battle, ultimately leading to the downfall of a king. And in Hua Yuan's story, a bowl of mutton soup that was forgotten to be distributed also triggered a tragic war.

These seemingly insignificant details often become the key factor in changing the course of history. This shows that we must always pay attention to details and be careful in life, whether at work or at home, because a small negligence can lead to irreparable tragedy.

The general forgot the coachman before the war, and was pulled into the enemy camp by him during the battle, from which two idioms were born


At the same time, these stories also teach us that as leaders, we should always pay attention to everyone around us. Charles III and Hua Yuan were both important figures at the time, but they ignored the small people around them. This neglect ultimately led to their failure.

The fate of a king is decided by a simple iron nail; A war was lost because of a bowl of mutton soup that was forgotten to be distributed. These puzzling incidents have undoubtedly sounded the alarm bell for us.

We must always be vigilant against the existence of the "butterfly effect". Whether at work or in life, we must pay attention to details and pay attention to others, so as not to cause irreparable tragedies due to a small negligence. Only in this way can we avoid a repetition of the incomprehensible tragedies of history.