
The 31-year-old female cashier suffers from vaginal cancer and never spends all her time drinking, and her husband is in tears: 2 things she can't quit

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Ma'am, I have to tell you that your test results show advanced vaginal cancer. "

The doctor's tone was heavy, and there was a hint of unbearability in his eyes. Faced with this sudden bad news, Li Mei (pseudonym) sat in the hospital consultation room, her mind blank.

The 31-year-old female cashier suffers from vaginal cancer and never spends all her time drinking, and her husband is in tears: 2 things she can't quit

At the age of 31, she is an ordinary supermarket cashier, who lives a simple and simple life on weekdays, away from the nightlife of flowers. However, fate played a cruel joke on her.

On that day, Li Mei went to visit her teacher and found that although the teacher was old, she was well-maintained and still looked energetic.

The two chatted for a long time about health issues, and the teacher shared many tips for staying healthy. Li Mei was deeply inspired, but who would have thought that just a few days later, she was diagnosed with vaginal cancer.

The 31-year-old female cashier suffers from vaginal cancer and never spends all her time drinking, and her husband is in tears: 2 things she can't quit

Li Mei's husband was devastated when he learned of his wife's condition. Facing the doctor, he couldn't cry: "She usually pays attention to her health and never indulges herself too much, how could she..."

The doctor sighed and explained that Li Mei's condition had a lot to do with her two daily habits, which she couldn't quit.

First of all, Li Mei has a special preference for sanitary napkins that smell good, and they have almost become a necessity for her life.

The 31-year-old female cashier suffers from vaginal cancer and never spends all her time drinking, and her husband is in tears: 2 things she can't quit

But many people may not realize that this seemingly fresh little thing, after long-term use, is actually not very friendly to the intimate areas of our body.

These scented pads will disrupt the natural environment below, allowing the pesky HPV virus (the bad guy who can cause cervical and vaginal cancer) to find an opportunity.

You know, the HPV virus is the number one culprit in these terrible conditions.

The 31-year-old female cashier suffers from vaginal cancer and never spends all her time drinking, and her husband is in tears: 2 things she can't quit

A study that covered 100,000 women found that women who used scented sanitary napkins for a long time were 30% more likely to develop cervical and vaginal cancer than their sisters who used regular sanitary napkins. That's pretty impressive!

Now let's talk about Li Mei's second question. Because of her busy work, she pays far less attention to food than to work.

Fast food and processed foods have become frequent guests at her table, and this love for unhealthy foods has caused her body to have some bad reactions, such as increased chronic inflammation and decreased immunity.

The 31-year-old female cashier suffers from vaginal cancer and never spends all her time drinking, and her husband is in tears: 2 things she can't quit

This not only makes her body more tired, but also makes it easier for the HPV virus to break through her health defenses.

According to research, long-term consumption of high-fat, high-sugar, low-fiber foods will greatly increase the risk of gynaecological cancer, especially vaginal cancer.

The caveat of this study is that eating unhealthy is not just a matter of weight, it's a big health problem.

Li Mei's case is not an isolated one. Through a series of patient stories, doctors show her that many seemingly innocuous daily habits can actually have serious health effects.

The 31-year-old female cashier suffers from vaginal cancer and never spends all her time drinking, and her husband is in tears: 2 things she can't quit

In the process of dealing with Li Mei's case, the doctor also constantly reminded other female patients to pay attention to the details of daily life, actively prevent HPV infection, and have regular gynecological examinations to reduce the risk of disease.

At the end of the story, one can't help but wonder: in modern society, with the acceleration of the pace of life and the intensification of environmental pollution, do we have other habits that seem harmless but have huge risks?

In this regard, in-depth analysis has shown that environmental factors such as air pollution and exposure to chemicals also greatly increase people's risk of cancer.

The 31-year-old female cashier suffers from vaginal cancer and never spends all her time drinking, and her husband is in tears: 2 things she can't quit

For example, long-term exposure to environments containing harmful substances such as benzene and formaldehyde can significantly increase the risk of respiratory and blood cancers.

Therefore, in addition to changing bad habits and improving personal health awareness, it is also necessary for all sectors of society to work together to reduce environmental pollution and create a healthier living environment for everyone.

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