
TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son

author:Sing Tao Entertainment

Wen Songnan, the host of TVB's J2 program "Abnormal Love Research Institute", publicly suffered from a rare Ewing sarcoma in December last year, and has been completely suspended for more than half a year.

TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son

Wen Songnan, who is waiting for the next stage of treatment, admitted to "Sing Tao Global Network" that his life is like a year, and he feels hesitant about the road ahead, but he will still actively fight the disease.

TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son

Recalling that he had thought about suicide due to depression in college, Wen Songnan, who was more powerful in his heart after experiencing a serious illness, said open-mindedly: "What is more important that you are going to die? ”

Wen Songnan has great side effects from taking painkillers

Due to the tumor pressing the intervertebral nerves, Wen Songnan had severe pain in the lower body for more than 30 hours, and the pain was greatly reduced after chemotherapy, but then the pain reappeared, and now he needs to take long-term medication to relieve the pain: "If you score out of 10, there are 8 or 9 points of pain, which is a lot of different pains together, such as radiating pain, being pricked by needles and the feeling of burning, mainly from the thigh to the back of the knee, and now even if you take medicine, there are still 2 or 3 minutes of pain, and occasionally it will suddenly last for two hours of severe pain, and the pain will be blurred." ”

TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son

However, the side effects of chemotherapy and painkillers have an impact on life, Wen Songnan pointed out that due to taking medicine, his memory deteriorated, vomited, and the most uncomfortable was constipation and diarrhea, and he could only stay at home for more than half a year to recuperate: "Eating and drinking Lazar seems to be a very simple matter, but it is a difficult thing for me to solve." At first, I felt that it was meaningless to live like this, that I couldn't work or socialize, but that I should be a lot productive at this age, and I thought, what are you doing here? ”

TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son

Fortunately, he quickly dispelled his negative thoughts, and in addition to the support of his family and friends, surviving for himself has also become his biggest motivation: "As long as I can survive, I will try to fight this matter, try to make my life as comfortable as possible, hope that I can continue to live, and then do many different things, this is the biggest belief." ”

Wen Songnan lives in the present to express his love to his mother

During the conversation, Wen Songnan has always been strong, but when he mentions his family, he can't hide his emotions, and he sheds tears several times. When she was 12 years old, her father abandoned his wife and children for his Filipino mistress, leaving behind a large amount of debt. Wen Songnan also joined the dream industry after graduation, but soon encountered a major difficulty in his life again, that is, the disease struck.

TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son
TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son
TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son

Wen's mother, who is over 60 years old, simply quit her day job to take care of her sick child, and worked as a cleaner from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. to help the family. In the past, he took everything for granted, but a serious illness made Wen Songnan realize the value of selfless dedication of his family and friends, and truly understood what it means to live in the present.

TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son

He didn't dare to express his love in the past, but now he gradually put down his burden and hugged the people around him, and he couldn't help but cry: "Sometimes when I see my grandma helping me do those things, I will say to her, 'Mommy, I love you so much', I rarely expressed it like this before, maybe I'm afraid that I don't have much time, even if I am a friend, I used to feel embarrassed about many things and shouldn't say it, but now I think of what I want to say and say it, in fact, if you love her, just say it." ”

Wen Songnan's biggest concern is not his family?

"Sometimes I think that I may not be able to succeed in treatment, and if I leave here one day, my biggest worry is not my family, but my friends. Because he has been dependent on his mother since he was a child, the two mothers and children have a close relationship, and he stepped into the society in the early years to help pay off the family debts, and the current economic situation is still stable, so he believes that the family can be said to have no regrets: "If I leave, I will leave some money for my grandmother, she has always wanted to retire and go back to Thailand to live, and there is not much money needed in those places in the Thai countryside, which should be enough for her to live, so I am not very worried." ”

TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son

However, it was a group of sworn friends who worried Wen Songnan the most: "Because my best friend is very dependent on me, and I am very worried about what to do with him when I am not there? I also want to do a lot of things with them, maybe shoot together, and at this age I should be able to achieve a lot of things with them at work, but I can't do it. ”

TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son

Life is impermanent, he sent a message to the younger generation to work hard to realize their dreams: "If you are like me, there is not much time, you will find that all external pressures and voices are not important, if you want to do or say anything, don't put it off, you have to put in it, as long as you maintain enthusiasm and work hard, there will be rewards and progress." ”

Wen Songnan actively fought cancer and thanked netizens

Next, Man will undergo radiotherapy (commonly known as radiotherapy) and is expected to complete about 30 sessions in one to two months, depending on the size of the tumour and the doctor's assessment.

He pointed out that since PET scan, CT and MRI scans are usually scheduled for 3 to 4 weeks in public hospitals, and it takes another six months for the report to be issued, the doctor recommends finding a private hospital or physical examination center. However, the cost is relatively high, with an average of more than 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan per project.

TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son

Wen Songnan choked up and said: "To be honest, it's not much, I don't know how long it can last, but I really thank them a lot, everyone meets in the water, and even don't know me at all to donate money, and I don't know how to thank them, because these funds are very important to me." ”

TVB's anti-cancer actor declared that the treatment was ineffective, and the old mother worked as a night cleaner to make money to save her son

At the end of the interview, although he felt that the road ahead was uncertain, Wen Songnan was still optimistic to cheer himself up: "No matter what sad things I encounter, what difficulties or obstacles I encounter, I have to work hard to face them, I can't give up, I will persevere, and I will have more courage to face everything." After finishing speaking, he took a deep breath and said firmly: "I will definitely be fine!" Wen Songnan, come on!

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