
After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: The phrase that men often hang on their lips is not a romantic "I love you", nor a sincere "I was wrong", but a proud "I can have another drink". At the wine table, the men always seem to want to prove their tenacity and unyielding spirit in this way.

However, this attitude of "not admitting cowardice" often puts them in a healthy predicament. Excessive alcohol consumption is undoubtedly a great harm to the body, and diseases such as acute gastric bleeding and chronic alcoholic hepatitis are often born from this.

Wine culture, as a part of the Chinese nation, has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In business situations, wine becomes a bond that brings people closer together and promotes cooperation.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible

However, when this glass of wine becomes a "life wine", when excessive drinking becomes the norm, then the risk of sudden death and various diseases also increases. We often see such news, but why do so many people still choose to ignore it?

For male friends, when there are abnormal signs in the body when drinking, it must not be taken lightly. These signals may be that your body is warning you that you need to stop drinking alcohol and that you need to take care of your health.

If you turn a blind eye to these signals and continue to drink without moderation, the consequences may be beyond your imagination and may even lead to the end of your life. Therefore, please cherish your body, respect the value of life, and don't let alcohol become a stumbling block on your path to health.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible


Is there a benefit to drinking alcohol?

Cardiovascular health boost

Resveratrol and other antioxidants in moderate amounts of red wine may have cardiovascular benefits and can reduce the risk of heart disease. These substances help to relax blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Social and emotional release

For many people, drinking is a social activity that strengthens connection with others, relieves stress, and brings a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible

Stimulates appetite

Moderate alcohol consumption stimulates appetite, promotes the digestion and absorption of food, and helps the body absorb nutrients.

Sleep-aiding effect

Some people find that drinking alcohol in moderation can help them fall asleep more easily. However, this doesn't apply to everyone, and long-term dependence on alcohol to fall asleep can lead to a decrease in sleep quality.

Relax and unwind

Moderate alcohol intake relaxes the body and brain, helping to reduce anxiety and tension.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible


However, long-term heavy drinking will also bring some harm to the body

Liver damage

Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can directly affect the function of the liver. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver, and long-term excessive intake can lead to fat accumulation in the liver, which in turn can lead to fatty liver. If left unchecked, fatty liver can progress to cirrhosis and even liver cancer.

Cardiovascular problems

Alcohol abuse increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Alcohol can raise blood pressure and increase the burden on the heart, which can lead to heart enlargement and heart failure in the long run. At the same time, alcohol can also promote the formation of blood clots, increasing the risk of stroke.

Gastrointestinal problems

Heavy alcohol consumption can irritate the gastric mucosa, leading to gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases. In addition, alcohol can affect the absorption function of the intestines, causing malnutrition and intestinal inflammation.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible

Nervous system damage

Long-term alcohol abuse can damage the nervous system, leading to problems such as memory loss, unresponsiveness, mood swings, etc. In severe cases, alcoholic encephalopathy may also occur, with symptoms such as tremor and ataxia.

A weakened immune system

Alcohol inhibits the function of the immune system, making the body more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. People who are chronic alcoholics tend to be more susceptible to various infectious diseases.

Mental health issues

Alcohol abuse is also strongly associated with a variety of mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. Alcohol can affect the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to emotional instability and uncontrolled behavior.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible


After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible

Stomach pain

If you experience stomach pain after drinking, it is usually a clear signal from your body that your stomach has been irritated and damaged by alcohol and is not suitable to continue drinking. In this case, it is highly recommended that you quit drinking alcohol as early as possible to protect your stomach and overall health.

Stomach pain may be caused by direct irritation of the gastric mucosa by alcohol, or it may be caused by alcohol increasing the secretion of gastric acid, leading to aggravation of gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases.

Whatever the cause, stomach pain is a symptom that should not be ignored and is a reminder that you need to make adjustments to your drinking habits.

Lowering of alcohol consumption

If there is a drop in alcohol consumption after drinking, it can be a clear sign that your body is no longer fit to bear the burden of alcohol.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible

The decline in alcohol consumption can be due to a variety of reasons, such as changes in physical condition, aging, the effects of medications, etc. Whatever the reason, it means that your body is no longer able to process and metabolize alcohol as effectively as it used to.

In this case, continuing to drink heavily may cause more harm to the body. Therefore, those who have been drinking less alcohol are advised to consider abstinence as early as possible. Quit alcohol not only helps protect your health, but also improves many alcohol-related problems such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, etc.

Sallow complexion

The appearance of a sallow face after drinking alcohol is usually a clear and urgent warning sign from your body that your liver has taken on the excessive burden of alcohol and that your body is no longer fit to continue drinking.

The sallow face after drinking alcohol is most likely due to the damage that alcohol has done to the liver. The liver is the body's main detoxification organ and is responsible for breaking down and metabolizing alcohol.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible

However, when alcohol is consumed in excess, the burden on the liver increases and its function is impaired. This causes the bilirubin in the blood to not be metabolized properly, giving the skin a sallowish color.

Memory loss

Memory loss can be caused by a variety of factors, but long-term heavy alcohol consumption is one of the most important causes.

Alcohol is a neurodepressant, and excessive intake can interfere with the normal transmission function of neurons in the brain, leading to impaired memory. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can also cause irreversible damage to the structure and function of the brain, accelerate the degeneration and death of neurons, and further affect memory.

Not only does memory loss affect your daily life and work performance, but it may also signal more serious health problems. Therefore, if you find that your memory is declining, especially after drinking, it is advisable that you seriously consider the necessity of abstaining from alcohol.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible


The doctor reminds that these 4 types of people should do "not drink a drop of alcohol"

Patients with hepatohypocrative disease

The liver is the main organ that metabolizes alcohol, and for people with liver disease, their liver function is already impaired and they are unable to process alcohol effectively, so drinking alcohol may worsen the condition.

Patients with cardiovascular disease

Alcohol raises heart rate and blood pressure, which can trigger serious problems such as angina or stroke in people who already have cardiovascular disease.

Pregnant and lactating women

Alcohol can enter the fetus through the placenta and adversely affect fetal development. At the same time, alcohol can also enter the baby's body through breast milk, affecting the baby's health.

People who take certain medications

Alcohol may interact with certain drugs, affect the efficacy of drugs, and even produce toxic substances that are harmful to human health.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible


Drinking alcohol hurts the body, so how to reduce the harm?

Controlling the amount of alcohol you drink is key

No matter what kind of alcohol it is, drinking it in excess can cause harm to the body. Therefore, we need to be clear about how much we drink and try to follow it. At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, because alcohol will be absorbed faster on an empty stomach and will be more harmful to the body.

It's also important to choose the right drink

Different types of wine have different alcohol content, taste, and effects on the body. For example, red wine is rich in antioxidants and may be beneficial to cardiovascular health when consumed in moderation, while white wine is high in alcohol and can be harmful if consumed in excess.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible

As a result, we can choose the right wine for our health and taste preferences.

Savor slowly

Don't rush when drinking, but savor it slowly to give your body enough time to break down and metabolize alcohol. This will not only reduce the damage of alcohol to the body, but also better enjoy the delicious taste of alcohol.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Good lifestyle habits, such as regular work and rest, balanced diet, moderate exercise, etc., can help improve the body's resistance and metabolism, thereby reducing the burden of alcohol on the body.

After drinking, if these 4 manifestations appear, or indicate that it is not suitable to drink again, it is recommended to quit drinking as soon as possible


Alcohol is "most afraid" of the 3 things, and a little before drinking may reduce the harm of alcohol to the body


Tomatoes are rich in fructose and vitamin C, which are effective in promoting the breakdown of alcohol, thereby reducing the burden on the liver. In addition, the antioxidants in tomatoes are also able to protect our cells from alcohol damage.


The tartaric acid in grapes is able to chemically react with alcohol to form esters, which reduces the concentration of alcohol in the blood. At the same time, the antioxidants in grapes are also able to fight the oxidative effects of alcohol and protect our body from free radical attack.


Watermelon is rich in water and minerals, which can speed up the excretion of alcohol in the urine, thereby reducing the length of time alcohol stays in the body. In addition, the heat-clearing and diuretic effect of watermelon can also relieve the physical discomfort caused by alcohol.