
13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

author:Doulai said
13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Text | Doulai said

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In the bright starry sky, every star aspires to be the most dazzling existence.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

For many young people with dreams, becoming a star is the ultimate goal in their hearts.

And the singing path is undoubtedly an important way to this dream.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

But one person's power is limited after all, so many people with lofty ideals choose to debut in the form of a combination.

It is expected that through the strength of the team, it will be easier to make a name for yourself in the entertainment industry.

The combination of "Ann and the Cavalry" used to be such a pair of shining stars in the music scene.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

The unique music style and tacit cooperation have won them the love and pursuit of many music fans.

The songs they wrote are melodious and soulful, full of insights into life and longing for the future.

Every performance can elicit an enthusiastic response from the audience and make people fall in love with their talents.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

It's a pity that just when the "Ann and the Cavalry" combination was famous and in the limelight.

However, their popularity declined rapidly in just three years, and eventually faded out of public view.

This can't help but make people sigh, the road to fame is difficult, but it is even more difficult to maintain fame.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

So, why did the "Ann and the Cavalry" group lose popularity?

Perhaps, we can find some clues from their experiences.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Go live

In 2020, the trend of live streaming swept in.

Countless Internet celebrities and ordinary people share their lives through the camera and earn a lot of money.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

"Ann and the cavalry" looked at all this, and a wave of blood surged in his heart.

They used to be hot big stars and had countless fans and followers.

Although it is no longer popular now, maybe through live broadcasts, you can regain that former glory.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

So, "Ann and the Cavalry" opened the live broadcast room with great expectations.

However, reality has dealt them a cruel blow.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

In the live broadcast room, there are few people who pay attention, the barrage is scarce, and the enthusiasm of the audience seems to be frozen by the cold numbers.

They sang and danced hard, trying to impress everyone who entered the live broadcast room with music.

But all that responded to them was the empty echo.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

They have come up with a lot of ways to promote, and even spend a lot of money to buy advertising space.

However, at the best time, there were only 200 spectators, and after that, there were fewer and fewer people.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

The fans who used to shout for them seemed to have disappeared overnight.

All that is left is their lonely figure and the glory of the past.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

"Ann and the Cavalry" began to doubt their choice, and they did not understand why the glory of the past passed so easily.

They began to reflect on whether their music was no longer in line with the trend of the times.

Or maybe his image is no longer loved by the audience.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not change the status quo.

They are no longer the stars of the past, but ordinary people who silently insist in the live broadcast room.

Their names may have been forgotten, but their music still rings in their ears.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Formed a singing group

The cavalry was formerly known as E Xingxing, and as the male lead singer in the group, his music path was quietly opened since he was a child.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Although he was born in a non-musical family, his dedication and love for music is like a natural instinct.

When he was seven years old, the cavalry attended a rural wedding with his parents, and at that moment, he was deeply attracted by the melody of suona.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

He gave up the opportunity to eat at the same table with his parents.

Alone by the band, engrossed in the performance, even forgetting the purpose of the trip.

The melodious suona sound, like magic, sowed the seeds of music in his heart.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

After returning home, the cavalry's obsession with suona grew, and he often fantasized that he could play such a melody.

Seeing this, in order to satisfy his wishes, his mother specially bought a suona for him.

With this, the cavalry began his path of self-study.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

At first he didn't play it smoothly, and it could even be called noise.

But he was not discouraged by this, he looked around for advice, and kept practicing and groping.

In two years, he crawled in the world of suona and finally mastered the skills of blowing.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

When he was about to graduate from elementary school, he moved to the capital with his father's job transfer.

It is a place where people from all over the world gather, and the variety of musical instruments also opens his eyes.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

After graduating from high school, the cavalry had a love for music and longed to enter a professional music school.

But life is always full of accidents, family sudden changes, life becomes poor.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Faced with the dream of cavalry, his mother could only let him experience the hardships of life in labor.

So he proposed to him the idea of earning his own money to go to school, and in the face of such a test, the cavalry did not flinch.

He resolutely accepted the job his mother had found for him and began his own path of earning money.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Despite going out early and returning late every day, he was happy to work hard, sweat and hard work in exchange for every penny of income.

In the cold winter, his hands were red from the cold, but his heart was full of hope and enthusiasm.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

After a winter of hard work, the cavalry finally saved up enough for tuition.

With his own hands, he realized the first step towards his musical dream.

This perseverance and perseverance also made him more determined and confident on the future music path.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

And the female lead singer of "Ann and the Cavalry" is quiet, she is a fellow countryman with the cavalry.

Before the two met, she still used the slightly rustic name Xue Xiumin.

Although he is five years younger, he also has an infinite love for music.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Quiet has had a soft spot for singing since she was a child, and whenever she hears the singing, her heart is deeply touched.

Although the family was not wealthy and her parents could not give much material support, they never objected to their daughter's pursuit of her musical dreams.

This understanding and support made Jing Jing more determined to embark on the road of music.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

When he was in school, Quiet showed an amazing talent for singing.

Not only can she easily control a variety of genres, but she also has an excellent memory.

At a young age, he participated in many singing competitions, telling his emotions and dreams with his singing, infecting the hearts of every listener.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

In 2000, the cavalry returned to their hometown after a long absence.

At that time, he had already graduated from music school and was embarking on a journey to pursue his music dream.

In a casual conversation with a relative, he stumbled upon a name - Quiet, the man who was praised as the best singer in his hometown.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

The cavalry was not convinced, and decided to find a quiet discussion.

At that time, Quiet was only 16 years old, and the cavalry was already 21 years old, and the age gap did not become an obstacle to their communication.

After a sparring, both men became interested in each other's musical talents.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

They found that each other's musical concepts coincided with each other, and they were even more tacit in cooperation.

So, they began to meet regularly for rehearsals, write songs together, and chase their dreams together.

On the road of music, they support each other, make progress together, and become each other's most solid backing.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

After they met, for the sake of their common dream, they embarked on the road to Dalian together.

Although life is difficult, they rely on their love and dedication to music, sing and perform in bars, and strive to break out of the world.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

The years are like a song, and in the blink of an eye, it is 2009.

During this year, a bold idea was born in the hearts of Quiet and Cavalry to form a musical group of their own.

They began to write songs that incorporated each other's talents and emotions.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

A year later, their original songs began to spread on the Internet, receiving more and more attention and love.

They decided to make their official debut under the name of the group "Ann and the Cavalry".

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

This name not only represents their identity, but also symbolizes the hardships and glory they have gone through together.

Since then, the duo has stepped onto a broader stage, using music to convey their emotions and dreams.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Variety shows became famous

After the group was formed, they began to get involved in the folk and rock circles.

However, their musical style is unique and very different from these two mainstream styles, so it was not enthusiastically followed by the public in the early days.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Faced with such a predicament, they were not discouraged, but actively adjusted their direction and began to participate in the talent show held by the TV station.

This decision has brought them unexpected gains.

Their music shines in talent shows and is loved by the audience.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Especially on the Walk of Fame, they won the title of overall champion of the year with an outstanding performance.

As a result, he became a star overnight.

Their dream finally came true at this moment.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

In a later show, the cavalry plucks up his courage and proposes to Quiet.

At that moment, their eyes were full of anticipation and firmness for the future.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Fortunately, Quiet agreed to his marriage proposal, and the two walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

However, fate played a joke on them. It didn't take long for them to lose their chance to take the stage.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

The audience began to reject their music, believing that their songs were nondescript and unacceptable.

In the face of such a blow, they chose to fade out of the public eye and use time to precipitate their music and hearts.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

The reason for this

The failure of "Ann and the Cavalry" was largely related to the fact that they transformed the partnership into a husband and wife relationship.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

The Miracle of the Nine Moons

In circles, such cases are not uncommon.

After many groups have made their relationship public, their popularity tends to plummet, and the enthusiasm of the audience cools.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

The reason for this may be that when the members of the group become husband and wife.

Their personal lives and emotional states are in the public spotlight.

This somewhat distracts the public from their musical compositions.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Also, the relationship between husband and wife can cause the dynamics within the group to become complicated.

It even affects the purity of music creation and the stability of the team.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Of course, not all combinations are mixed with other feelings.

For example, the popular singing group "Phoenix Legend".

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

They have always maintained a relationship as partners and have not become a couple or a couple.

And all the time, no matter what the pay, all income is according to the "five-fifty account".

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

The two have never been dissatisfied with this, but they are both grateful to each other, and perhaps this is the real mutual achievement.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Linghua also bluntly said:

Those who can get together at work can't be husband and wife.
13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

After all, once other emotional problems are involved, the originally simple problems may be complicated.

And Linghua and Zeng Yi have always remained sober and respected each other in this "cooperative relationship".

Perhaps it is for this reason that the "Phoenix Legend" can maintain its popularity for a long time and become a leader in the industry.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words


It is gratifying that even if the fame declines and the former scenery is no longer there, the relationship between Quiet and the cavalry has not been affected.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

I hope that they will still be able to stay true to their original aspirations and find the inspiration they once created.

13 years later, looking at the situation of An and the cavalry, it fully illustrates the importance of Linghua's words

Find the right balance between life and work to regain your foothold and succeed in the competitive entertainment industry.