
Revealing Your Attitude to Marriage from Your Face: Revealing the Six Secrets of Marriage Mentality

author:Interesting history

Marriage is a major event in life, and everyone's attitude towards marriage is different. Some people say that a person's character and destiny can be seen from the physiognomy, so can we also peek out a person's attitude towards marriage from the physiognomy? Today, let's reveal the six major marriage mentality from the perspective of physiognomy, see what kind of marriage attitude your marriage partner holds in his heart, and prepare for avoiding unnecessary disputes in the future.

Revealing Your Attitude to Marriage from Your Face: Revealing the Six Secrets of Marriage Mentality

1. Parental type

Such people are often deeply influenced by their families and are accustomed to obeying their parents' arrangements. In physiognomy, they usually have relatively small ears, short, pale eyebrows, weak or small eyelids, and women have a low nose, low roots, short philtrum, and a narrow forehead. Such people are often easily disturbed by family factors in marriage, and it is difficult for them to make their own choices.

Revealing Your Attitude to Marriage from Your Face: Revealing the Six Secrets of Marriage Mentality

2. Arbitrary and arbitrary

They have extremely high requirements for their weddings, and any details must be done according to their wishes. This type of person has loose eyebrows with stray hair, especially the eyebrows, and the corners of the eyes are pointed and thin, while women have tall eyebrows, bony faces, slender faces, and asymmetrical left and right. They may appear too strong in their marriage to be considerate of each other's feelings.

Revealing Your Attitude to Marriage from Your Face: Revealing the Six Secrets of Marriage Mentality

3. Careful calculation

They know that getting married is a big expense, so they pay extra attention to budget and expenses. The nose is thick and adducted, the jaw bones are pronounced, and the gills are fleshless, while women have thin and curved eyebrows, long or upturned chins, tight facial skin, small mouths, and short corners of the mouth. They are usually able to deal rationally with money issues in their marriages and avoid unnecessary waste.

Revealing Your Attitude to Marriage from Your Face: Revealing the Six Secrets of Marriage Mentality

Fourth, grand and bold type

They pursue a grand and grand wedding, and like to compare themselves with the people around them. This type of person has a wide nose, especially a well-developed quasi-head, large nostrils, and thin lips, while women have a wide mouth, outstretched eyes, a prominent forehead, and high ears. They may be more face-conscious and socially important in their marriage, and tend to pursue too high standards in terms of material comforts.

5. Alternative Romantic

Revealing Your Attitude to Marriage from Your Face: Revealing the Six Secrets of Marriage Mentality

They are creative and romantic, and they want their wedding to be unique and impressive. These people have long and delicate eyebrows, powerful eyebrows and tails, pointed ear bones, wide ears, high hairline and long midriffs. They are usually imaginative and creative in their marriages and are able to add a lot of joy to their lives.

Sixth, lazy shirk type

Revealing Your Attitude to Marriage from Your Face: Revealing the Six Secrets of Marriage Mentality

When faced with wedding preparations, such people often show a lazy and shirking attitude, leaving the task to the other party or family members. Judging from their physiognomy, their eyes are empty, their eyes are dull, the distance between their eyebrows and eyes is wide, their philtrum is flat, and their noses are short. Such people may lack a sense of responsibility and initiative in marriage, and it is easy for the other person to feel disappointed and exhausted.

By understanding these six marriage mindsets, we can better understand our partner's behavior and attitudes in marriage, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes and conflicts. Of course, physiognomy is only a reference, and true marital happiness also requires the joint efforts and management of both parties. I hope that everyone can find that partner who fits their hearts and write a beautiful chapter of marriage together.