
Mao Xinghuo: Sima Nan and I are the same kind of people, and now I have finally realized his situation

author:Reflecting the figure of society

Mao Xinghuo: Sima Nan and I are the same kind of people, and now I have finally realized his situation

Recently, the blogger Mao Xinghuo, who threatened to sue Mo Yan, was suddenly unbanned by Weibo, and then began to be active on Weibo again. But some of the remarks he said made others feel very embarrassed when they read them. Maybe this is the gap between him and Mo Yan, one is a cultured person, and he has no culture at all. So now in his comment area, I don't see anyone supporting him, but spraying others more.

Mao Xinghuo: Sima Nan and I are the same kind of people, and now I have finally realized his situation

This Mao Xinghuo posted another article about Sima Nan, and said that he and Sima Nan are actually the same kind of people. Now that he saw countless people spraying Sima Nan on the Internet, he expressed his great distress. And now he and Sima Nan are the same, they have been sprayed by many people on the Internet. Therefore, now he has also experienced Sima Nan's current situation. Now he wants to learn from Sima Nan and learn Sima Nan's mentality. Because Sima Nan was scolded very much, but his mentality is still very good.

Mao Xinghuo: Sima Nan and I are the same kind of people, and now I have finally realized his situation

However, there are still many netizens who feel that he and Sima Nan are not the same kind of people. Because although Sima Nan has been scolded by many people on the Internet, he has never said such uncultured and strange remarks to Mao Xinghuo. Moreover, Sima Nan is also a cultural person, a real member of the Communist Party of China, and a representative of China's anti-pseudoscience.

At the same time, Sima Nan is also a professor and a scholar. He worked as a journalist and as a university professor. At the same time, in order to expose those charlatans, he was framed, retaliated against, detained, and injured several times for this. For more than ten years, he has been calling for the shortcomings of pseudoscience and scientific civilization, which has caused a wide range of social impacts.

Mao Xinghuo: Sima Nan and I are the same kind of people, and now I have finally realized his situation

These are incomparable to Mao Xinghuo, because Sima Nan has made contributions to society, and he is also a cultural person. And Mao Xinghuo is different, he really has no culture, he will only say some particularly extreme remarks. grabbed a Mo Yan, and he never let go, and kept talking about this matter to win traffic.

I don't know what you think, Mao Xinghuo and Sima Nanbi, are the two sides really comparable?