
When I was 54 years old, I suddenly had an epiphany, it turned out that money will look at people, and there are four types of people who are getting richer and richer, and the chosen ones

author:Sister Nuan Rice Grains

I am 54 years old, after most of my life, according to the contact with different people, I suddenly found that money will look at people, there are four types of people, the more the days go by, the richer and richer, belong to the good life people. Everyone's tasting.

When I was 54 years old, I suddenly had an epiphany, it turned out that money will look at people, and there are four types of people who are getting richer and richer, and the chosen ones

First, put the lower body section.

No wealthy person is high, and only when he puts down his lower body will he be chosen by wealth and become the chosen one.

In the early days of my business, my boss was a farmer, and after failing the college entrance examination, he went to the city to work and became a member of the construction site. In the second year, he became a big worker, and he earned a lot of money every day.

With the technology to start learning management, the certificate of the examination did not fall one by one, with management experience, he started a business, and then his life was opened.

I observe that he is not very high, and for useful people, no matter what, he must be enough, and he will not be embarrassed because of his thin face. Therefore, most of the people who put down their lower body are not short of money after the age of fifty.

Second, people who understand human nature.

The world really needs wisdom if it wants to live well, and the lesson of human nature is very important.

I remember hearing a story about a master who had three apprentices and the master asked a question about how to make a cat eat chili.

The first apprentice said, "Break the chili pepper and pour it in."

The second apprentice said that when the fish was covered with chili peppers and the cats ate the fish, they naturally ate the chili peppers.

The third apprentice said that he would break the chili pepper and smear it on the cat's buttocks, and the cat would naturally lick the chili pepper for comfort.

Among these three apprentices, the third one understands human nature the most, you see that the best way for men to control women is not to be good to women, but to be bad for women, so that they will hold women, this is human nature.

Therefore, those who eat humanity thoroughly in life are not bad, and the key is that there is no cost.

When I was 54 years old, I suddenly had an epiphany, it turned out that money will look at people, and there are four types of people who are getting richer and richer, and the chosen ones

Three, there is reverence for money.

I have passed the age of 50 and have understood a truth, and this truth is (Gong) I will give you an example. Some people eat at the coffee table, which is disrespectful. Because the coffee table is a place to drink tea, you are disrespectful when you eat.

It's disrespectful to wake up in the morning, and you have to sleep in. If you are friends with the leader, you will lose your awe, which is transgression and disrespect.

If you understand this truth, you will understand the meaning of money. Money is the key to solving problems, so when you are in awe of money and give others the ability to solve problems, your money comes. The harder the problem, the more money you make.

So money is not for casual consumption, and the richer people are, the more respect they have for money.

When I was 54 years old, I suddenly had an epiphany, it turned out that money will look at people, and there are four types of people who are getting richer and richer, and the chosen ones

Fourth, those who do not ask.

There will always be some people in life, these people will only enjoy the contribution of others, and they will not pay at all. It will be difficult for such people, both men and women, to become wealthy.

Love in this world is a kind of energy, Lao She wrote in (Camel Xiangzi), love comes from a wealthy family. The children raised by poor families are very demanding, so they understand the world relatively late, and they always think that others should pay, so the road is getting narrower and narrower, and naturally they can't make money.

On the contrary, the children of wealthy families have a giving mentality, and they don't like to take advantage of others when they interact with others, and the probability of success is naturally high.

Not only in interpersonal relationships, but also in the relationship between husband and wife, if one party does not give, how long can the other party persist in love?

Therefore, people who are good at giving in life are easily chosen by money and become the chosen ones.

I am Sister Mi Li, a post-70s generation who loves to share, I like to share, remember to like and support to show encouragement. Thank you!