
Did the Raptors get Leonard in a gain or a loss?

author:Cen Xiaoniu said sports

On April 10, Beijing time, the Raptors got the Leonard trade, and from a short-term and long-term perspective, the pros and cons are not so obvious. While the Raptors managed to win the championship with his help, it's worth digging into whether this year's usage will be enough to offset the cost they've paid for it.

Did the Raptors get Leonard in a gain or a loss?

First of all, from the perspective of short-term gains, this deal for the Raptors is undoubtedly a success. Leonard showed his superstar prowess in the playoffs in the 2018-19 season, leading the Raptors through the underdogs and eventually winning the NBA championship. His arrival not only boosted the overall strength of the team, but also injected strong confidence into the team at critical moments. This championship means a lot to the Raptors, not only helping the team break the multi-year championship drought, but also enhancing the team's global visibility and influence.

However, in the long term, the deal may not be that cost-effective. Leonard only played for the Raptors for one year before joining the Clippers as a free agent. That means all the price the Raptors paid to get him, including draft picks, salary space, and adaptation to the team's culture, could only be in exchange for a year's right to use him. Moreover, Leonard already had an unhappy transfer experience (from Spurs to Raptors) before joining the Raptors, which also increases the likelihood that he will leave again in the future.

Did the Raptors get Leonard in a gain or a loss?

In addition, the Raptors also sacrificed some young players and draft picks in the process of acquiring Leonard. These young players and draft picks could have been the core of the team's future but were traded out because of Kawhi Leonard's arrival. If the Raptors aren't able to find a suitable replacement in the future, then this deal could have a negative impact on their long-term competitiveness.

However, the beauty of basketball lies in its uncertainty and unpredictability. Although the Raptors only got Leonard a one-year access, they managed to seize the opportunity and win the championship. Moreover, this deal has greatly improved the popularity and influence of the Raptors around the world, which is very beneficial to their future business development and market expansion.

Did the Raptors get Leonard in a gain or a loss?

Overall, there is no clear answer to whether the Raptors made or lost the deal to get Leonard. In terms of short-term gains, they are undoubtedly big winners, but in the long term, the deal may not be that cost-effective. However, success in basketball is not only determined by the success or loss of a trade, but also by the overall strength of the team, the level of understanding of the players, and the tactical arrangement of the coach. It will take time to tell if the Raptors can continue to be competitive in future games.