
Exploring AI Transformation, Exploring Digital Upgrades, and the New Version of Sitecore "Rises"

author:Wisdom Information

If there is any outlet that is still hot in 2024, it must be AI. In the past year, artificial intelligence technology represented by ChatGPT has brought a new round of technological innovation and industrial transformation, and all walks of life are actively exploring the combined application of AI.

The Sitecore 10.x version of Sitecore has made further upgrades in digital transformation and optimization, especially in artificial intelligence, and has made a series of innovations. This has also made many Sitecore users eager to try the new version, which has also made how to upgrade to the new version a focus of Sitecore users.

Exploring AI Transformation, Exploring Digital Upgrades, and the New Version of Sitecore "Rises"

Ruizhe Information: "Cross-version" is the norm, and enterprises need to understand it better when upgrading Sitecore

Many organizations will see the Sitecore upgrade as a gradual process, such as from 7.1 to 7.2, then from 7.2 to 7.3, and so on, until the new Sitecore 10.x. However, in reality, such situations are rare, and "cross-version" upgrades are the norm.

Of course, cross-version has its problems, and when an enterprise needs to perform an upgrade across multiple versions, the risk to the enterprise will also increase exponentially. Not only is it more risky, but it often brings a bigger crisis – the greater the range of versions, the more difficult it is to operate, and the more likely it is for the corporate website to crash.

Therefore, the Sitecore version upgrade is not an overnight thing, and enterprises need a Sitecore technical service provider who understands the Sitecore version, has experience in implementing Sitecore, can provide orderly Sitecore version upgrade services, and has sufficient capabilities to deal with risks that may arise.

If we select an enterprise's Sitecore version upgrade assistant based on these criteria, Wisdom Information will stand out from the crowd of candidates and become your Sitecore implementation assistant choice.

Exploring AI Transformation, Exploring Digital Upgrades, and the New Version of Sitecore "Rises"

Ruizhe Information: It has more systematic upgrade services, so that enterprises can upgrade across versions "without pressure".

Ruizhe Information is a Sitecore implementer with more than 16 experience, which provides relevant Sitecore services for more than 200 enterprises from different countries and regions around the world and different industries, whether it is development and implementation, upgrade optimization, operation and maintenance support, version upgrade, cooperative outsourcing, etc., in short, Ruizhe Information can provide complete one-stop technical services around Sitecore.

As for the Sitecore version upgrade service we are talking about today, Ruizhe Information has the development and implementation experience of the full version from Sitecore 5.0 to Sitecore 10.3, which allows it to easily respond to the needs of enterprises for cross-version upgrades, and with systematic process services, enterprises can avoid risks as much as possible in the upgrade and have a more suitable Sitecore version as soon as possible.

Exploring AI Transformation, Exploring Digital Upgrades, and the New Version of Sitecore "Rises"

In the Sitecore version upgrade, Wisdom Information will perform a complete and orderly version upgrade process of Sitecore project startup and design, database/content migration, platform/code upgrade, basic equipment configuration, testing, UAT and bug fixing, and strive to gain a deep understanding of the enterprise's code base, hosting environment, On the basis of integration and goals, we can provide more targeted version advice according to the company's own development requirements, and then execute the upgrade according to the standardized process, helping the enterprise achieve a seamless transition and enjoy a more efficient and upgraded Sitecore version upgrade service.

Exploring AI Transformation, Exploring Digital Upgrades, and the New Version of Sitecore "Rises"

Ruizhe Information: The updated version of Sitecore promotes more powerful enterprise digital transformation and upgrading

"We're always willing to upgrade to the version your business wants based on your needs and budget, but we recommend upgrading to a newer version of Sitecore to better ride the competitive digital market. ——Ruizhe Information

When you update to the new version of Sitecore, you will naturally get a more futuristic feature stack with new market trends and even more futuristic features, and the new version of Sitecore is better in terms of integration, independence, and flexibility.

Of course, there is also the AI issue we mentioned at the beginning, although Sitecore AI has been used to a certain extent in previous versions, but it is obvious that the higher version of Sitcore will perform better in intelligence. Automated personalization capabilities such as Sitecore AI Automated Personalization, available in Sitecore XP 10.1 and later, help track visitor trends, define customer personas, customize site elements, and drive deeper branding.

Exploring AI Transformation, Exploring Digital Upgrades, and the New Version of Sitecore "Rises"

"So all things considered, we still prefer to recommend that everyone upgrade to the new version of Sitecore 10.x. ——Ruizhe Information

The reason why Sitecorre is popular with enterprises, especially in recent years, is that it has become a hot trend, in large part, because of its performance in a number of digital personalization features that are difficult to achieve with other technologies.

It's fair to say that when you want to achieve faster digital transformation, drive deeper personalization, and be more competitive today, you should choose Sitecore, and you should choose a newer version of Sitecore.