
As soon as Lavrov arrived, Yellen drew a red line against China, and the German chancellor forgot to bring the most critical minister during his visit to China

author:Armament in depth

Frequent visits by dignitaries from various countries to China, and the rush of foreign enterprises to invest in China have become the basic characteristics of the present. Yellen is in China for the second time, and this time she is on a six-day visit to China. Obviously, although the United States does not say it, it is still very clear in its heart, that is, it must cooperate with China and must seize the tremendous advantages of cooperating with China. In the past 10 years, China has been one of the countries that have contributed the most to the world economy, and the contribution rate to the world economy has exceeded 30% in many years. Yellen didn't leave China, Lavrov came, and soon German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also came, and Blinken also came. It can be said that the intensive visits to China by dignitaries from various countries have become the basic situation at present.

As soon as Lavrov arrived, Yellen drew a red line against China, and the German chancellor forgot to bring the most critical minister during his visit to China

In contrast to the intensive visits of foreign dignitaries, companies from all over the world are vying to invest in China. German companies are investing more in China, rather than decreasing. In the context of the crazy encirclement of China by the United States, Tesla and other companies in the United States are still increasing their investment in China. People's Daily reported that the latest data on April 7 showed that the newly established foreign-invested enterprises in the first two months increased by 34.9% year-on-year, and the actual use of foreign investment in high-tech industries was 71.44 billion yuan. The numbers don't lie, and these real figures show that companies from all over the world are bullish on China, and they are increasing their investment in China. Enterprises from all over the world are choosing China, and this is the general trend of the future.

As soon as Lavrov arrived, Yellen drew a red line for China, warning that China could face sanctions if it aided Russia. Yellen's visit to China was mainly focused on exchanges and cooperation, but Yellen still showed toughness on China on many issues, made many unreasonable demands, and issued many unreasonable threats to China. Unlike Yellen, Lavrov's visit to China is mainly to promote cooperation between China and Russia and further deepen the strategic friendly relations between China and Russia. Lavrov came to China purely to promote friendship and cooperation, which is still clearly different from Yellen. Lavrov agrees with China's plan, that is, the security of any country cannot be sacrificed at the expense of the security of other countries.

As soon as Lavrov arrived, Yellen drew a red line against China, and the German chancellor forgot to bring the most critical minister during his visit to China

Yellen is dissatisfied with the escalation of Sino-Russian cooperation, mainly because the United States is jealous of the rapid escalation of Sino-Russian cooperation, and this cooperation is of great benefit to both China and Russia. According to the logic of US hegemony, both China and Russia are stumbling blocks to US hegemony, so the United States does not want to see China and Russia develop rapidly, let alone see China and Russia become stronger and stronger. Lavrov came and focused on Sino-Russian friendship, which made Yellen very uncomfortable. Yellen openly drew a red line for China, that is, China is not allowed to support Russia, and Chinese companies are not allowed to support Russia's special military operation, otherwise the United States will impose sanctions. Yellen is drawing a red line and a direct threat.

The cooperation between China and Russia is completely based on international rules and mutually beneficial cooperation, without causing any harm to the interests of third parties, and Yellen's drawing of a red line seems unreasonable. Normal cooperation between China and Russia brooks no interference, and this is also our basic principle. And China's position on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is very clear, that is, China has always been persuading peace talks and standing on the side of peace. China will not provide lethal weapons to any party to the conflict, and we have not only ensured this, but we have done it very well.

As soon as Lavrov arrived, Yellen drew a red line against China, and the German chancellor forgot to bring the most critical minister during his visit to China

China can do business with the United States and the West, as well as with Russia, and it is unreasonable for Yellen to draw a red line for China on the issue of Sino-Russian cooperation. It is completely a market economy for our enterprises to cooperate with Russian enterprises in accordance with international rules, but Yellen has to take care of it, draw a red line, and block cooperation between China and Russia, which obviously does not work. The United States talks about trade freedom every day, and then interferes with us Chinese businessmen, which is obviously too double standard, and we naturally will not listen to it.

After Yellen and Lavrov, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will also come to China, and Scholz will bring a large team. Scholz decided to come to China again, this time with a large delegation. Almost all important companies in Germany, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Siemens, are rushing to participate. According to reports, Scholz's entourage is very sought-after because German businessmen are very optimistic about the Chinese market and very much want to make huge profits from China. Germany's Asia policy is centered on China, and German companies' investment in China will reach a new high of 11.5 billion euros in 2023, indicating that Germany is fundamentally inseparable from China.

As soon as Lavrov arrived, Yellen drew a red line against China, and the German chancellor forgot to bring the most critical minister during his visit to China

Scholz's mission had many ministers, but the fact that the most important economic minister was forgotten is telling. According to reports, Scholz's delegation to China this time was very luxurious, accompanied by three ministers, Environment Minister Lemke, Agriculture Minister Özdemir, and Minister of Transport and Digitalization Wissin, as well as a large number of business and business people. Although Scholz's team has many ministers, there is one important minister who did not come this time: Habeck, who is in charge of the economy. Habeck is hostile to China on many issues and resolutely stands on the side of the United States, which is also the basic reason why Sino-German cooperation has been greatly affected.

Although Germany is a sovereign country, it has American troops stationed in Germany and is controlled by the United States in many ways. More importantly, the United States has supported pro-American politicians to hold key positions in Germany through a variety of means. These pro-American politicians are ostensibly in the service of Germany, but in reality they are in the service of the United States. The United States has cultivated a large number of pro-American politicians and held important positions in European countries, which is indeed a ruthless move. In order to reach an important consensus with China during his visit to China, German Scholz can only selectively seek out ministers who are friendly to China. However, the fact that the Minister of Economy, a key minister, did not come, which will naturally have a greater impact on the in-depth cooperation between China and Germany.

As soon as Lavrov arrived, Yellen drew a red line against China, and the German chancellor forgot to bring the most critical minister during his visit to China

Against the backdrop of the United States undermining global cooperation, all kinds of normal cooperation will run into trouble. The United States was both the initiator and beneficiary of a free economy, but now the United States is demanding that cooperation be prioritized. Germany, France and other European countries all want to cooperate with China, but the United States always emphasizes the priority of its position, which leads to the fear of European countries when they cooperate with China.

The United States has put its position first on many issues and has no regard for principles at all, which has also led to the fact that this normal cooperation between China and Russia has begun to be hindered. It is indeed very rare for the United States to openly threaten Chinese companies to prevent them from carrying out normal cooperative relations with Russia. In fact, this situation shows that the United States has begun to become a destroyer of the global order and an obstacle to the development of the whole world.