
When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?



Nowadays, all kinds of mobile browsers are very powerful, and we can easily find any website we want from the browser, such as websites that require members to pay for videos on major platforms for free, and even bad websites such as pornographic websites......

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

Many people browse sites for fear of being discovered, and always secretly delete the records after browsing, thinking that they will be fine if they do so.

But what these people don't know is that from the moment they open the website, the danger is actually close and it's too late to delete the browsing history.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

What's going on here?

The dangers of browsing pornographic websites

Browsing sites is different from other sites in that the whole process is very "exciting", and while you may enjoy it, it can really hurt you.

The most intuitive thing is that it will make you vain and powerless, of course, this is only the most superficial harm, and the real harm lies in the "mental blow" to you.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

The reason why you feel stimulated during browsing is because of the dopamine secreted in your body.

The image you receive in front of your eyes will make your dopamine secretion increase, this substance can make you more pleasant, and when it reaches a certain concentration, you will become more satisfied than ever, happier than ever, and refreshed as never before.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?


But the price of this is that after you are happy, you become extremely empty.

Of course, this is only the beginning of the "mental blow".

If you are addicted to browsing these websites for a long time, your brain's "reward system" will gradually be destroyed.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

There is a part of our brain called the striatum, and one of its major functions is to be in charge of the "reward mechanism", dopamine can stimulate the brain nerves to make you happy, and the important pathways it needs to go through include the striatum.

Dopamine goes into the striatum, and the striatum sends us nerve signals to respond to this stimulus, and it's like if you poke me and I'll look back at you happily.

However, when we are addicted to those websites for a long time, and we are addicted to receiving those stimulus messages, the striatum will become unresponsive due to the excessive "harassment" of dopamine, just like if you poke me frequently, I will start to get bored and stop talking to you.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

It's a very scary thing.

Once the "reward mechanism" is destroyed, not only will we feel uninteresting and bored in everything we do, but it will also affect our normal life and lead to a series of other diseases.

A knife on the head of the color word

In addition to causing serious harm to our body and mind, browsing pornographic websites will also pose a huge threat to our information security and property security.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

Anyone who has browsed should know that there are all kinds of pop-ups and advertisements everywhere on these websites, and if you accidentally click on them, it will make us download some apps or jump to some other third-party websites.

These are actually the traps set by the website, and as you click on them more and more, you will find that your phone will become more and more stuttering.

Of course, the phone lag is only the most basic.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

You'll also notice that you're getting harassing text messages and scam calls more often.

This is the cleverness of these websites, the website administrators will illegally read and save your personal information in the background, and even worse, they will implant Trojan viruses in your mobile phone through the APP or some other plug-ins you click to download, dig deep into your more private personal information, and then send this information out.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

Part of the reason why your phone gets stuck is this.

They collect a lot of user information, package and sell it to criminals, and make huge profits from it, and criminals will make you fool step by step by sending you harassing text messages and making fraudulent phone calls.

In addition, most of these websites also frequently implant "online gambling" advertisements to induce you to gamble on the Internet.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

There is an old saying that "nine out of ten bets lose", but when gambling on the Internet, "nine out of ten bets and nine losses" are light, and it will directly make you lose to the point of bankruptcy.

That's the scariest part.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

All of this has already started to harm you the moment you open a pornographic website, and it no longer makes any sense for you to secretly delete the record after you finish browsing.

The information you should have leaked has already been leaked, and the information you should have ingested has been instilled in your mind.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

Will the cyber police monitor you for browsing pornographic sites?

Of course, many people will have this question, is it illegal to browse pornographic websites, and will the Internet police intervene to monitor you when browsing?

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

The answer is no.

The cyber police will not monitor you, because you are only browsing pornographic websites, not producing, selling, and distributing the content inside, and it does not reach the level of breaking the law and committing crimes.

Therefore, the Internet police have no reason, let alone the leisure to care about you and monitor you.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

However, for your own health and safety reasons, Okawa's advice is to report to the relevant authorities as soon as you find a pornographic website or other inappropriate website.

Over the years, with the development of the national special action to "eliminate pornography and crack down on illegal publications", corresponding incentives have been introduced in various localities, with bonuses ranging from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan.

When browsing sites, you think you'll be fine if you secretly delete your records?

After a successful report, you will not only get a sense of accomplishment, but also may get a generous reward for reporting.