
Literal and real words are practiced in the classroom

author:Lao Zhao language
Literal and real words are practiced in the classroom

(Teaching and Examination Connection, Grasping the Foundation and Promoting Ability)

1. The word has multiple meanings

1. The explanation of the punctuated words in the following sentences, all of which are correct is ( )

(1) Those who want to rule their country must first gather their families (envoys...... Neat and orderly) (2) Please do things (practice) (3) When you observe the chaos (what you should do) (4) Scholars should not be Hongyi (ambitious and strong-willed) (5) Literature is good and quality is history (false decoration, exaggeration) (6) Self-defeating people are useless (boasting) (7) Please ask their eyes (the most important part of things) (8) The way of the university is in Ming Mingde (beautiful) (9) Therefore, those who have the Tao are not in place (get along) (10) Zhizhi is in Gewu (inference) (11) The gentleman is righteous (knowing) (12) Repeating what everyone has done (again, again)

A.②③⑤⑥⑦⑨⑩ B.①④⑦⑧⑨⑪⑫

C.①②④⑤⑧⑩⑪ D.③④⑥⑧⑩⑪⑫

2. In the following sentences, the punctuated words do not belong to one of the same linguistic phenomena ( ).

A. can be white grandma B. diligent work and rest day and night

C. Persecution and brotherhood D. No, as heaven and earth

3. The explanation of the punctuated words in the following sentences, the incorrect one is ( )

A. Therefore, those who have the Tao are not everywhere: for, do

B. Self-felling merit: Establish meritorious service

C. Its brittle and easy to pan, and its slight and easy to scatter: the same as "judgment", judgment

D. Restore what everyone has done: make amends, remedy

4. One of the following sentences with dotted words is incorrectly explained ( )

A. My tree is made into a five-stone tree: planted B. Now and once and again the skill of 100 gold mane: sell

C. Those who want to be in their own family Qi: complete D. Enlightenment is in the grid of things: inference

5. One of the following sentences with braille is incorrectly explained ( )

A. The thief also hurts B. The forcible has the will to reluctantly

C. often close to the success of several failures D. Wei Wang Yi I the seed of the big gourd gift

6. The following interpretation of the underlined real word is incorrect ( )

A. A gentleman has no food to eat: pursuit

B.于事而慎于言 敏:敏捷

C.君子于义 喻:知晓,明白

D. Quality is better than literature and wildness: rudeness and vulgarity

Literal and real words are practiced in the classroom

7. One of the following braille explanations is ( )

A. Wang Yuxingshi (particle in the sentence) Originated from the soil (accumulation)

After thinking about it, you can get it (do things properly) Its crispness and ease of pan (same as "judgment")

B. Father (particle, adjust syllables) Hu'er will exchange for wine (please)

The world returns to benevolence (attached) surplus food and redundancy (same as "shape")

C. Its forgiveness (mood adverb, table rhetorical question) My tree is made into five stones (planting)

Although the return is not sensitive (diligent) is not so in-law to the parents of the children (same as "Na")

D. One-day self-denial (once) Eliminate eternal sorrow with you (discharge)

Revenge on the Wrongs of the Crowd (Remedy) Evil is so evil that it cannot help but persuade love (encouragement)

8. One of the following explanations of the punctuated words is incorrect ( )

A. Learning can not be stopped (stopping) Although there is a storm (the same as "exposure", drying)

And the Absolute River (crossing) Jing Nu Qi 娈 (beautiful)

B. Elementary school and big widow (abandonment) Scholar's family (class)

Now its wisdom is beyond its reach (unexpectedly, unexpectedly) Xun is beautiful and different (admittedly)

C. The teacher does not have to be virtuous to the disciple (virtuous, virtuous) to make "The Teacher Said" to Yizhi (gift, gift)

And the one who hears it (obvious, clear) Who is the master of ups and downs (dominant)

D. Sluggish (frustrated, not happy) Rebuke Fang Xuan (strong and powerful)

Wave Containment Flying Boat (Stop) Yinhan Leap (Tianhe)

9. The correct interpretation of the dotted word in the following sentences is ( )

A. Who can be unconfused (who, which one) His hearing is also fixed before me (certainly)

B. The teacher of his boy (those) The husband knows that he was born in the order of his year (how can he, where)

C. Yu Jiaqi can walk the ancient road (exhortation) The family of scholars (class, generation)

D. Make "The Teacher Said" to Yizhi (gift) is so there is no value and no cheapness (no)

10. The following group of punctuated words with the same meaning and usage are ( )

A. Manli has a far-sighted vision, and hopes that the matter is urgent, so it is fortunate to come to tell the good

B. When compared with Qin, it is not easy to measure or say: The six countries mourn each other, and bribe Qin Ye

C. The descendants do not regret it, and they re-remember Mengjun, and they regard it as good

D. Yan Zhao Zhijun, there was a long way to Dan to Jing Qing as a plan, and he began to quickly get into trouble

Literal and real words are practiced in the classroom

11. One of the following punctuated words is correctly translated ( )

(1) And the public passes through Chu to receive Han passing: passing by, passing by

(2) Kindness and Preparedness: and ...... Friendly and friendly

(3) Fake boats, non-water is also false: with the help of and within

(4) It is an external move that does not refute revenge and also refuge: through "avoiding", evading, avoiding

(5) Why is the public different: I feel strange

(6) The Tao of the teacher is not passed on for a long time: morality

(7) Yu Jiaqi can walk the ancient road Jia: Praise

⑧位卑则足羞 羞:感到羞耻

A.(1)(2)(3)(7) B.(2)(3)(4)(5) C.(2)(6)(7)(8) D.(2)(4)(7)(8)

12. One of the following sentences with punctuated words that is incorrectly interpreted is ( )

A. Ling Wanqing's blank (the appearance of the distance) Relying on the void to resist the wind (volley)

B. Slim and miserable (distant appearance) Sitting in the front (sitting with the body oblique)

C. Hit the sky and trace the streamer (clear waves under the moonlight) Buckle the side and sing (percussion)

D. Relying on the song and harmonizing it (following, relying on) and dying (in the end, in the end)

13. The correct explanation of the following options with braille is ( )

A. Its crisp and easy to pan ("pan" is the same as "judgment", judgment)

B. Inexpensive and rare goods (adjective as verb, valued)

C. See the wise and think together (adjective, consistent, neat)

D. Be sensitive to things and cautious in words (conjunctions, table modifications)

14. The explanation of the punctuated words in the following sentences is incorrect ( )

A. One day of self-denial and retribution, the world returns to benevolence: return to order

B. If you want to be sincere, you should first know it: obtain. Another explanation: extreme

C. Enlightenment of Gewu: Inference

D. Qi Qi Qi

15. One of the following punctuated words is incorrectly interpreted ( )

A. Haggard and damaged (withered, withered) The most difficult to rest (will stop) Feng Wolf Juxu (mountaineering to worship the sky, to record meritorious service)

B. How to Fight Him (Resist, Resist) Yuanjia Caocao (Reckless) How to Grow Black (How, How)

C. can pick (can, can) Beigu (looking back at the north in the defeat) Also the river moon (spilling wine on the ground, indicating hanging)

D. 樯橹 (mast of hanging sail) This time (the scene, the condition) Haggard damage (here it is equivalent to "extreme", indicating a deep degree)

Literal and real words are practiced in the classroom