
Vantage's new ecological logic is hidden in the word "clean".

author:Said the integrated kitchen

As we all know, the Chinese cooking method creates thousands of delicacies at the same time, the rising oil smoke will also affect the body of the cook, at the same time, stir-frying, frying and other ways are very easy to cause oil splashing, after a long time, the walls, countertops, cabinets and other places are not spared, resulting in the whole space is full of greasy and heavy feeling, frequent use will also lead to the accumulation of oil and dirt inside the hood, if not cleaned in time, then the smoking effect will be greatly reduced, and the oil stains will be superimposed in the kitchen, which greatly reduces the cooking experience.

How to achieve cleanliness from the sense of use, visual experience, and aesthetics is the ultimate problem in the kitchen.

In response to this series of pain points, kitchen appliance manufacturers are trying to improve the problem of kitchen oil pollution from the perspective of smoke volume, air pressure, and smoking. However, it has been proven that this method treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and there is still a set of fundamental solutions to the correct solution to the problem of kitchen cleanliness.

As a leading brand in the industry, Vantage has long practiced the development path of "scientific brand" and is committed to exploring the pain points of Chinese consumers. This time, he held high the banner of "clean cleaning", deeply focused on kitchen cleaning issues, and created a comprehensive set of kitchen cleaning solutions for consumers, leading the bridge between brands and users.

Vantage's new ecological logic is hidden in the word "clean".

01 Aim at the ultimate pain point and use "net ³" to do effective addition

With the shaking of the real estate sector, the kitchen appliance industry, which is strongly related to it, has also entered a period of adjustment, and the involution has been further intensified, and the performance, function, parameters, and price of the volume have ...... It seems that there has been progress, but in fact, many places are "ineffective additions" - ignoring buyers' needs and failing to hit the pain points of consumers - and eventually lead to the entire industry being involved in an "arms race" of technical parameters and scenario terms.

So back to the beginning, what do consumers really need?

According to CBNdata's "2021 New Adaptive Living Space Insight Report", the most dissatisfied part of the respondents with kitchen appliances is that they are "not easy to clean", accounting for 75%, and in the survey on what to expect from new kitchen appliances, nearly 60% of users hope that "kitchen appliances are more convenient to clean".

Obviously, the issue of cleanliness has become the most concerned pain point for consumers. However, it should be noted that for contemporary consumers, simple "washing" is no longer enough to meet their requirements, they are quite concerned about the style, layout, movement, style, and even temperature and air of the kitchen, and the requirements for "cleanliness" also extend to the five senses.

Vantage's new ecological logic is hidden in the word "clean".

With this in mind, Vantage has come up with the concept of "Clean Kitchen" – a kitchen space where you can enjoy the perfect cooking experience. From the perspective of products, it involves the transformation of functional modules, industrial design, materials, processes, etc., and even the comprehensive consideration of the environmental management of the entire kitchen space.

A few days ago, the "Net ³" series of integrated cooking center products unveiled at AWE 2024 is the concrete embodiment of Vantage's philosophy.

From the point of view of appearance, the four new products of the "Net ³" series are all fashionable and simple design styles, which achieve a harmonious, refreshing and clean experience in terms of aesthetics.

Vantage's new ecological logic is hidden in the word "clean".

Functionally, each of these new products has its own merits and is further deepened in the dimension of cleaning. For example, the new generation of new oxygen ultra-thin hood 6210HS with integrated cooking center is the industry's first smoke machine product that integrates an integrated fresh air host. When PM2.5 exceeds the standard, the plasma air purification technology is automatically turned on to refresh the kitchen air. When other smoke machines are still trying to "clean smoke", Vantage has already "entered the atmosphere" and included the kitchen air in the "clean mission", which improves the user's clean experience from the senses.

The cooking and roasting part of the "net ³" integrated cooking center has also been effectively added - the design of the sub-cavity is adopted, the left side is the small cavity of quick steaming, and the right side is the all-round large cavity, which not only can be steamed and roasted synchronously, but also improves the cooking efficiency without cross-flavoring. In addition, the steam oven is made of easy-to-care enamel material, and is designed with an integrated inner tank and an integrated glass door panel, which is clean and has no dead ends. At the same time, the steam oven part is also equipped with a self-cleaning function to achieve "clean and clean" double insurance, and the cleaning problem is eliminated.

Focusing on "Born Clean", Vantage stands in the perspective of users, and opens the "volume" from the five dimensions of clean air, reasonable storage, efficient circulation line, easy to remove oil stains, and comfortable temperature environment that is not easy to produce mildew, and does "effective addition" to create a "clean kitchen" that thousands of families like to see.

02 "Clean" has traces to follow, Vantage's "protracted war"

In recent years, Vantage's product and brand strategy has been locked on the word "net". This not only brings Vantage an effective growth path, but also drives the trend of the industry's main "net", and many brands have launched such products in an attempt to keep up.

However, in the face of increasingly fierce competition, Vantage has always been a leader in this field. Looking back at its history, it is not difficult to find that the concept of "purity" has long been traced. As the first brand in the industry to elevate "clean and clean" to a strategic level, everything seems to be behind the plan to instantly detonate the enthusiasm of users, and it is a "protracted war" that belongs to Vantage. ”

As early as 2006, Vantage cooperated with Tsinghua University to develop the first generation of self-cleaning smoke machine, in which the heating automatic washing technology has been iterated to this day, creating a pioneer in the industry and challenging a new threshold of innovation difficulty.

In 2017, Vantage first proposed the concept of "white technology", which is a new type of technology that advocates integrating the concept of healthy, clean and convenient life into products. "White Technology" takes users as the center, takes life as the stage, closely combines technology with life, and helps consumers simplify the complex and enjoy a cleaner and refreshing life.

Under the leadership of Vantage, many brands have embarked on the road of self-cleaning research and development of range hoods, further solving the cleaning problem of range hood products. According to AVC monitoring data, from 2019 to 2022, the amount of self-cleaning online range hoods has increased year by year, and by 2022, the online sales of range hood self-cleaning will account for 27.68%, and the online sales will account for 34.67%.

In 2022, under the guidance of the scientific brand, Vantage will start an all-round upgrade of its own products, and release the three-good product strategy of "easy to use, good looking, and good clean", which will be implemented in all aspects of value creation.

A closer look at this strategy shows that "cleanliness" is at the heart of it. The so-called "easy to use" means that the product can solve practical problems for consumers and bring excellent user experience, and "good cleaning" is obviously an important goal. "Good-looking" requires the product to achieve the unity of functional aesthetics and visual aesthetics, and "cleanliness" is its important premise. As the core, "good cleanliness" puts forward requirements for the materials, processes and industrial design of products.

The ultimate goal of "easy to use, good looking, and good to clean" is to provide consumers with a convenient, comfortable and healthy kitchen environment. From here, we can already see the prototype of the concept of "purity".

Vantage's new ecological logic is hidden in the word "clean".

In 2023, at the brand launch conference, Vantage upgraded its brand strategy, focused on the "good cleanliness" standard, put forward the "clean kitchen system" for the first time, and released the triple "clean" realm - that is, the "product clean" that is easy to clean inside and outside and convenient for users, the "space clean" that makes the kitchen space more visually clean and comfortable, and the "sensory clean" that makes the cooking environment healthy and quiet.

Starting from this, Vantage products can not only provide functional value and convenient cleaning, but also provide emotional value, making the kitchen a source of happiness in life.

These actions are interlocking and progressive, and eventually they tend to mature. What is presented in front of the public is to create China's "clean kitchen" with the pragmatic "white technology" and the "clean fashion" that soothes the body and mind as the two value bases of the "good clean" strategy. This "protracted war" belonging to Vantage has also set a milestone with the "Net ³" series of products.

Vantage's new ecological logic is hidden in the word "clean".

Write at the end

Focusing on the integration of home appliances such as active cleaning and passive cleaning, Vantage refuses to blindly add, returns to the essential needs of consumers, and starts from the three dimensions of use, visual effect and aesthetic enjoyment to form a set of fundamental solutions to kitchen cleaning problems.

Under the strategic guidance, scientific and technological support, and brand empowerment, Vantage has turned "what users think" into "Vantage", and continues to create ideal, clean and high-quality kitchen space for Chinese families.

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