
As the situation escalates and Germany wants to start the riot mode, what the world fears may happen

author:铁血 Outpost
As the situation escalates and Germany wants to start the riot mode, what the world fears may happen

Since the fight against Russia was provoked by several incidents, the situation in Eastern Europe is escalating at a pace that is visible to the naked eye. At this critical juncture, Germany has taken another sensitive step.

According to the Financial Times, Germany on April 4 embarked on its most comprehensive military reform since the Cold War, as well as a possible return to the conscription system that was abolished in 2011. In other words, it is very likely that Germany is ready to start the riot mode.

From this incident, we can see that there are many signs that the world's major powers are actively preparing for war to deal with the terrible situation that may occur in the future.

So the question is, will the world's most feared thing happen?

To be honest, based on past historical experience, the possibility of a global war breaking out is really not small. If we look at the map of the world, we can see that the major regions that used to be called "powder kegs" are now experiencing military conflicts, large and small. It is clear that the escalation of tensions in these sensitive regions, and the spillover of conflict in any one of them, is very likely to cause the world's major powers to "revisit" the "old ways" on the eve of the outbreak of world war.

However, today's international situation is still different from the previous two "world wars."

The biggest embodiment is that the traditional hegemonic countries of the West are now rapidly declining in their own strength and have to carry out a certain degree of strategic contraction.

France, for example, has relinquished control of parts of West Africa.

As the situation escalates and Germany wants to start the riot mode, what the world fears may happen

Another example is that it is difficult for the United States to continue to gain a firm foothold in the Middle East.

Obviously, this is not the fact that the strength of the resistance forces in West African countries and the Middle East has increased dramatically in a short period of time, but that the Western hegemony has weakened and the restrictions on the resistance forces have become weaker and weaker. To put it bluntly, the current global development trend is that the "old order" established by the West is beginning to collapse, and the "new order" has slowly taken shape.

When the situation slowly slides into an extremely unfavorable situation for itself, the Western hegemonic countries will absolutely try their best to curb this momentum. There is only one and only one way for the Western hegemony to choose the simplest and most effective way, and that is to provoke a "war" in order to disrupt the "table" and start anew.

In addition, it is worth noting that the world has completely "collapsed". Assassinations of national leaders, disregard for the safety of civilians, frequent terrorist attacks, disregard for the special status of embassies, contempt for the authority of the United Nations, etc. It not only shows that the rules that have been jointly constructed by the world over the past few decades have existed in name only, but also proves that the world today has completely lost its rights and wrongs and constraints, and only its own position remains. Whoever has a hard fist, whoever says what he says is completely correct, and if he has no strength, he is embarrassed to talk about everything. And who cares about the treaties of the past?

As the situation escalates and Germany wants to start the riot mode, what the world fears may happen

It is not difficult to imagine that in the future, the expansion of military power will inevitably be regarded by the vast majority of countries in the world as the first priority of development. In my opinion, although the way of choice is different in each country, there are independent research and development, and there are direct purchases, but the overall trend is basically the same.

In this context, once a major war really breaks out, then its scale will most likely exceed the previous two world wars.

All in all, the world's worst fears are approaching step by step. This is not to say that you can control it, you can control it.

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