
【格律诗词五首】春 [七绝]

author:Peninsula Literature
Author: Yu Minggui
【格律诗词五首】春 [七绝]


The flying warbler sings crisply, and the children graze cattle early after school.

Winter Climbing River Tower [Five Laws]

Author: Sunset is speechless
【格律诗词五首】春 [七绝]

The high-rise building is in front of the view, and the hike comes to climb at dusk.

The tide of the river is flat, and the clouds and smoke of the mountains are condensed.

Lonely island in the distance, exclusive lights nearby.

Watch the bright moon together, and the fishing song is happy at night.

茶马记忆(新韵) [七律]

Author: Listen to Zhuzhai poets
【格律诗词五首】春 [七绝]

The impression of the lotus city wall curtain is gray, and the ink painting building flies.

The flocks of sheep tossed and turned, the sun fell, and the clouds followed the bazaar.


Ximi River Valley Zhong Shenxiu, the road towards the sky on the cuiwei.

Wild Goose [Seven Uniques]

Author: Donghua Retirement
【格律诗词五首】春 [七绝]

Hengyang Road is nowhere to go, and the fog locks Jiangnan and is afraid of losing its way.

is already an outlier, and he is lonely and lacks support.

Running [Seven Laws]

Author: Chen Qinghua
【格律诗词五首】春 [七绝]

In winter, the apricot branches are yellow, and the clouds and smoke drive away the frost.

Looking into the distance, gazing at the maple rhyme, stepping ahead of the legs facing the sun.

Leisure running is physically and mentally healthy, and the courage to climb the mountain is fragrant.

Sports survival often steps on the rain, and the poetry is fragrant in her mind.