
There is a high risk of arterial plaque detachment, how to prevent it?Doctor: These two types of people should pay special attention!

author:Talking about health

  The most typical sign of arteriosclerosis is plaque, there are many factors that induce arterial plaque, such as high blood pressure, long-term smoking, hyperlipidemia, etc., after the formation of plaque, if not intervened in time, it will accumulate more and more, which can easily cause vascular stenosis or blood vessel blockage, which will lead to insufficient blood supply to the corresponding area.

  In addition, there is a risk of arterial plaque falling off, once the plaque falls off, it will bring a great threat to health, so how to prevent plaque shedding?

There is a high risk of arterial plaque detachment, how to prevent it?Doctor: These two types of people should pay special attention!

  First of all, how are plaques formed?

  Due to the influence of some pathogenic factors, such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, long-term heavy smoking, etc., the intima of the blood vessels is damaged, and after the injury, inflammatory cells will enter the blood vessels, coupled with the deposition of lipids, it will lead to subvascular intimal hemorrhage, and over time there will be fibrosis or calcification under the intima of the blood vessels, which is the formation of plaque.

  In fact, the plaque in the blood vessel is like a scar on the skin, which is a small break in the vascular endothelium after the blood vessel cells are damaged.

There is a high risk of arterial plaque detachment, how to prevent it?Doctor: These two types of people should pay special attention!

  So what are the dangers of plaque falling off?

  Plaque is difficult to remove after it has formed, and although the possibility of plaque detachment is relatively small, this condition cannot be ruled out.

  Most plaques are ruptured due to the dual effects of high blood sugar and high blood pressure, and after the rupture occurs, the platelets in the blood will coagulate and form a blood clot, which will flow to all parts of the body with the flow of blood, so it will be more dangerous to form a blood clot.

  When the blood clot increases, it will cause the blockage of blood vessels, which will have a great impact on the health of the body, so it is necessary to intervene in time to prevent the plaque from falling off after it is found.

There is a high risk of arterial plaque detachment, how to prevent it?Doctor: These two types of people should pay special attention!

  Who needs special attention to prevent plaque from falling off?

  For patients with high blood pressure and high blood sugar, they should pay attention to the changes in their body on a daily basis and try not to let their blood pressure and blood sugar fluctuate too much, so as not to increase the risk of plaque shedding. So how exactly can it be prevented?

  1. Develop good living habits

  These two types of patients need to develop good living habits every day, do not stay up late, go to bed early and get up early, adhere to moderate exercise every day, appropriate exercise can promote the speed of blood circulation in the body, but also enhance their own resistance, and is also very helpful for the stability of blood pressure and blood sugar.

  In addition, these two types of patients also need to measure blood pressure and blood sugar every day, especially after waking up in the morning and before breakfast, which is a relatively standard time period.

There is a high risk of arterial plaque detachment, how to prevent it?Doctor: These two types of people should pay special attention!

  2. Adjust your eating habits

  Patients with high blood pressure need to pay attention to a light diet and try to eat less greasy and spicy food, because these foods will stimulate blood pressure, make blood pressure rise rapidly, and maintain emotional stability.

  Patients with high blood sugar try to avoid high-sugar foods every day, and eat staple foods appropriately, if they do not eat staple foods at all, it will also cause blood sugar to rise.

There is a high risk of arterial plaque detachment, how to prevent it?Doctor: These two types of people should pay special attention!

  It can be seen that the formation of plaque has a lot to do with daily bad habits and chronic diseases, and after the formation of plaque, it will have a great impact on the body.

  In addition, there is a risk of plaque falling off, once it falls off, it will cause very serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and even life-threatening in severe cases, so we must pay attention to prevent plaque shedding, especially for patients with hypertension and hyperglycemia, and the specific prevention methods can refer to the above.