
[Anti-fraud and anti-fraud] Don't use these weak passwords!

author:Suiyang release
[Anti-fraud and anti-fraud] Don't use these weak passwords!
[Anti-fraud and anti-fraud] Don't use these weak passwords!
[Anti-fraud and anti-fraud] Don't use these weak passwords!
[Anti-fraud and anti-fraud] Don't use these weak passwords!

Safety is more important than Mount Tai

Prevention starts before it happens

Do you have any passwords that you are familiar with?

If you happen to have one

That's quite possible

Your password is at risk of a "weak password"!

What is a weak password?

"Weak passwords" are weak passwords, usually those that are easy to guess or crack. "Weak passwords" are easy to be cracked, which puts our computers, accounts, and information at risk to security, so it is not recommended for everyone to use them. It's like putting your home key under the mat at the door of your house, let's just say, this habit is convenient, but is it safe?

Common weak password combinations

The dangers of weak passwords

Although the password is weak, the risk is high! Let's take a look at the harm of weak passwords!

1. Account Hacking

By guessing or brute-force cracking weak passwords, you can hack into your account and steal your account information, bringing risks such as stealing sensitive personal information, impersonating users to commit fraud, and stealing business information.

2. Data breaches

If we use the same weak password on multiple platforms at the same time, once the password is compromised, the attacker can try to use the password to log in to accounts on other platforms, which may lead to data leakage, financial losses and other risks.

3. Privacy Exposure

Once home cameras and public cameras are cracked, the privacy of individuals and families may be widely disseminated online.

4. Disguise scams

Use your social media tools to scam friends and relatives out of money or even post bad information.

Weak passwords can be much more harmful than you think!

Yes. For example, the school has many business systems (e-mail, unified identity authentication system, academic affairs management system, scientific research management system, financial management system, etc.), which are important supports for the daily teaching, scientific research and management of teachers and students. If users set up "weak passwords" in these systems, it is easy to become the target of hackers using password dictionaries to carry out automatic credential stuffing attacks, once the account is illegally accessed, not only personal privacy information is exposed to the risk of leakage, but also may lead to property losses, and even have a negative impact on the reputation and image of the school.

Set the password correctly

What principles should be followed when setting up various computer passwords?

1. Do not use air passwords or system default passwords.

2. The password length should not be less than 8 characters, and the password should not be a continuous character (such as AAAAA) or a combination of repeating certain characters.

3. The password should be a combination of the following four types of characters, uppercase letters (A-Z), lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and at least three of the special characters.

4. The password should not contain the name and date of birth, commemorative date, login name, e-mail address, etc., as well as words in the dictionary, of the person, parents, children, and spouse.

5. The password should be easy to remember and be quick to type, preventing others from seeing and remembering your type from behind you.

6. Don't use the same password: Use different passwords across multiple accounts, and try to change passwords at least once in 90 days to prevent undetected intruders from continuing to use them.

I've seen this

Are you sure you don't want to strengthen your password?

[Anti-fraud and anti-fraud] Don't use these weak passwords!
[Anti-fraud and anti-fraud] Don't use these weak passwords!

Organizer: Propaganda Department of Suiyang County Committee of the Communist Party of China

Organizer: Suiyang County Rong Media Center

监制:石芝谋 | 总编辑:卢永贤

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Peng Kunyu Li Shanshan

责任编辑:张丽 | 责任校审:李珊珊

Source: USTC Network Information Service