
Minqin: Play a good "combination boxing" and guard the "safety pass"

author:Civil Employment Condenser

The responsibility of safety is heavier than Mount Tai. In the past few days, Caiqi Town, Minqin County, has organized grid members, persuaders, forest rangers, and grass managers to carry out patrol and inspection work in their respective areas, and jointly build traffic, forest defense, and fire safety lines.

Minqin: Play a good "combination boxing" and guard the "safety pass"

Distribution of safety publicity materials Photo by Wang Zhenyan

On the streets of Caiqi Village, Caiqi Town, you can see all kinds of traffic and fire prevention banners and warning slogans everywhere. Safety inspectors visited extensively to publicize safety knowledge to residents, shop owners along the street, drivers and passengers, etc., and sounded the safety alarm.

"We insist on carrying out traffic law enforcement inspections at the United Town Police Station in 'Qingming', 'May Day', 'Dragon Boat Festival', 'Mid-Autumn Festival' and 'National Day', as well as students' commuting to and from school and special weather such as strong winds and ice and snow. Focus on the persuasion of illegal behaviors such as electric vehicles not wearing helmets, driving in the opposite direction, carrying people in violation of regulations, agricultural vehicles, and drunk driving, so as to ensure the safe travel of the masses. Wang Yongsong, a counselor in Caiqi Village, Caiqi Town, Minqin County, said.

Minqin: Play a good "combination boxing" and guard the "safety pass"

Traffic persuasion photo by Wang Zhenyan

During the inspection, the inspection team focused on reminding the relevant precautions such as gas safety and fire extinguishers in shops along the street, educating and guiding drivers and passengers to consciously abide by road traffic laws and regulations, recognize the importance of safe driving, and make every effort to create a strong atmosphere of "everyone stresses safety and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies".

Minqin: Play a good "combination boxing" and guard the "safety pass"

Check the fire extinguishers of the shops along the street Photo by Wang Zhenyan

"Caiqi Town conscientiously organized town and village cadres to learn the work measures of 'eight mechanisms, three lists, one guarantee and one commitment', held a special meeting on safety production and forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing in a timely manner, and clarified the safety responsibilities of towns, villages and communities in accordance with the work requirements of 'three pipes and three musts', and built a strong safety line of defense. At present, a total of 11 fire prevention orders and fire bans have been posted in conspicuous positions, key areas and road sections in various villages, more than 20 banners have been hung, 2 forest and grassland fire prevention warning signs have been made, and more than 120 safety reminder text messages and WeChat messages have been pushed in various fields to enhance the safety awareness of the masses. Yin Zhaoyang, deputy mayor of Caiqi Town, Minqin County, said.

The "voice" of safety propaganda is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and safety knowledge is well-known. In recent years, Minqin County has carried out safety inspections in the form of multi-channel and full coverage, done a good job in the basic skills of "diligent drills" and "strong investigations", and played a good role in safety publicity, so as to enhance the ability of the masses to deal with potential safety hazards and self-defense and self-rescue, and build a solid foundation for safety.

Reporter: Zhang Xiaojiao, Wang Zhenyan

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