
【April 11】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis

author:Michiyama Furo

Thursday, April 11

-The third day of the first month of March, the first year of the first month, the second day of the month of the month of Wuchen-

[Appropriate] cleaning, moving, moving a new house, breaking ground, praying for blessings, making beds, sacrificing, building, making livestock, dismantling, making fires, cutting wood, opening light, and asking for children

【Don't】Marriage, travel, signing a contract, paying money, opening a business, planting, burial, and cooking

【April 11】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis

Rank of the Divine Rank

God of Wealth: Northeast God of Joy: Northwest God of Fortune: Southwest

auspicious time

01:00-02:59 in Dingchou, 07:00-08:59 in Gengchen, 11:00-12:59 in Renwu, 13:00-14:59 in Guiwei, 19:00-20:59 in Bingxu, 21:00-22:59 in Dinghai.

【April 11】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis


Water and Heaven Need (Need Hexagram)

Stand by

Hexagram in the middle and upper levels

【 Elephant Day 】The pearl has been buried deep for a long time, and there is no light until now, when suddenly the wind blows the earth, and the nature is revealed. This hexagram is the overlapping of different hexagrams, the lower hexagram is dry, the meaning of being strong, and the upper hexagram is the meaning of difficulty, the meaning of danger. In the face of danger, it is advisable to be steady, not to act recklessly, to wait for changes, and to succeed.

【 Career 】The key is to judge the situation, wait patiently, and achieve it in peace, do not take risks, and do not reach it quickly. You must be full of self-confidence, not afraid of danger, and stick to the integrity, you will be able to turn danger into disaster. When the situation is favorable, we still have to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

At the beginning of the action, the situation is difficult, and we must create conditions and opportunities with great patience, act above board, wait for changes, and realize our wishes. When things are close to success, they should be more cautious and not fall short.

【 Seeking a name 】The time is not yet ripe, so you should be patient. At this time, you should be firm in your faith, not swayed by gossip, strive to enrich yourself, and then turn to reliable people to succeed.

【 Going out 】After being fully prepared, you can be safe.

【 Marriage and Love 】Be cautious, do not act hastily, gradually cultivate feelings, treat each other honestly and warmly, accidents will occur, and there can still be a good ending. Both sides should understand the principle of overcoming rigidity with softness.

【 Decision ] The future is bright, ambitious, and achievable. To this end, it is necessary to accumulate strength, wait for the opportunity, and become a late bloomer. I have a strong will and a calm mind. There will be difficulties and obstacles on the way, and we must be very cautious, calmly deal with the slander of the villain, and be calm in the face of disasters. Don't act rashly, choose the direction calmly. Be humble, frank, and have the help of others to promote the success of your career. When the time comes, it will be smooth sailing.

【April 11】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis

Wear it every day

April 11th

[1] [Daji color] yellow, coffee, brown, brown, orange yellow, born by the five elements of the day. The implication is that it is easy to get the help of nobles, and everything goes well.

[2] [Second auspicious color] red, purple, pink, orange-red, the same as the five elements of the day. It means that luck is favored, things go smoothly, and it is conducive to cooperation and negotiation to achieve a win-win situation.

[3] [Plain color] black, blue, gram of the five elements of the day. It means that hard work will be rewarded, as long as we work diligently, we will get a rich harvest, which is conducive to seeking wealth.

[4] [Careful use of color] green, cyan, turquoise, emerald green, the five elements of the day of birth. The implication is that excessive consumption can easily lead to lack of energy. You need to remind yourself to avoid making mistakes due to lack of energy.

[5] [Avoid color] white, silver, gray, beige, by the five elements of the day. The implication is that many difficulties and obstacles are faced, resulting in slow progress and half the effort.

April 12th

[1] [Daji color] yellow, coffee, brown, brown, orange yellow, born by the five elements of the day. The implication is that it is easy to get the help of nobles, and everything goes well.

[2] [Second auspicious color] red, purple, pink, orange-red, the same as the five elements of the day. It means that luck is favored, things go smoothly, and it is conducive to cooperation and negotiation to achieve a win-win situation.

[3] [Plain color] black, blue, gram of the five elements of the day. It means that hard work will be rewarded, as long as we work diligently, we will get a rich harvest, which is conducive to seeking wealth.

[4] [Careful use of color] green, cyan, turquoise, emerald green, the five elements of the day of birth. The implication is that excessive consumption can easily lead to lack of energy. You need to remind yourself to avoid making mistakes due to lack of energy.

[5] [Avoid color] white, silver, gray, beige, by the five elements of the day. The implication is that many difficulties and obstacles are faced, resulting in slow progress and half the effort.

April 13th

[1] [Daji] White, silver, gray, beige, born by the five elements of the day. The implication is that it is easy to get the help of nobles, and everything goes well.

[2] [Second auspicious color] yellow, coffee, brown, brown, orange yellow, the same as the five elements of the day. It means that luck is favored, things go smoothly, and it is conducive to cooperation and negotiation to achieve a win-win situation.

[3] [Plain color] green, cyan, turquoise, emerald green, gram of the five elements of the day. It means that hard work will be rewarded, as long as we work diligently, we will get a rich harvest, which is conducive to seeking wealth.

[4] [Use color with caution] red, purple, pink, orange red, the five elements of the day of birth. The implication is that excessive consumption can easily lead to lack of energy.

[5] [Avoid color] black, blue, by the five elements of the day. The implication is that many difficulties and obstacles are faced, resulting in slow progress and half the effort.

Zodiac Horoscope 2024/04/11

【April 11】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis

Teji Zodiac: Monkey

Sub-auspicious zodiac: Rooster, ox

Zodiac signs with decline: pig, tiger

Zodiac nobles: people who belong to the snake

NO.1 申猴

Zhengcai is in charge, and the "Liuhe" auspicious star is in his fate

If you choose to talk about cooperation in a place with an elegant atmosphere, you will have the advantage of time and place, the probability of success is higher, your mind is clear, you know what you want, and you are diligent and positive. The mood is so beautiful, share it with good friends and let the happiness spread.

NO.2 丑牛

Seven killings, "Sanhe" auspicious star into the fate

The company's boss is very satisfied with your performance, and because of the encouragement of the leader, you are more motivated, and you have the opportunity to be promoted and raised. In addition, if a friend invites you to a party, don't turn it down, and share the joy while strengthening friendship.

NO.3 Chenlong

is in charge of the official affairs, and the peach blossom of "Tianxi" is fateful

Dragon people have a bullish fortune, clear thinking, and a cool head, which can not only end their work perfectly, but also help other colleagues and gain good popularity. The peach blossoms are prosperous, and the single person is easy to meet the person he likes in the party, and the lover gets along with each other very harmoniously, and the romance is romantic and sweet.

NO.4 Chicken

Partial to wealth, "Sanhe" auspicious star into the fate

It is a day when the rooster is partial to wealth and fortune, and it is easy to have unexpected good things to come, so that your pocket is full, even if you buy things, you can do it all around, buy satisfactory goods, and deserve to be a master of financial management. If the work is going well and you will have the opportunity to attend the party, you will have the opportunity to expand your network and help you in the future.

NO.5 戌狗

is in charge of the official affairs, and the "red luan" peach blossom is in his fate

The dog people have good luck today, their career is making steady progress, their plans are carried out smoothly, their efficiency is quite high, and they can complete the task early. Love luck is better, single people are particularly charming, have a strong attraction, and are expected to start a wonderful relationship, and those with partners are prone to quarrels over small things and need to be more tolerant.

NO.6 巳蛇

Principal Seal

Snake people are suitable for giving full play to their talents today, their advantages and abilities are highlighted, and they are easy to become the objects of learning from those around them, and they will also be praised by the leaders and get a great sense of satisfaction. In addition, if you put a little thought into dressing, it will bring more good luck.

NO.7 未羊

Seven killings

There will be obstacles in what the sheep people are doing today, and there are differences between what they think and what they want to do, in fact, there is no need to force themselves, this is only temporary, and I believe that it will be better in the future. In addition, it is advisable to be still and not to move, be more careful in everything, and wait for a good opportunity before acting.


Shoulder to shoulder

Rabbit people are not going well today, and there will be many unexpected things around you, such as family illness, work changes, etc., which will make you physically and mentally exhausted. In addition, the consumption of money is large, and even the wallet is bleeding, so it is necessary to properly control the consumption in case of emergency.

NO.9 子鼠

The god of food is in charge

The rat people are not very good-tempered today, they are a little angry, and they are prone to contradictions and disputes with others over some small things, and they need to be calm when they encounter problems. Under the influence of bad mood, the work is not going well, only by recovering the mood can it be effective, and it is not easy for job seekers to find a suitable job, so it is recommended to improve personal ability.

NO.10 Afternoon Horse

Biased Supervisor

Centaur people are not easy to trust people today, which will cause you a great hindrance, whether it is work or life is difficult to move an inch, remember to doubt people, do not doubt people, poor financial luck, and wealth always pass by. In such a bad mood, evening is the best time for you to relax, so let's vent.

NO.11 寅虎

rob the wealth of the principal, "commit" the decay star into the fate

Tiger people are not in a high mood today, always inexplicably irritable, so they are inattentive and prone to make more mistakes. Money and fortune are declining, and it is difficult to have a chance to make money, especially girls are easy to spend money to buy happiness because of a bad mood, and their wallets quickly flatten.

NO.12 亥猪


Pig people want to do everything wholeheartedly today, but it backfires, there are always things that annoy and undo you, and your confidence is greatly affected. It is advisable to maintain the self-confidence and good attitude of the past, and you will find that the difficulties become much easier.

【April 11】Dressing and zodiac horoscope analysis

Birth Eight Characters - Today's Birth Horoscope


Baobao Personality Analysis

Gentle, kind and romantic, he is a very lucky person, and there are often incredible lucky things that befall him. The eloquence is extraordinary and convincing. However, he is a bit willful and sometimes inevitably suffers setbacks. Sincere and melancholy, noble personality, compassionate, for the benefit of all mankind and alleviation of the suffering of the world, may be your lifelong wish, just reward, honor and success are also the inevitable results, sometimes the personality is not stable enough.


Life horoscope

People born on April 11, 2024 are enterprising, confident in their abilities, and always want to show their ambitions when they get the chance. Moreover, he has the ability to reason, and his imagination is full of creative inspiration, and he often presents his unique and revolutionary ideas to friends and colleagues. If he does something wrong, he has the courage to admit it, but at the same time he is very demanding of others.


Chongsha: Snake Ri Chong (Jihai) pig Shadong

Because April 11, 2024 is the day of the snake, according to the principle of the genus phase, April 11, 2024 is the zodiac pig, and the pig is rushed. Rush with pigs, harm with tigers, triple with chickens and cows, and six with monkeys.