
Driving under the influence of alcohol almost cost him his life when he washed into the pond

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source | Urban Live Original

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Don't drink while driving

Drink alcohol and don't drive

But some people still have a fluke mentality

Jishui County Traffic Police of Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province

Received a call to the police a few days ago

Said a car had rushed into the pond

The driver was unconscious, and the crowd was at a loss

Driving under the influence of alcohol almost cost him his life when he washed into the pond
Wang Dongbin, auxiliary police officer of the Baisha Squadron of the Jishui County Traffic Police Brigade: After receiving the police, we quickly rushed to the scene, and when we arrived at the scene, we found that the driver in the cab was unconscious.

As can be seen from the scene footage, the water in the pond reached the depth of a person's knees, and the rescuers used a baton to break the glass of the right rear door and then opened the car door and dragged the driver out of the driver's seat.

Driving under the influence of alcohol almost cost him his life when he washed into the pond
Wang Dongbin, auxiliary police officer of the Baisha Squadron of the Jishui County Traffic Police Brigade: In the process of rescue, we found that there was a strong smell of alcohol in the cab, and in the case of ensuring that the driver was not harmed, we used a alcohol test stick to test the driver and found that the driver had indeed drunk.
Driving under the influence of alcohol almost cost him his life when he washed into the pond

After testing, the alcohol content of the driver Zhu was 74mg/100ml, which belonged to drunk driving. The police first sent Zhu to the hospital for treatment, and retrieved nearby public videos to find the cause of the accident.

According to the video, at 3:05 p.m. on the 5th, when Zhu drove a white car to the three-way intersection of Hanhu Village, Dalong Village, Baisha Town, he originally wanted to turn to the right, but because he was drunk and drove the vehicle at a fast speed, the car rushed forward, knocked down the wall and rushed into the pond, fortunately, the water in the pond was only half a meter deep at that time, and Zhu was rescued after falling into a coma, but the vehicle was seriously damaged.

The traffic police said that after Zhu recovered from treatment, he would bear full responsibility for the accident, compensate for the loss of residents' homes, and accept the punishment of driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. The traffic police also hope that everyone will learn a lesson from this and never drink and drive.

Driving under the influence of alcohol almost cost him his life when he washed into the pond
Yuan Xiaoqing, Squadron Leader of the Baisha Squadron of the Jishui County Traffic Police Brigade: Driving a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol will reduce the driver's tactile ability, judgment ability and operation ability, and it is easy to produce visual impairment, which seriously endangers road traffic safety.