
With AI activating the enterprise employment model, 360 AI employees [red] officially took up their posts Finance

  Recently, 360 announced that its first AI employee, "Red", has officially joined the AI Division. "Redcoat" is supported by the 360 security model, which is the security analysis partner, safety disposal expert, emergency response expert, security knowledge consultant, security operation assistant, etc. in the security operation of the enterprise, with 7*24 hours of on-the-job work efficiency and ability, one person carries the banner of the 360 AI business department.

With AI activating the enterprise employment model, 360 AI employees [red] officially took up their posts

  In today's volatile external threats and complex enterprise environment, security operations rely on top-tier security experts with strong knowledge and experience. However, most enterprises often lack senior security talents for a long time, and ordinary operation personnel are faced with separate security products and a large number of alarms, resulting in low overall operational efficiency.

  In order to solve the problems of limited capabilities, time and tools of security personnel, "Redcoat" was officially incorporated into the 360 AI Division, and with the support of the security model capability, it gives full play to the dual advantages accumulated by 360 in the field of digital security and artificial intelligence.

  Become an expert in data analysis and improve your ability to "see".

  Security operation data analysis is often faced with a large amount of security data, which requires professional analysts to conduct comprehensive research and judgment based on multiple data sources and attack behaviors, which is time-consuming and laborious but difficult to achieve real-time monitoring and early warning, and false positives and false negatives will directly lead to the occurrence of security incidents, which is a typical scenario with large workload and high accuracy requirements.

With AI activating the enterprise employment model, 360 AI employees [red] officially took up their posts

  After the "red coat" takes up the post, its natural language processing capabilities can help parse logs and security event data, clearly present information such as attack background, attack process, and affected assets, reaching the level of senior security experts. It frees analysts from tens of thousands of alarm storms, improves the average response time by 100%, and achieves an accuracy of more than 85% for security alarm analysis, with a workload equivalent to that of a data analysis expert with an annual salary of millions.

  Become an emergency response assistant to improve your "disposal" capabilities

  The disposal work in operation needs to be stopped by every second, and the work of information collection, analysis and coordination is arduous, and it is necessary to respond to different events and different equipment. After an incident occurs, selecting a disposal plan, issuing a disposal action, and reporting a disposal conclusion are typical scenarios with high timeliness and practical experience.

  In the incident response process, Redcoat can provide the optimal disposal plan, covering investigation ideas, traceability directions, data query commands, impact analysis, disposal suggestions, etc., to assist security operators in decision-making, and at the same time, assist in collecting post-disposal indicators for reporting.

With AI activating the enterprise employment model, 360 AI employees [red] officially took up their posts

  In addition, "Redcoat" can also generate emergency plans through natural language, greatly reducing the technical threshold and development cycle of script arrangement, and achieving a 300% efficiency jump for the overall efficiency improvement of security operations, which is equivalent to an annual salary of one million security operation experts.

  Become a security consultant and improve your "knowledge" skills

  Security consulting runs through the entire operation work, often relying on a lot of experience precipitation and induction, and it is necessary to continuously update knowledge to cope with the changing security environment. At the same time, it is also necessary to have a deep understanding of business needs when providing customized advice, which is a typical scenario with a large amount of data and relying on experience accumulation. It often causes the problem of "when you don't use it, you feel that there is something worth summarizing everywhere, and you can't remember where it is when you want to use it".

  After joining the "Red Coat", it can continue to provide the latest safety regulations, best practices and industry trends, systematically archive all kinds of knowledge documents, knowledge systems, safety data and other related content, condense and form knowledge, assist in generating proposals, and ensure that the content is comprehensive and accurate.

With AI activating the enterprise employment model, 360 AI employees [red] officially took up their posts

  With the cooperation of the "red coat" and the safety operation personnel, the closed-loop of summarizing knowledge of the large model, empowering personnel with knowledge, creating new knowledge, and continuously training the large model with new knowledge has been realized, and the security consultant work with an annual salary of one million yuan has been undertaken.

  7*24 hours tirelessly, to improve the quality and efficiency of thousands of industries

  With the blessing of 360 security big data, actual attack and defense experience, knowledge graph and other genes, the brain-like architecture of the "red" large model can outperform GPT4 in security professional scenarios such as data analysis, scene orchestration, and linkage disposal. Truly improve the quality and efficiency of the digital security system.

  In the future, "Redcoat" will continue to do a good job in the operation of the 360 Digital Security Operation Center, and continue to improve its ability to "see", "handle" and "know" in alarm detection, situation monitoring, analysis and judgment, automatic disposal, threat hunting, script arrangement, analysis report and operation report generation. In the positions of data analysis experts, emergency response assistants and security consultants, they will advance to senior security experts, continue to improve efficiency, reduce errors, provide timely and accurate information support for security experts, and do a good job of intelligent assistance.

  At the same time, "Redcoat" will go deep into the two major scenarios of 360 security cloud, public cloud and privatization, help users improve quality and efficiency, and complete the new transformation of the organizational form of productivity. In the public cloud scenario, "Redcoat" will continue the practice of the 360 digital security operation center, fully undertake the security operation work of leading customers such as network information, governments, central enterprises, and operators, and fully liberate the existing labor force and truly help enterprises "improve quality, efficiency and reduce burden" in security!

  In addition to entering thousands of industries to assist in security operations, "Redcoat" will give full play to its superpowers, adhere to the four principles of "reliable, credible, benevolent, and controllable", and always self-check and self-correct with the large model security capability system framework (AISF framework), and use the model to ensure network and data security, generate content security, solve problems such as malicious use and model loss of control, and be the safest excellent employee!