
Smoking, drinking, and tea, tea can "offset" the harm of tobacco and alcohol?

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: 39 Health Network

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At present, smoking, drinking and drinking tea have become an indispensable part of our lives, and even become an important tool for many people to work and socialize, so there is a saying that "smoking, drinking and tea do not leave home".

Although everyone knows that smoking and drinking alcohol are harmful to the human body, there are always people who have a fluke mentality, thinking that as long as it is moderate, it will be fine, and some people say that drinking tea can offset the harm of tobacco and alcohol, but is this really the case?

1. Drinking: all kinds of harm but no benefit

The Lancet published a study on whether moderate alcohol consumption affects health, and researchers analyzed people's drinking data and found that there was no healthy amount of alcohol at all.

The study collected drinking data from about 210,000 men and 300,000 women in 10 different urban and rural areas of the mainland, ranging in age from 30 to 79 years, and a total of 56,000 deaths occurred over the next 12 years of follow-up, of which 72.5% were caused by cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Smoking, drinking, and tea, tea can "offset" the harm of tobacco and alcohol?

The graph comes from the network

Research data show a positive correlation between alcohol intake and the risk of death, with even those who drink less at a certain risk of dying or dying from alcohol-related diseases.

The article also pointed out that there are 61 diseases related to alcohol consumption among men in mainland China, including 28 diseases related to alcohol intake identified by the WHO, such as liver cancer, colorectal cancer, and alcoholic liver disease, as well as 33 unidentified diseases such as lung disease, cataract, and stomach disease.

According to the data, men who consume 100 grams of alcohol per week have a 12% and 7% increased risk of cancer and all-cause mortality, respectively, so there is no such thing as moderation.

Therefore, stop ignoring the dangers of drinking, even if the harm of a drink is systemic.

Smoking, drinking, and tea, tea can "offset" the harm of tobacco and alcohol?

2. Smoking: damage to organs throughout the body

A number of global studies have pointed out that smoking is very harmful to the human body, such as lung cancer, which is the most commonly heard and closely related to smoking, and nearly 1 million patients die from smoking in mainland China every year.

In addition to being a high-risk carcinogen, long-term inhalation of tobacco will also have other adverse effects, and even cause damage to organs throughout the body, far more than lung cancer.

1. Accelerate the process of Alzheimer's disease

The Journal of Neurology has also published a study that the elderly who smoke have a 5-fold decline in intellectual function compared with non-smokers, which researchers believe is related to the cardiovascular impact of smoking, and smoking is also more likely to damage brain tissue and accelerate the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

Smoking, drinking, and tea, tea can "offset" the harm of tobacco and alcohol?

2. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

At present, there is ample evidence that smoking has a certain relationship with the appearance of atherosclerosis, and the damage of smoking to vascular endothelial function will affect the blood circulation of the whole body, leading to a variety of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as stroke, peripheral arterial disease, etc., and the risk of the disease increases with the increase of smoking amount and smoking years.

3. Chronic respiratory diseases

Smoking affects the immune function of the respiratory tract and the normal functioning of the lungs, leading to a variety of chronic respiratory diseases. Studies have shown that smoking can also induce diseases such as bronchial asthma, small airway dysfunction, pulmonary embolism, and sleep apnea.

Smoking, drinking, and tea, tea can "offset" the harm of tobacco and alcohol?

4. Reproductive health

There is ample evidence that smoking will reduce the rate of female conception and malformations, and excessive smoking in men will also affect erectile function and have adverse effects on reproductive health.

Overall, smoking is harmful to almost every part of the body

It is known that tobacco smoke contains at least 69 known carcinogens and a variety of harmful gases, and second-hand or even third-hand smoke produced by smoking will increase the risk of lung cancer by 20%-30% to those around you, and will also increase the risk of lung, respiratory system and a variety of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases of relatives and friends.

Smoking, drinking, and tea, tea can "offset" the harm of tobacco and alcohol?

3. Drinking tea: improper methods are harmful to health

A study by Peking University's School of Public Health on the causes of cancer caused by drinking tea has completely upended many people's perceptions, and researchers compared the changes of tea drinkers and non-tea drinkers in the next 10 years, and found that people who drank more tea had a higher cancer rate than those who drank less tea.

However, the researchers also warn that there are hidden conditions in this conclusion, such as many tea drinkers also have habits such as smoking and drinking, so the incidence of cancer is also high, so the conclusion shows that the occurrence of cancer is inseparable from the influence of other lifestyle habits.

Smoking, drinking, and tea, tea can "offset" the harm of tobacco and alcohol?

At the same time, experts also pointed out that if you don't master the right way to drink tea, it may backfire and even bring more serious harm to the body.

1. Often drink hot tea, esophageal cancer will target you

Hot drinks above 65°C have been classified as Group 2A carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) because they can cause damage to the esophageal mucosa above 65°C, and the temperature of freshly boiled tea can even reach 80°C.

Surveys have shown that the high incidence of esophageal cancer in Fujian and Chaoshan may be related to the local people's love of drinking hot tea.

Smoking, drinking, and tea, tea can "offset" the harm of tobacco and alcohol?

2. Love to drink strong tea, hurt the kidneys, hurt the stomach and hurt the whole body

Strong tea contains high concentrations of oxalic acid and fluoride, which can cause kidney stones and even adversely affect kidney function when ingested for a long time. Moreover, there is a large amount of caffeine and theophylline in strong tea, which will stimulate gastric acid secretion, cause damage to the gastric mucosa, and even cause gastritis and gastric ulcers.

Large ingestions can also cause brain excitement, mild insomnia, and severe may affect abnormal heart rate. Tea will also inhibit the absorption of calcium, iron and other nutrients, especially the elderly are prone to aggravate calcium loss and osteoporosis and iron deficiency anemia.

Smoking, drinking, and tea, tea can "offset" the harm of tobacco and alcohol?

Fourth, drinking tea can "detoxify" the "poison" of tobacco and alcohol, is this really the case?

It is true that tea has a certain effect on the decomposition of certain toxins in tobacco, and active substances such as tea polyphenols also have the effect of reducing the risk of cancer, so many people begin to use tea to offset the harm of tobacco and alcohol, but is this really the case?

Peking University has released a paper on the link between tea drinking, smoking and alcohol consumption and cancer risk, and in a follow-up survey initiated by the team of Professor Li Liming of Peking University, it was found that the daily tea consumption of these 455981 subjects did not change the overall risk of cancer even if they did not smoke and did not drink too much alcohol.

Therefore, drinking tea does not offset the health effects of smoking and drinking.

Smoking, drinking, and tea, tea can "offset" the harm of tobacco and alcohol?

Relying on tea to offset the poison of tobacco and alcohol is tantamount to making up for the dead, self-psychological comfort of "health", the ultimate harm is their own body, it is recommended to quit smoking and drinking, and the most important thing is to regulate life and rest.


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